
Forum => Kenya Discussion => Topic started by: RV Pundit on April 15, 2019, 04:06:45 PM

Title: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 15, 2019, 04:06:45 PM
Jubilee iko juu.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: Nefertiti on April 15, 2019, 09:25:26 PM
Here we go again with false narratives. Your Newfoundland obsession - &  "corruption is not harmful" and other Ruto maxims are things you float at Mavoko bar - not nipate. As I said, the popularity of an item is not vindication. Most vices are widespread & ubiquitous - including corruption, immorality, tribalism, racism, etc - yet their nefarious effect is abundant for us to see. You posted here that corruption is generosity and part of African culture. 8) William Ruto is Eve - or in fact the snake - gullible Wanjiku is Adam. Kenya will pay the wholesome price of the seeds of sin this High Priest of Evil is planting.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: patel on April 15, 2019, 10:37:45 PM
Hard to figure out kenya economy I tell you. Every city centre i visit  lots of construction and second hand cars, imported off course.  However, demand for cement and building materials has gone down matter of fact couple cement manufacturers are staring at bankruptcy. Property market overloaded with units that they have failed to move, everyone is a property broker in these streets. Unemployment I would put it around 60% or higher mainly because everyone that has a job is carrying at least 4 -5 unemployed relatives not including old retired parents. Hard to make sense of this economy.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: Nefertiti on April 15, 2019, 10:48:50 PM
Learn to be economical with the truth Bw patel  :)
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 15, 2019, 10:52:51 PM
Economy is doing so well it now the 3rd biggest in Sub Sahara Africa.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: Nefertiti on April 15, 2019, 11:33:17 PM
Economy is doing so well it now the 3rd biggest in Sub Sahara Africa.

What does this have to do with corruption?
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: Nefertiti on April 16, 2019, 12:55:11 AM
Economy is doing so well it now the 3rd biggest in Sub Sahara Africa.

There is a fool called Bob Collymore who wows investors - with shiny marketshare slides of Safaricom vs Telkom. :) One day the spinner was challenged to show Safcom v Facebook - 30M v 2B customers- 3 v 300 products - since afterall his vision is global? Wasn't his top talent fished far and wide - from across the Atlantic?

"Sub Sahara" is a derogatory for lowest-of-the-lowest standards. It's very difficult to trail South Sudan, DR Congo or Somalia. Saying you merely trail the ultra-corrupt, conflict-pragued Nigeria or the racialized, xenophobic SA is disingenuous. Try Africa - then pole pole graduate to compare with Brazil, Mexico na etc - emerging markets - places where life is bearable and you don't need to qualify where on the map that is. For now we are not even considered a market yet - more like a dump - from which we are yet to emerge. We are "others" - nothing to brag about.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: hk on April 16, 2019, 09:06:31 AM
I think its getting better to estimate the size of kenya economy. More of kenya informal economy is being captured via mobile money, fintech, agency banking etc. Which means this is just rebasing of kenya economy. From 2013 the kenya economy has average 5.5% growth which isn't sufficient to double the economy size from 2013 to 2019. The new industries that were there that have prospered are gambling, bodaboda, gig economy with uber and little, and maybe fintech(due to capping of interest rates).  The bulwark of the economy, trade, agriculture, manufacturing and services have stagnated.  Jubilee now will use this excuse to borrow even more even though kra is having problems collecting more taxes despite raising taxes.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 16, 2019, 10:04:05 AM
We are the leading non-mineral economy in Africa and now 3rd biggest in SSA. We are in SSA - so whatever is bedeviling SSA - we also face it - including ignorance, disease and poverty. Kenya has done relatively well.
There is a fool called Bob Collymore who wows investors - with shiny marketshare slides of Safaricom vs Telkom. :) One day the spinner was challenged to show Safcom v Facebook - 30M v 2B customers- 3 v 300 products - since afterall his vision is global? Wasn't his top talent fished far and wide - from across the Atlantic?

"Sub Sahara" is a derogatory for lowest-of-the-lowest standards. It's very difficult to trail South Sudan, DR Congo or Somalia. Saying you merely trail the ultra-corrupt, conflict-pragued Nigeria or the racialized, xenophobic SA is disingenuous. Try Africa - then pole pole graduate to compare with Brazil, Mexico na etc - emerging markets - places where life is bearable and you don't need to qualify where on the map that is. For now we are not even considered a market yet - more like a dump - from which we are yet to emerge. We are "others" - nothing to brag about.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 16, 2019, 10:11:31 AM
The economy has doubled. Tax collections has also doubled. Nominal GDP from 55B to 100B. Tax collections from 8B to 16B - with total gov revenues crossing 20B. We are proected to hit 150B by time Uhuru leaves - with gov revenues at 30B - and gov budget maybe around 60B then. That is what Uhuru will hand over to Ruto. He would have done an excellent job - way better than the economist Kibaki. Of course, all could go to smoke if he brings Raila makelele to gov.

Generally, I feel the quality of life is getting better and better for Kenyans. Of course, you still see a lot of desperations and alcoholism amongst a few youths when you visit villages - but for anyone else who is serious - things are looking up. Nearly every kid now gets to high schools, admission to TIVET is ramping up, there are new tarmacs everywhere, counties have also done a great job with murram roads on the last miles, there is electricity everywhere, boda bodas are ubiquitous, m-pesa has simplified life, earning from tea/horticulture are keeping up with inflations, people are building better houses, new towns are cropping up and generally there is a positive vibe. There is still not enough formal jobs - but informal jobs are earning about the same if not more money than many formal jobs.

I think its getting better to estimate the size of kenya economy. More of kenya informal economy is being captured via mobile money, fintech, agency banking etc. Which means this is just rebasing of kenya economy. From 2013 the kenya economy has average 5.5% growth which isn't sufficient to double the economy size from 2013 to 2019. The new industries that were there that have prospered are gambling, bodaboda, gig economy with uber and little, and maybe fintech(due to capping of interest rates).  The bulwark of the economy, trade, agriculture, manufacturing and services have stagnated.  Jubilee now will use this excuse to borrow even more even though kra is having problems collecting more taxes despite raising taxes.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: hk on April 16, 2019, 12:33:37 PM
The economy has doubled. Tax collections has also doubled. Nominal GDP from 55B to 100B. Tax collections from 8B to 16B - with total gov revenues crossing 20B. We are proected to hit 150B by time Uhuru leaves - with gov revenues at 30B - and gov budget maybe around 60B then. That is what Uhuru will hand over to Ruto. He would have done an excellent job - way better than the economist Kibaki. Of course, all could go to smoke if he brings Raila makelele to gov.

Generally, I feel the quality of life is getting better and better for Kenyans. Of course, you still see a lot of desperations and alcoholism amongst a few youths when you visit villages - but for anyone else who is serious - things are looking up. Nearly every kid now gets to high schools, admission to TIVET is ramping up, there are new tarmacs everywhere, counties have also done a great job with murram roads on the last miles, there is electricity everywhere, boda bodas are ubiquitous, m-pesa has simplified life, earning from tea/horticulture are keeping up with inflations, people are building better houses, new towns are cropping up and generally there is a positive vibe. There is still not enough formal jobs - but informal jobs are earning about the same if not more money than many formal jobs.

Jubilee hasn't doubled the economy. It only means the economy they inherited was around 70b. jubilee borrowed the stimulus package uhuru had deployed when he was minister for finance and turbo charged it by big spending and borrowing. However productivity hasn't increased significantly to affect incomes. So there's no "positive vibe" for most common wananchi and businessman. Other than the big financial banks loading on tbills and safaricom, most other companies have issued profit warnings. In a booming economy that wouldn't be happening.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 16, 2019, 01:43:42 PM
Rebasing hasn't been done - Jubilee re-based Kibaki anemic growth (his last term was basically 1.7% - max of 4%) - and the figures now look good. Wait until Jubilee growth is rebased - they will probably all be at 10% - double-digit - I think rebasing will happen very soon - after the census.

Kibaki depended entirely on the private sector. That was the attempt to fly an airplane with one engine - it didn't go far. Jubilee has put another engine to the economy -  public sector investment - for example, big-ticket projects SGR - now 5B dollars worth of investment & it's a multiplier. Counties are also helping with fund utilization - not a lot of court cases and shenanigans - and just like CDF - it's development is visible.

Yes, the private sector may suffer -during turbulence - but when you have public investment like China or Ethiopia - then you can be sure the economy will keep growing and growing.

We still have huge INFRASTRUCTURE deficit of I think 3-5B dollars annually - that we need to really work on. We are going to work on housing sector it appears - with deduction starting with month - but we still need to work on roads, rails and pipelines.

My hope is during Ruto PORK - we will privatize all the major cash cows of gov - and use the money to develop infrastructure. We also should not be afraid to borrow - esp from China and IMF/WB.

Once we have built all the infrastructure we need - we can then worry about the cost of running and the maintaining it - which doesn't cost a lot of money - and we can start kibakiconomics - of low taxes, deregulations.

Once everyone has electricity - we can start to think about subsidizing a lot more for industrial and SMEs.

Once we improve our very bad road network ( % of paved roads I think is still less than 20%)  - we need to invest hugely there - the same with rails - with pipelines - with water & dams.

Jubilee hasn't doubled the economy. It only means the economy they inherited was around 70b. jubilee borrowed the stimulus package uhuru had deployed when he was minister for finance and turbo charged it by big spending and borrowing. However productivity hasn't increased significantly to affect incomes. So there's no "positive vibe" for most common wananchi and businessman. Other than the big financial banks loading on tbills and safaricom, most other companies have issued profit warnings. In a booming economy that wouldn't be happening.

Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: Nefertiti on April 16, 2019, 05:30:18 PM
"Mvua inatoka mbinguni." - William Ruto, PhD wetlands, defending the destruction of the Mau forest, 2009.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 16, 2019, 06:45:48 PM
Nonsense - you're scrapping the bottom of the barrel - that was Kanu mp sang. And beside current drought has nothing to do with Mau - but bigger global events. Turkana use to be green in some thousands of years - and stone age man - did nothing - but it turned into a desert.
"Mvua inatoka mbinguni." - William Ruto, PhD wetlands, defending the destruction of the Mau forest, 2009.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: Nefertiti on April 17, 2019, 09:47:39 AM
Jubilee hasn't doubled the economy. It only means the economy they inherited was around 70b. jubilee borrowed the stimulus package uhuru had deployed when he was minister for finance and turbo charged it by big spending and borrowing. However productivity hasn't increased significantly to affect incomes. So there's no "positive vibe" for most common wananchi and businessman. Other than the big financial banks loading on tbills and safaricom, most other companies have issued profit warnings. In a booming economy that wouldn't be happening.

Absolutely. Jubilee picked at 75B... 5.6% annual growth cannot amount to 100% over 5yrs. Simple math.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: Kadudu on April 17, 2019, 10:03:39 AM
I have been there and Kenya's industrial production is a joke compared to Egypt's.
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Egypt was worth 235.37 billion US dollars in 2017.

Economy is doing so well it now the 3rd biggest  :o :o :o :oin Sub Sahara Africa.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 17, 2019, 01:04:31 PM
Egypt is not part of sub-sahara - it's part of magreb or supra-sahara.
I have been there and Kenya's industrial production is a joke compared to Egypt's.
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Egypt was worth 235.37 billion US dollars in 2017.

Economy is doing so well it now the 3rd biggest  :o :o :o :oin Sub Sahara Africa.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 17, 2019, 01:04:59 PM
You're now inventing your own facts.
Absolutely. Jubilee picked at 75B... 5.6% annual growth cannot amount to 100% over 5yrs. Simple math.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: hk on April 18, 2019, 09:50:32 AM
Ethiopia after it went on spending spree had to be bailed out by qatar. Now its being forced to liberalize and sell its crown jewels . Ghana after ratcheting up budget deficits to 9% it had to bailed out by IMF . Both countries were recording high GDP growth before the bailouts. You can't defy economic laws forever. Kenya is running high budget deficits ,  massive debts and obviously corruption. The looming drought might trigger economic meltdown that will require bailouts.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 18, 2019, 09:56:14 AM
Both Ghana and Ethiopia are still doing great - growing at near double digit, have dealt poverty a huge blow and are some of fastest growing economies even now. Jubilee have grown the economy to 100B what six 10yrs...they would have managed to grow  it to 150B.
Ethiopia after it went on spending spree had to be bailed out by qatar. Now its being forced to liberalize and sell its crown jewels . Ghana after ratcheting up budget deficits to 9% it had to bailed out by IMF . Both countries were recording high GDP growth before the bailouts. You can't defy economic laws forever. Kenya is running high budget deficits ,  massive debts and obviously corruption. The looming drought might trigger economic meltdown that will require bailouts.
Ethiopia after it went on spending spree had to be bailed out by qatar. Now its being forced to liberalize and sell its crown jewels . Ghana after ratcheting up budget deficits to 9% it had to bailed out by IMF . Both countries were recording high GDP growth before the bailouts. You can't defy economic laws forever. Kenya is running high budget deficits ,  massive debts and obviously corruption. The looming drought might trigger economic meltdown that will require bailouts.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: hk on April 18, 2019, 10:31:22 AM
Both Ghana and Ethiopia are still doing great - growing at near double digit, have dealt poverty a huge blow and are some of fastest growing economies even now. Jubilee have grown the economy to 100B what six 10yrs...they would have managed to grow  it to 150B.
Ghana growth slowed to 3.5% before the bailout. Barely keeping up with population growth. The point is without the reckless budget deficit the economy would have maintained high growth rates. To reignite growth the government had to do course reversal. Kenyans don't need a lot from government to thrive, just need responsible(not crowding out private sector) and free economy. Last yr growth of 5.8% is actually slow given all the supposedly stimulus being pumped into the economy in terms of spending.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 18, 2019, 11:22:52 AM
Ghana is set to grow at 8.8% the world fastest growing economy in the world in 2019. We need to copy that. They are literally flying. Now they've overtaken TZ - despite being less than 30M. Their GDP per capita (ppp) is approaching 5k.

The public investment is tried and tested model - look at China. It works. It lifts many out of poverty. Tricke-down economics don't work at our stage of development. There is nothing to trickle down.

Gov has to massively invest in bridging the infrastructure deficit, we have to massively invest in education & health (long term investments with payback in 20-30yrs) - the same with stuff like railways, superhighways - these things don't pay immediately - but long term - they pay off. Look at south africa - they still relie on huge infrastructure built by boers. Look at US - the last major infrastructure was done in 1950s - all the freeways and expressways --  the thing is once you've closed the infrastructure gap - gov can then relax and let the private sector do it's magic.
Ghana growth slowed to 3.5% before the bailout. Barely keeping up with population growth. The point is without the reckless budget deficit the economy would have maintained high growth rates. To reignite growth the government had to do course reversal. Kenyans don't need a lot from government to thrive, just need responsible(not crowding out private sector) and free economy. Last yr growth of 5.8% is actually slow given all the supposedly stimulus being pumped into the economy in terms of spending.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: Nefertiti on April 18, 2019, 11:48:56 AM
Please explain. Growth p.a. at 5.6% average over 5 yrs. Regressing 100B comes to 75B. Not 55B like you have been plastering here. Obviously the economy has not doubled under Jubilee.

You're now inventing your own facts.
Absolutely. Jubilee picked at 75B... 5.6% annual growth cannot amount to 100% over 5yrs. Simple math.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: hk on April 18, 2019, 03:38:20 PM
Ghana is set to grow at 8.8% the world fastest growing economy in the world in 2019. We need to copy that. They are literally flying. Now they've overtaken TZ - despite being less than 30M. Their GDP per capita (ppp) is approaching 5k.

The public investment is tried and tested model - look at China. It works. It lifts many out of poverty. Tricke-down economics don't work at our stage of development. There is nothing to trickle down.

Gov has to massively invest in bridging the infrastructure deficit, we have to massively invest in education & health (long term investments with payback in 20-30yrs) - the same with stuff like railways, superhighways - these things don't pay immediately - but long term - they pay off. Look at south africa - they still relie on huge infrastructure built by boers. Look at US - the last major infrastructure was done in 1950s - all the freeways and expressways --  the thing is once you've closed the infrastructure gap - gov can then relax and let the private sector do it's magic.
Ghana isn't growing at 8.8% by binge investing in infrastructure, actually Ghana is being very prudent lowering their budget deficit to 4.2% from 9%. Also unlike kenya investing in SGR which hasn't lowered cost of transport, Ghana invests in necessary infrastructure which isn't overpriced. Check the cost of roads in kenya vs ghana. Ghana crashed yet at least they hadn't inflated cost of project. Imagine what will happen to kenya with combination of lack of fiscal responsibilities and corruption? No one argues against infrastructure investment, the question is how and at what expense.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: Nefertiti on April 21, 2019, 10:58:08 AM
Ghana isn't growing at 8.8% by binge investing in infrastructure, actually Ghana is being very prudent lowering their budget deficit to 4.2% from 9%. Also unlike kenya investing in SGR which hasn't lowered cost of transport, Ghana invests in necessary infrastructure which isn't overpriced. Check the cost of roads in kenya vs ghana. Ghana crashed yet at least they hadn't inflated cost of project. Imagine what will happen to kenya with combination of lack of fiscal responsibilities and corruption? No one argues against infrastructure investment, the question is how and at what expense.

Yup. Kenya does not need super-expensive SGR which has never stopped any investor from setting shop upstream in the past. The math will keep the trucks firmly on the road. Infrastructure needs paring with capacity of utility - which is lacking in Kenya - we are like a watchie driving a fuel guzzler. Investment especially on 100% foreign debt needs to be frugal, economical and very strategic. Poor Kenyans will pay through the nose for these poor choices.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: hk on April 23, 2019, 07:18:27 AM
Another sign that the economy is struggling . Kra was supposed to collect 1.6t, it has collected 1t for 3 quarters. Meaning its on average collecting $3.3b a quarter. That was before drought and the consequent inflation pressure on basic goods. Most likely actual budget deficit will be about 8 to 9%. This is nosebleed level. The confluence of budget deficit, debts,inflation,corruption etc may have disastrous outcome. If I was a betting man I'd short Kenya shilling. At some point the dam will break.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 23, 2019, 11:58:39 AM
Be careful with data. Collection have risen by nearly double digit compared to last year. Another extra 70B - so far. So I don't know why you always want to fudge data. Most companies close their books in march - and so KRA will be collecting a lot of money in the next few months - and so expect this year total collection to be more than 1.6 trillion
Another sign that the economy is struggling . Kra was supposed to collect 1.6t, it has collected 1t for 3 quarters. Meaning its on average collecting $3.3b a quarter. That was before drought and the consequent inflation pressure on basic goods. Most likely actual budget deficit will be about 8 to 9%. This is nosebleed level. The confluence of budget deficit, debts,inflation,corruption etc may have disastrous outcome. If I was a betting man I'd short Kenya shilling. At some point the dam will break.

Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: hk on April 23, 2019, 01:11:10 PM
Be careful with data. Collection have risen by nearly double digit compared to last year. Another extra 70B - so far. So I don't know why you always want to fudge data. Most companies close their books in march - and so KRA will be collecting a lot of money in the next few months - and so expect this year total collection to be more than 1.6 trillion
Another sign that the economy is struggling . Kra was supposed to collect 1.6t, it has collected 1t for 3 quarters. Meaning its on average collecting $3.3b a quarter. That was before drought and the consequent inflation pressure on basic goods. Most likely actual budget deficit will be about 8 to 9%. This is nosebleed level. The confluence of budget deficit, debts,inflation,corruption etc may have disastrous outcome. If I was a betting man I'd short Kenya shilling. At some point the dam will break.

Tax collections in the nine months ended March 2019 rose by a modest 8.62 percent compared to a year earlier, leaving the taxman with a Sh585.27 billion gap to bridge in three months to meet full-year target  . How's that double digits? Mind you treasury raised taxes on fuel,airtime, money transfer etc. and still can't meet target. Heavy hitters like equity bank have already paid
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 23, 2019, 02:20:57 PM
You can be very dishonest to make a point like so called PHD in Africa Economics Dr Ndii. 8.6% is nearly double digit growth. I guess you deliberately missed the world nearly. There is nothing to indicate that KRA will not exceed last year collections of nearly 1.5 trillion kshs this year. The delayed rains have finally come - and things will be back to normal soon.
Tax collections in the nine months ended March 2019 rose by a modest 8.62 percent compared to a year earlier, leaving the taxman with a Sh585.27 billion gap to bridge in three months to meet full-year target [/glow] . How's that double digits? Mind you treasury raised taxes on fuel,airtime, money transfer etc. and still can't meet target. Heavy hitters like equity bank have already paid
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: GeeMail on April 26, 2019, 06:59:18 AM
Pundit can help us spin the puzzle with another ethereal MOASS.

Maybe from OT Morpho (Idemia - yet to change its name once more)?
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 26, 2019, 11:32:31 AM
6.3% is pretty impressive. Highest the last 8 yrs. What there to spin.
Pundit can help us spin the puzzle with another ethereal MOASS.

Maybe from OT Morpho (Idemia - yet to change its name once more)?
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: Omollo on April 26, 2019, 11:39:53 AM
I have to say I am surprised by the position taken by HK lately. I was ready to mildly cast him as a GEMA apologist who will amplify the little good that Uhuru accidentally did and minimize the gargantuan evil he deliberately committed. That role is no longer HK's our own Pundit having taken it with his well known alacrity.

It is always uncomfortable to discuss handles here as one risks an attack from Omollo raising the ad hominem thing. Some criticism is due anyway.

That said  I have struggled to find the "antonym" for Crying louder than the bereaved without success. I even thought of saying something like "cheering the away team" but then Pundit is the Last Remaining Soldier of Jubilee. Like I stood alone in KANU long after it had been dumped by the likes of Ruto. I thought anytime now it will be back to normal...

There is this story of a Mnyore woman who seeing the husband dying decided to cut off the dick and hid it. During mourning she sung a song which basically said though the man is dead, she has her "cleverness" well hidden. She will enjoy no end once he is buried.

Well, the man was buried and when she went to take her cleverness, she found it decomposed.

Jubilee is dead. It was a vehicle to get Uhuru back in. It was also the first step for GEMA to engineer a way of dumping Ruto without repercussions. Ruto has zero power in Jubilee which is controlled by Uhuru's hounds.

The economy is dead, thanks to corruption. We are between death, burial and the moment the Mnyore lady goes to fetch her stored cleverness.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: RV Pundit on April 26, 2019, 11:49:58 AM
Omollo, don't mix economy with politics.

Economy is firing on all it's cylinder. Only problem is commercial bank loans - credit freeze - but the crazy tech lending has pretty much taken care of that - diaspora are sending money, fdi is flowing (Tech alone last year got about 40B dollars), gov is investing big time in roads, railways and dams, agriculture last year was really good, so was tourism, and manufacturing is pretty much making for lost ground.

I have to say I am surprised by the position taken by HK lately. I was ready to mildly cast him as a GEMA apologist who will amplify the little good that Uhuru accidentally did and minimize the gargantuan evil he deliberately committed. That role is no longer HK's our own Pundit having taken it with his well known alacrity.

It is always uncomfortable to discuss handles here as one risks an attack from Omollo raising the ad hominem thing. Some criticism is due anyway.

That said  I have struggled to find the "antonym" for Crying louder than the bereaved without success. I even thought of saying something like "cheering the away team" but then Pundit is the Last Remaining Soldier of Jubilee. Like I stood alone in KANU long after it had been dumped by the likes of Ruto. I thought anytime now it will be back to normal...

There is this story of a Mnyore woman who seeing the husband dying decided to cut off the dick and hid it. During mourning she sung a song which basically said though the man is dead, she has her "cleverness" well hidden. She will enjoy no end once he is buried.

Well, the man was buried and when she went to take her cleverness, she found it decomposed.

Jubilee is dead. It was a vehicle to get Uhuru back in. It was also the first step for GEMA to engineer a way of dumping Ruto without repercussions. Ruto has zero power in Jubilee which is controlled by Uhuru's hounds.

The economy is dead, thanks to corruption. We are between death, burial and the moment the Mnyore lady goes to fetch her stored cleverness.
Title: Re: Kenya economy to cross 100B dollars - as Magufuli growth strutter to 3.9%
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on April 26, 2019, 07:32:44 PM
I have to say I am surprised by the position taken by HK lately. I was ready to mildly cast him as a GEMA apologist who will amplify the little good that Uhuru accidentally did and minimize the gargantuan evil he deliberately committed. That role is no longer HK's our own Pundit having taken it with his well known alacrity.

It is always uncomfortable to discuss handles here as one risks an attack from Omollo raising the ad hominem thing. Some criticism is due anyway.

That said  I have struggled to find the "antonym" for Crying louder than the bereaved without success. I even thought of saying something like "cheering the away team" but then Pundit is the Last Remaining Soldier of Jubilee. Like I stood alone in KANU long after it had been dumped by the likes of Ruto. I thought anytime now it will be back to normal...

There is this story of a Mnyore woman who seeing the husband dying decided to cut off the dick and hid it. During mourning she sung a song which basically said though the man is dead, she has her "cleverness" well hidden. She will enjoy no end once he is buried.

Well, the man was buried and when she went to take her cleverness, she found it decomposed.

Jubilee is dead. It was a vehicle to get Uhuru back in. It was also the first step for GEMA to engineer a way of dumping Ruto without repercussions. Ruto has zero power in Jubilee which is controlled by Uhuru's hounds.

The economy is dead, thanks to corruption. We are between death, burial and the moment the Mnyore lady goes to fetch her stored cleverness.

My take on HK is someone who gathers a set of coherent facts before arriving at a conclusion.  So he is not vulnerable gaslighting.