
Forum => Kenya Discussion => Topic started by: RV Pundit on June 28, 2018, 08:34:52 AM

Title: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: RV Pundit on June 28, 2018, 08:34:52 AM
ODM with about 60mps; consisting of about 20 mps from coast; and 30 mps from Luo Nyanza; and 10 from rest of country. Look like majority of coast 20 will be lost.
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: Globalcitizen12 on June 28, 2018, 08:59:13 AM
Lose are they willing to go for by elections..odm should call thier bluff and kick them out of the party and ask their elections to be nullified..anyway rsial died and so did odm
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: RV Pundit on June 28, 2018, 09:01:09 AM
No longer possible. it very possible though Ruto could buy half of ODM with his loot :)
Lose are they willing to go for by elections..odm should call thier bluff and kick them out of the party and ask their elections to be nullified..anyway rsial died and so did odm
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: Globalcitizen12 on June 28, 2018, 09:05:08 AM
Without raila in odm the party is dead..raila asked mps to seek alliance out of odm ..his game is to  give his supporters to align themselves with the next candidates..raila is dead
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: RV Pundit on June 28, 2018, 09:26:16 AM
If he dies - GEMA & RV - go hammer to hammer - and Raila find relevance. So he is not dead yet.Uhuru need him a live as human shield because he slept and woke up to find Ruto running things.
Without raila in odm the party is dead..raila asked mps to seek alliance out of odm ..his game is to  give his supporters to align themselves with the next candidates..raila is dead
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: Globalcitizen12 on June 28, 2018, 09:34:33 AM
Raila is dead ..stop fighting reality
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: vooke on June 28, 2018, 10:52:44 AM
Raila's demise works for Ruto more than anyone else
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: Globalcitizen12 on June 28, 2018, 10:55:12 AM
Vooke how does it work for this hated thief
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: Omollo on June 28, 2018, 11:08:47 AM
ODM with about 60mps; consisting of about 20 mps from coast; and 30 mps from Luo Nyanza; and 10 from rest of country. Look like majority of coast 20 will be lost.
Sensationalist crap. Mwashetani is NOT in ODM. Plus let them make good their threat and watch by-elections. They are clearly opposed to the handshake.

The decision by Muturi to approve Aisha Jumwa's removal motion is an indicator of where the state has its sympathies.

Anyway, Ruto should go slow. Any individual outside the usual dog owners attempting to control more MPs than from his own habitat in Kenya usually hits a deadly wall. I am sure Uhuru knows he is the target of these so called "defections".
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: Omollo on June 28, 2018, 11:10:22 AM
What is no longer possible Pundit?
No longer possible. it very possible though Ruto could buy half of ODM with his loot :)
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: RV Pundit on June 28, 2018, 11:29:43 AM
Their beef predates the handshake. You guys ought to have shared the mkia you got equally. Coast deserved 1/3 of all positions but they had to fight so hard for Jumwa to get somethings. Meanwhile Luo Nyanza with 30 mps took everything - Whips, Minority leaders, Chairmen of Comittees  - you took basically everything in senate & parliament - you left Coast with nothing and that is genesis of their revolt. In Ruto they'll find someone reliable, predictable & loyal. Someone who truly cares. Luos after missing out power in 2017 - went for every little thing ODM had - un aware the likes of Weta and coast needed to eat too.

Of course you'll never listen to the real grievance preferring the popular line that these guys were bought.

If you did - these guys would be happy in the "handshake".

Sensationalist crap. Mwashetani is NOT in ODM. Plus let them make good their threat and watch by-elections. They are clearly opposed to the handshake.

The decision by Muturi to approve Aisha Jumwa's removal motion is an indicator of where the state has its sympathies.

Anyway, Ruto should go slow. Any individual outside the usual dog owners attempting to control more MPs than from his own habitat in Kenya usually hits a deadly wall. I am sure Uhuru knows he is the target of these so called "defections".
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: Omollo on June 28, 2018, 11:32:53 AM
Political Parties Act

(4)   A person shall not be a member of more than one political party at the same time.

(5) A person who, while being a member of a political party—

(a) forms another political party;

(b) joins in the formation of another political party;

(c) joins another political party;

(d) in any way or manner, publicly advocates for the formation of another political party; or

(e) promotes the ideology, interests or policies of another political party, shall, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) or the provisions of any other written law, be deemed to have resigned from the previous political party.

(5A) A political party whose member is deemed to have resigned under subsection (5), shall in accordance with the procedure set out in the constitution of that political party, notify the Registrar of such decision within seven days.

(6) Subject to specific provisions of a coalition or merger agreement, subsection (5)(c), (d) and (e) shall not apply to a member of a political party which enters into a merger or a coalition with another party.

(7) A member of a political party may only be expelled from that political party if the member has infringed the Constitution of the political party and after the member has been afforded a fair opportunity to be heard in accordance with the internal party disputes resolution mechanisms as prescribed in the Constitution of the party.

Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: RV Pundit on June 28, 2018, 11:40:14 AM
You're wasting time. This is just a hand-shake :) Some of those laws are just not enforceable without a dictatorship.
Political Parties Act

(4)   A person shall not be a member of more than one political party at the same time.

(5) A person who, while being a member of a political party—

(a) forms another political party;

(b) joins in the formation of another political party;

(c) joins another political party;

(d) in any way or manner, publicly advocates for the formation of another political party; or

(e) promotes the ideology, interests or policies of another political party, shall, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) or the provisions of any other written law, be deemed to have resigned from the previous political party.

(5A) A political party whose member is deemed to have resigned under subsection (5), shall in accordance with the procedure set out in the constitution of that political party, notify the Registrar of such decision within seven days.

(6) Subject to specific provisions of a coalition or merger agreement, subsection (5)(c), (d) and (e) shall not apply to a member of a political party which enters into a merger or a coalition with another party.

(7) A member of a political party may only be expelled from that political party if the member has infringed the Constitution of the political party and after the member has been afforded a fair opportunity to be heard in accordance with the internal party disputes resolution mechanisms as prescribed in the Constitution of the party.

Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: Omollo on June 28, 2018, 11:46:42 AM
1. A majority of the defectors are new MPs. That renders your statement null and void
2. When many of these defectors came to run on ODM tickets we warned the leadership against them based on the known association with Ruto. Many of them were known Ruto people and it comes as no surprise. He bankrolled them - from Sarai, Jicho Pevu and so forth:
3. No region had more seats in the ODM leadership in and out of parliament like Coast. Some even used their ODM positions to work for Jubilee (Gideon Mung'aro).

What we have is a deputy president buying MPs for his war against his boss. It has nothing to do with ODM. Ruto has bought TNA MPs even close to Uhuru's bedroom. He has a war planned against Uhuru and like a hacker who installs malware in millions of computers, he has planned a massive attack - not on Raila or ODM - but on Uhuru Kenyatta. It is not ODM or Raila to worry. The man who should worry is Uhuru Kenyatta.

Their beef predates the handshake. You guys ought to have shared the mkia you got equally. Coast deserved 1/3 of all positions but they had to fight so hard for Jumwa to get somethings. Meanwhile Luo Nyanza with 30 mps took everything - Whips, Minority leaders, Chairmen of Comittees  - you took basically everything in senate & parliament - you left Coast with nothing and that is genesis of their revolt. In Ruto they'll find someone reliable, predictable & loyal. Someone who truly cares. Luos after missing out power in 2017 - went for every little thing ODM had - un aware the likes of Weta and coast needed to eat too.

Of course you'll never listen to the real grievance preferring the popular line that these guys were bought.

If you did - these guys would be happy in the "handshake".
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: Omollo on June 28, 2018, 11:51:33 AM
You're wasting time. This is just a hand-shake :) Some of those laws are just not enforceable without a dictatorship.
You should go back to your old newspapers and learn a few things. You will find something which describes "The Dusting of Old (Colonial) Laws", when suitable.

There is nothing preventing the implementation of these laws other than The State. Today that state is in danger from those defying this law. I would like to bet with you but then I am against people losing their money.

Pundit the state will hit back and hit hard. These moribund laws will be dusted and used most effectively.

Read about 1966 Little General Election when a VP managed to control more MPs than the President. History does not repeat itself. Similar events play out exactly as before...
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: RV Pundit on June 28, 2018, 11:55:57 AM
Kenya has changed a lot. Moi in his sunset years could not anything. Our judiciary is mercurial. They overturned Uhuru victory for nothing more than missing signatures. That law is not practical.It will prevent everyone from moving. Including Raila and Uhuru.  These MPS will listen to highest break a bank if you don't have the cash.
You should go back to your old newspapers and learn a few things. You will find something which describes "The Dusting of Old (Colonial) Laws", when suitable.

There is nothing preventing the implementation of these laws other than The State. Today that state is in danger from those defying this law. I would like to bet with you but then I am against people losing their money.

Pundit the state will hit back and hit hard. These moribund laws will be dusted and used most effectively.

Read about 1966 Little General Election when a VP managed to control more MPs than the President. History does not repeat itself. Similar events play out exactly as before...
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: RV Pundit on June 28, 2018, 11:59:23 AM
You don't dispute their grievance against Raila not sharing parliementary position equally, do you? Luo Nyanza took everything. That is genesis of the problem of ODM wing. As for Jicho pevu and others - who were elected as independent or small parties - those are free agent. Aisha Jumwa & Dori had to really fight for that PSC position.

And this was not first time - Mungaro like Dori - also complained about Raila taking coast mps for granted. For Raila & ODM - COAST=JOHO and that is all.

Ruto is just taking advantage of Raila's poor leadership of ODM. Besides both Raila and GEMA never really have time for these small they won't feel they would in "URP" wing of Jubilee whose corner stones are the small pastoral tribes. That only way Duale a somali can become a Majority Leader.

This was December - at height of NRM and parrallel swearing in.

The Coast NASA legislators, led by Coast Parliamentary Group (CPG) chairman and Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori, on Wednesday protested the list of positions shared out in Parliament by NASA. The submission of the list of names to the National Assembly and Senate prompted a walkout by Coast MPs saying that they had been shortchanged. “I oppose the list from the start because it has no gender balance. The list was formulated without any consultation among the affiliate parties. There was no parliamentary group meeting to endorse the same,” protested D
Read more at:

1. A majority of the defectors are new MPs. That renders your statement null and void
2. When many of these defectors came to run on ODM tickets we warned the leadership against them based on the known association with Ruto. Many of them were known Ruto people and it comes as no surprise. He bankrolled them - from Sarai, Jicho Pevu and so forth:
3. No region had more seats in the ODM leadership in and out of parliament like Coast. Some even used their ODM positions to work for Jubilee (Gideon Mung'aro
Title: Re: Raila odm to lose 13 mps to Ruto
Post by: Omollo on June 28, 2018, 12:15:38 PM
I take note that among those listed as Luo Mps is Junet Mohammed.

When you closely examine it, that accusation is not true at all.