Author Topic: Due To The Uthamaki Threat I'll Start Defection Talks  (Read 1509 times)

Offline Omollo

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Due To The Uthamaki Threat I'll Start Defection Talks
« on: June 05, 2021, 06:56:20 AM »
I'm aware that some people think Ruto or Raila will succeed Uhuru Muthamaki Kenyatta. But I must pour cold water on that.

Uthamaki has zero incentives to drop power. There's no credible threat to scare them. Why would they surrender power?

Power is:
1. Seized
2. Lost
3. Surrendered

Uhuru seized it from Kibaki. Kibaki took it when a tired Moi left it to drift. Moi took it after Kenyatta died and Njonjo & Mama Nani needed a place to have it rest as the sons matured.

Nobody has ever surrendered power in Kenya. Not even Kibaki. Nobody! I don't expect the one man who for 9 years has conducted the most elaborate witchhunt to weed out dissent, doubters, ditherers and careful out of his court remaining with super sycophants all singing his praises ... to surrender power. No

When Uhuru turns left
The sycophants salute
When he turns right
They bow
When he coughs
They touch their chests
When he sneezes
They shout Bless Yous
When he farts
Someone takes the blame

Power doesn't corrupt
The men who surround power
Corrupt the man who wields the power
The man who wields the power
Loves it
He enjoys the slow, willful corruption of his self

So I've decided I'll open negotiations this month so I can join Ruto or any other person to ensure:

Elections are held as scheduled
No BBI and if a referendum is forced on Kenyans it be defeated

The super objective would be to send the spoilt brat back home

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Due To The Uthamaki Threat I'll Start Defection Talks
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2021, 07:14:37 AM »
I think the mid-July by-election in Kiambaa/Muguga is more critical than BBI.

BBI is dead - I don't see how CoA or any part of the judiciary will ever support something that is almost meant to forever control them.

So 1) Uhuru/Jubilee future.

If Kiambu people reject Uhuru (he has picked a popular candidate - dumped Koinange family heir) after Juja, Nyandarua, Muranga, Nakuru have done.
Then it's over for Uhuru as a politician.
He would simply be of no use - Jubilee will close shop in a month - but a few may try go and eat crumbs thereby 'reforming' it.

2) If Kiambaa is lost - people will flee Jubilee - and Uhuru orphans in gov will panic some more.

The proxy card will be gone - Uhuru will be chief without any cattle. The same way Matiangi nascent political career was ENDED IN DRAMATIC FASHION IN BONCHARI :)

They will indeed become dangerous - and might dangerous risky moves

Some of the dangerous cards they could play
1) Take advantage of COVID - and try to postpone elections - at least for one year - and hope the cards can be re-arranged.
2)  Bring assassination squad - kill a few people to prove lame duck still can bite or even go for big target like Ruto himself - and plunge the country into civil war (too dangerous)
3) They might as last ditch even consider military - too dangerous - they cannot control KDF after that - and they have most to lose in wealth and such.

Unless Uhuru realizes PORK or no PORK - he was already so rich - he doesn't need to play dangerous moves.

So looking at the cards they can play - assuming Kiambaa is lost. Politically - nobody will listen to him. There is no time for a second chance. Election mood is already in the air. Nobody want to start with baggage from a broke unpopular gov - except maybe a fool like Raila.

So  the next card definitely is to try to postpone the election due to covid, IEBC unpreparedness, the  need to pass BBI so we don't go to war (
because without bbi we will kill each other). They will definitely find a willing parliament - coz every MP knows 70% of them - won't make it. But will Raila agree to this? Definitely, if they tell him it's for BBI to pass.

But knowing Uhuru has the most to lose if shit hit the fan  he  will likely negotiate his exit with Ruto , forgive each other and reconcile post-Kiambaa.

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Re: Due To The Uthamaki Threat I'll Start Defection Talks
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2021, 07:40:30 AM »
Omollo, Just to add, by the time nobody in GEMA want to be finance minister, a borana cattle herder is left alone, then that clearly indicator they are ready to exit.

This is akin to last years of Moi - when he pulled Masakhalia from his VW beetle and made him Finance Minister. The gov coffers were so empty there was nothing to steal anymore!! so poor man from Busia was left to sweat talk creditors and IMF.

Nyachae had one look at the treasury account - and famously declared Kenya gov BROKE.

That was before Moi gave up - and told WB/IMF - to select whoever they wanted and do whatever they want - and Leakey team came. Kenya was officially under receivership manager from IMF Bank.

Bottomline - The GOV is broke, debt repayment such a hassle (thank god paris club has agreed for debt relife), meeting constitutional payments from the consolidated fund to counties, pension and such is impossible. Some counties have yet to receive money from treasury since January - salaries unpaid for months.

Treasury is so broke - no GEMA elite want to be near it.


Without money - there is just raw power - just barking power or misusing security agency.

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Re: Due To The Uthamaki Threat I'll Start Defection Talks
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2021, 08:08:47 AM »
Pundit what you describe is the GEMA Game of Thrones: they fuck up the country and bring it to the edge. Then some guy they see as no threat to Eating Hyenas takes power - last time it was Moi - and rescues them from imminent civil war and possible exile to Somalia ( the only neighboring country that can still accept Ethnic Kikuyu Refugees from Kenya; Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan have firm plans to forcefully stop any Kikuyu influx).

A few years down the line, the intelligentsia decides it's time to get power back. And for the next 15 haunt the person with lies, cheap propaganda but it fails. So they decide to mobilize the poor in the tribe.

Right now GEMA is more than scared of where the country is heading. But it's insufficient to nudge them to give up power. Look how KRA has served and continues to serve them? A Tribesman finds a business owned by some lesser tribe; he wants it for free; KRA dispatches "inspectors" who look at the papers and .... abracadabra! They find the business owes billions in taxes! What about the annual declarations by well, KRA? Those are declared fake. Man surrenders business to avoid jail. KRA hands it to the tribesman. I've documented 5 such cases including one affecting a poor young Kikuyu whose tiny factory was grabbed.

Uthamaki is about wielding power to aid Buccaneer activities of the tribal cowboys.

The cynical support for a Raila presidency was built on the believe "huyu mtu amekwisha". President Raila dies in office leaving Uthamaki with power again!

Everywhere I look I just see a lack of willingness to let go of power. Even Ruto supporting Uthamakistanis demand DP post. That includes their Nipate representative!
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Due To The Uthamaki Threat I'll Start Defection Talks
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2021, 08:17:15 AM »
COk2010 changed the power dynamics. The PORK is NOT now all that powerful. There is devolution. And there is an independent judiciary where anybody can run to - and all these independent institutions have basically taken the shine off PORK.  HENCE attempt to go back to old good days.
Pundit what you describe is the GEMA Game of Thrones: they fuck up the country and bring it to the edge. Then some guy they see as no threat to Eating Hyenas takes power - last time it was Moi - and rescues them from imminent civil war and possible exile to Somalia ( the only neighboring country that can still accept Ethnic Kikuyu Refugees from Kenya; Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan have firm plans to forcefully stop any Kikuyu influx).

A few years down the line, the intelligentsia decides it's time to get power back. And for the next 15 haunt the person with lies, cheap propaganda but it fails. So they decide to mobilize the poor in the tribe.

Right now GEMA is more than scared of where the country is heading. But it's insufficient to nudge them to give up power. Look how KRA has served and continues to serve them? A Tribesman finds a business owned by some lesser tribe; he wants it for free; KRA dispatches "inspectors" who look at the papers and .... abracadabra! They find the business owes billions in taxes! What about the annual declarations by well, KRA? Those are declared fake. Man surrenders business to avoid jail. KRA hands it to the tribesman. I've documented 5 such cases including one affecting a poor young Kikuyu whose tiny factory was grabbed.

Uthamaki is about wielding power to aid Buccaneer activities of the tribal cowboys.

The cynical support for a Raila presidency was built on the believe "huyu mtu amekwisha". President Raila dies in office leaving Uthamaki with power again!

Everywhere I look I just see a lack of willingness to let go of power. Even Ruto supporting Uthamakistanis demand DP post. That includes their Nipate representative!

Offline Omollo

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Re: Due To The Uthamaki Threat I'll Start Defection Talks
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2021, 08:30:35 AM »
Uhuru Kenyatta is fighting back and God only saved Kenya. Had he pursued the parliamentary route we would be dead. BBI would have become law by January this year or earlier.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread