Forum => Kenya Discussion => Topic started by: RVtitem on September 14, 2014, 10:30:06 PM
Why build a coal plant in coast when coal deposits are located in Kambaland?
What is the justification?
it is not about economic sense is all about getting brokers fee first .....heard mutambu say that there has not been Environmental Impact assessments, resettlement mapping, confirmatory tests in Mui basin where the coal is supposed to come from....looks like after Fenxi guys got the brokerage kickbacks they just don't care...... yet we are running all over lamu talking of 5,000 megawatts
Lamu coal is for lapset. Kitui coal seem destined for cement-limestone-steel industries that will be set up there. 5,000mw for our economy is a lot..unless we were to ramp up manufacturing in a big way. If we use the 10% demand growth for power for last few yrs...we will need about half that much power in 5yrs.
it is not about economic sense is all about getting brokers fee first .....heard mutambu say that there has not been Environmental Impact assessments, resettlement mapping, confirmatory tests in Mui basin where the coal is supposed to come from....looks like after Fenxi guys got the brokerage kickbacks they just don't care...... yet we are running all over lamu talking of 5,000 megawatts
in lamu there is no coal..the coal will be shipped from kitui to lamu plant..
I saw Ndii's argument on the 5,000 figure and given the happenings at GDC which I think is being sabotaged in favour of KENGEN I think likes of Kirubi?uhuru have no intention of dealing with power issues..... cost of electricity has nearly tripled in a year as chirchir and ruto keep talking of power cost going down
Lamu coal is for lapset. Kitui coal seem destined for cement-limestone-steel industries that will be set up there. 5,000mw for our economy is a lot..unless we were to ramp up manufacturing in a big way. If we use the 10% demand growth for power for last few yrs...we will need about half that much power in 5yrs.
it is not about economic sense is all about getting brokers fee first .....heard mutambu say that there has not been Environmental Impact assessments, resettlement mapping, confirmatory tests in Mui basin where the coal is supposed to come from....looks like after Fenxi guys got the brokerage kickbacks they just don't care...... yet we are running all over lamu talking of 5,000 megawatts
Then it doesn't make sense..they had rather lay electric lines from kitui to Lamu just across tana river....GDC over promised with sijui well head generators but have been a big failure....yes the cost of electricity is atrocious....if am not wrong it about 3-10 times the world average.
If we are producing power based on financials projected by PPas (power purchase agreements with Kenya power) that are expensive..we will be left with expensive power we cannot even least Uganda or Ethiopia have excess power they can export cheaply.
What is killing the economy apart from insecurity remain our world most expensive transport and energy cost...the multiplier effect is the reason why the economy suffers from kwashiokor, rickets and anemia.
in lamu there is no coal..the coal will be shipped from kitui to lamu plant..
I saw Ndii's argument on the 5,000 figure and given the happenings at GDC which I think is being sabotaged in favour of KENGEN I think likes of Kirubi?uhuru have no intention of dealing with power issues..... cost of electricity has nearly tripled in a year as chirchir and ruto keep talking of power cost going down
I once heard Nyiva mwenda say that if the coal in Mui basin wont be ready ...they would import coal from china .......... this kenya
Then it doesn't make sense..they had rather lay electric lines from kitui to Lamu just across tana river....GDC over promised with sijui well head generators but have been a big failure....yes the cost of electricity is atrocious....if am not wrong it about 3-10 times the world average.
If we are producing power based on financials projected by PPas (power purchase agreements with Kenya power) that are expensive..we will be left with expensive power we cannot even least Uganda or Ethiopia have excess power they can export cheaply.
What is killing the economy apart from insecurity remain our world most expensive transport and energy cost...the multiplier effect is the reason why the economy suffers from kwashiokor, rickets and anemia.
in lamu there is no coal..the coal will be shipped from kitui to lamu plant..
I saw Ndii's argument on the 5,000 figure and given the happenings at GDC which I think is being sabotaged in favour of KENGEN I think likes of Kirubi?uhuru have no intention of dealing with power issues..... cost of electricity has nearly tripled in a year as chirchir and ruto keep talking of power cost going down
The cost of voltage loses may be in excess of the cost of transporting raw coal from kitui to coast. Electricians can advice us here.
This is just another ploy to create tenders. It's the new way of stealing legally from mwananchi.
Uhuru should stop sniffing, wake up and go for a study visit to learn from Ethiopia.
Hah! That coal for the Lamu plant will be imported from SA bwana. Hiyo ya Kitui ina semekana ni low quality.