
Forum => Kenya Discussion => Topic started by: Kababe on September 13, 2014, 05:18:22 PM

Title: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 13, 2014, 05:18:22 PM
The way I see it, there were two victims in that saga: the mother and the little boy. It does no one any good to prosecute a victim of what must have been unimaginable mental, emotional and physical abuse for 4/5 years. Victims of prolonged abuse are psychologically broken down and isolated. They cannot stand up to their abuser. If Esther did not physically harm her boy then she should be counselled, not incarcerated. She already served her term living with that mad man for 4-5 years enduring only-God-knows-what. :-\
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on September 13, 2014, 05:35:44 PM
The way I see it, there were two victims in that saga: the mother and the little boy. It does no one any good to prosecute a victim of what must have been unimaginable mental, emotional and physical abuse for 4/5 years. Victims of prolonged abuse are psychologically broken down and isolated. They cannot stand up to their abuser. If Esther did not physically harm her boy then she should be counselled, not incarcerated. She already served her term living with that mad man for 4-5 years enduring only-God-knows-what. :-\

I also think Esther is a victim on some level.  Yet she is also an accessory from the little information I have on this case.  She initially covered up for the husband with lies.  Then changed the story. 

Maybe it will emerge that she did it because she was completely terrified of him.  Only changing when she felt sure he is under some else's control.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 13, 2014, 05:41:08 PM
Termi, victims dont just snap out of the hold of the abuser the very moment they are separated. It was perhaps the time apart that served to loosen the hold he had over her that eventually allowed her to speak the truth. Someone said this was a man who would lock her up for a whole day. He had managed to completely isolate her from any social support for so long. Looking at what he did to his own son and even the picture of Esther standing still while he killed their son, there is no doubt she was under his complete control and could do nothing against him.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on September 13, 2014, 06:00:14 PM
Termi, victims dont just snap out of the hold of the abuser the very moment they are separated. It was perhaps the time apart that served to loosen the hold he had over her that eventually allowed her to speak the truth. Someone said this was a man who would lock her up for a whole day. He had managed to completely isolate her from any social support for so long. Looking at what he did to his own son and even the picture of Esther standing still while he killed their son, there is no doubt she was under his complete control and could do nothing against him.
I don't doubt Quincy's manipulative abilities.  Yet, to be fair.  We have only heard her side of the story.  That Quincy called on demons to stop Bill Gates from using his own for experiments like he did in Guatemala.  It could be that both of them occupy a not particularly run of the mill universe.  Reinforcing each other's sickness.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Logan on September 13, 2014, 06:23:46 PM
I don't think the comment should be "wrong to prosecute", but instead say "deserves a lesser charge"..

We can proceed by saying let the law take its cause so that all information necessary can then be gathered to definitively declare her role in the saga. Just exonerating victims of domestic abuse per se is not valid when in many cases they end up endangering the innocent, like that little kid!

She could have stopped this little boy from enduring the pain that led to his demise...
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 13, 2014, 07:19:32 PM
So far the only thing we know is that Quincy attempted exorcism on the kid. Is there ANY evidence of past /recurring abuse or this was a one-off thing where they both participated?
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Omollo on September 13, 2014, 07:39:22 PM
There isn't enough information to make authoritative prescriptive judgments on this matter. We have heard third party rumor via the media and perhaps through leaks by policemen. It has been one-sided so far.

Where is the evidence of abuse - leave alone for 4 years? This is conjecture and at worst verandah talk and rumor mongering. Perhaps qualifies for gossip.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Native Son on September 13, 2014, 08:28:33 PM
Esther lied and covered up for this goon.

That is why she was in the can.

I think she was a victim too but she first needs to be evaluated-mentally and emotionally.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kichwa Mbaya on September 13, 2014, 09:34:08 PM
I have no idea what Kababe is smoking but the prosecutors job is to protect the life of the people under her jurisdiction and deter crime by prosecuting anybody violating the criminal codes to the full extent of the law. Miss Arunga should hire an attorney or get  a court appointed attorney to mount a defense for her which may include "victimhood" if  such defense is available.  The principle victim here is the dead boy and that should be the focus of the prosecutor and not the possible defenses of those who killed the boy.  In most jurisdiction, if you are responsible for a minor and the minor is in harms way, failure to put that minor out of harms way is a crime.  Most parents will die for their children.  Arunga owes the public an explanation of what she did to save her child.  Did she throw herself between the child and the blows the demented father was delivering?  Did she try to call for help?  If so why not?  Kababe was not there and I will not accept her claims that Arunga was a victim too. How the hell does Kababe know.  Each and every case must be treated individually. Maybe Timberlake was the victim and Arunga was calling the shorts.  Let the truth come out during a trial.  If she was a victim then fine but let us not assume that women are always victims.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: bryan275 on September 14, 2014, 06:47:56 AM

One thing we Kenyans don't truly appreciate how serious a crime perverting the course of justice is.  Perhaps this is due to the poor examples we've experienced in the last fifty years.

Unless it is clinically confirmed that Esther has legitimate psychological issues, she'll face the full force of the law.

Obstructing investigations is deadly serious. 
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: veritas on September 14, 2014, 08:01:34 AM
Australia follows due process. This hasn't even made primetime news yet.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 02:17:05 PM
Ati Esther calling the shots? Esther was a regular chick doing very well for herself before she met Hellon and this thug. Then she quit her job out of the blue, dumped her family and fiance and ran off with this man, her friends all saw her get in the trap and tried to stage interventions severally but wapi, it was too late. The idea that it was Quincy under Esther's control is a joke.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 02:39:16 PM
Termi, victims dont just snap out of the hold of the abuser the very moment they are separated. It was perhaps the time apart that served to loosen the hold he had over her that eventually allowed her to speak the truth. Someone said this was a man who would lock her up for a whole day. He had managed to completely isolate her from any social support for so long. Looking at what he did to his own son and even the picture of Esther standing still while he killed their son, there is no doubt she was under his complete control and could do nothing against him.
I don't doubt Quincy's manipulative abilities.  Yet, to be fair.  We have only heard her side of the story.  That Quincy called on demons to stop Bill Gates from using his own for experiments like he did in Guatemala.  It could be that both of them occupy a not particularly run of the mill universe.  Reinforcing each other's sickness.
Lol! A queer universe indeed, where three-year-olds get possessed, and by billionaires at that-not even demons, and the way to get them tycoons out is to go all Bruce Lee on the kid. You're right, it could possibly be that Esther was nuts herself, and also heard Bill Gates voice in her baby, yet the baby tried to hide behind her legs, he must've felt safer with her than him. This story is classic. But there must be a reason Quincy is charged with murder and not Esther, there must be some other evidence besides her story that points in that direction. Probably another reason she came clean.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: RV Pundit on September 15, 2014, 02:42:15 PM
You've nailed it. Unless there is element of mental illness..Arunga can argue victimhood as mitigation in her sentencing.
I have no idea what Kababe is smoking but the prosecutors job is to protect the life of the people under her jurisdiction and deter crime by prosecuting anybody violating the criminal codes to the full extent of the law. Miss Arunga should hire an attorney or get  a court appointed attorney to mount a defense for her which may include "victimhood" if  such defense is available.  The principle victim here is the dead boy and that should be the focus of the prosecutor and not the possible defenses of those who killed the boy.  In most jurisdiction, if you are responsible for a minor and the minor is in harms way, failure to put that minor out of harms way is a crime.  Most parents will die for their children.  Arunga owes the public an explanation of what she did to save her child.  Did she throw herself between the child and the blows the demented father was delivering?  Did she try to call for help?  If so why not?  Kababe was not there and I will not accept her claims that Arunga was a victim too. How the hell does Kababe know.  Each and every case must be treated individually. Maybe Timberlake was the victim and Arunga was calling the shorts.  Let the truth come out during a trial.  If she was a victim then fine but let us not assume that women are always victims.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Omollo on September 15, 2014, 02:46:49 PM
yet the baby tried to hide behind her legs, he must've felt safer with her than him. This story is classic. But there must be a reason Quincy is charged with murder and not Esther, there must be some other evidence besides her story. Probably one another reason she came clean?

That is Esther Arunga's uncorroborated claim. Esther is charged with Accessory to Murder. These charges could change in either direction, so again there isn't enough information to support speculative accusations.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 02:49:59 PM
So far the only thing we know is that Quincy attempted exorcism on the kid. Is there ANY evidence of past /recurring abuse or this was a one-off thing where they both participated?
vooke, no way this was a one-off thing. People dont just get up one morning and decide Bill Gates is in their child and needs to be taken out Jackie Chan style.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 02:51:38 PM
Arunga was once admitted to a mental hospital. Hellon thinks it was unwarranted. Her parents thought otherwise. She sued them. She may as well have been a whacko hiding behind a pretty face. The question really is, did she stand there paralyzed by fear as the kid was being killed or did she cheer on? I think she did
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 02:53:18 PM
I just find it hard to see Esther as passive over the whole episode(s). If I said they participated in the exorcism together, what would be your objection? Her safest bet is to paint herself as a prisoner of the maniac otherwise she will be canned as well

So far the only thing we know is that Quincy attempted exorcism on the kid. Is there ANY evidence of past /recurring abuse or this was a one-off thing where they both participated?
vooke, no way this was a one-off thing. People dont just get up one morning and decide Bill Gates is in their child and needs to be taken out Jackie Chan style.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Omollo on September 15, 2014, 02:54:12 PM
She has been in uchawi together with him all along:
Police said Sinclair's initial post mortem results were not consistent with a fall down the stairs. He had suffered internal injuries, bruising to his arms and torso. He also had a number of other injuries Mrs Timberlake said were caused by traditional Kenyan healing techniques prior to June 18.

Read more:
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 02:58:03 PM
That would have to be the negro version of psychic surgery common in Western and Nyanza

She has been in uchawi together with him all along:
Police said Sinclair's initial post mortem results were not consistent with a fall down the stairs. He had suffered internal injuries, bruising to his arms and torso. He also had a number of other injuries Mrs Timberlake said were caused by traditional Kenyan healing techniques prior to June 18.

Read more:
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 02:58:17 PM
I just find it hard to see Esther as passive over the whole episode(s). If I said they participated in the exorcism together, what would be your objection?

So far the only thing we know is that Quincy attempted exorcism on the kid. Is there ANY evidence of past /recurring abuse or this was a one-off thing where they both participated?
vooke, no way this was a one-off thing. People dont just get up one morning and decide Bill Gates is in their child and needs to be taken out Jackie Chan style.
Like I've said to Termie, it may very well be that they were both nuts and believed that Bill Gates was in their baby. If there was evidence she was an active participant they would've both been charged with the principal offence.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 03:01:05 PM
vooke, uwache ukabila. What do you mean "common in Western and Nyanza"??????

Veri, I have just typed a line of question marks (??) six of them and then these two laughing guys show up..... Huh? What did you do to the smilies? We cant type continuous question marks to express confusion?
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 03:08:00 PM
Fact is Quincy blows took out the kid. Was Esther watching helplessly? Whether she was part of the exorcism or not lies in what she confesses
The evidence would be Esther's word against Quincy's. So far we got no idea what Quincy is singing.

Like I've said to Termie, it may very well be that they were both nuts and believed that Bill Gates was in their baby. If there was evidence she was an active participant they would've both been charged with the principal offence.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Omollo on September 15, 2014, 03:08:47 PM
That would have to be the negro version of psychic surgery common in Western and Nyanza
She has been in uchawi together with him all along:
Police said Sinclair's initial post mortem results were not consistent with a fall down the stairs. He had suffered internal injuries, bruising to his arms and torso. He also had a number of other injuries Mrs Timberlake said were caused by traditional Kenyan healing techniques prior to June 18.

Read more:
I used to buy that prejudice until PEV when people forced Kikuyu owned homes in Western Kenya open and found shocking witchcraft paraphernalia. Dead and dried bodies stuffed with money (Kakamega); A cupboard with a skull filled with silver coins (Mumias); Perhaps that is what pastor vooke refers to.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 03:11:34 PM
What do you mean ukabila?
Where else in Kenia do traditional healers remove feathers, glass pieces,soap from light cuts made on negroes?
My roommate in campo was Luhya proper and he underwent that. Before that I had Luo friends from way back and their 9 months old kid died. She had tried those things. Am sure there are negroes here who have strange cuts on their wrist and around their waist

vooke, uwache ukabila. What do you mean "common in Western and Nyanza"??????

Veri, I have just typed a line of question marks (??) six of them and then these two laughing guys show up..... Huh? What did you do to the smilies? We cant type continuous question marks to express confusion?
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 03:18:33 PM
don't take offence, it is about frequency or probability. What is the likelihood of running into an Okoyu traditional healer(not herbalist) ANYWHERE in Central and 'diaspora? NIL or close to NIL What about in Nyanza, or Western where my Empress hails from?

I used to buy that prejudice until PEV when people forced Kikuyu owned homes in Western Kenya open and found shocking witchcraft paraphernalia. Dead and dried bodies stuffed with money (Kakamega); A cupboard with a skull filled with silver coins (Mumias); Perhaps that is what pastor vooke refers to.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 03:19:13 PM
What do you mean ukabila?
Where else in Kenia do traditional healers remove feathers, glass pieces,soap from light cuts made on negroes?
My roommate in campo was Luhya proper and he underwent that. Before that I had Luo friends from way back and their 9 months old kid died. She had tried those things. Am sure there are negroes here who have strange cuts on their wrist and around their waist

vooke, uwache ukabila. What do you mean "common in Western and Nyanza"??????

Veri, I have just typed a line of question marks (??) six of them and then these two laughing guys show up..... Huh? What did you do to the smilies? We cant type continuous question marks to express confusion?
vooke, I have no idea what traditional healers do, but I imagine wherever they are from, they do nasty stuff that seems crazy to our modern sensibilities. What do Kyuk traditional healers do?

As a Gusii, I know about the cutting, they used to bleed people believing that the sickness was in the blood or something. Some of the cutting is also some kind of charm to ward off urogi. However, you will not find people in their 30s,40s with these marks, these are people in their 60s etc.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: RV Pundit on September 15, 2014, 03:20:18 PM
soung interesting...i agree with you..witchcraft is big deal in western kenya,ukambani, coast and i hear whole of nyanza..quincy fool and her foolish wife took it modern.
What do you mean ukabila?
Where else in Kenia do traditional healers remove feathers, glass pieces,soap from light cuts made on negroes?
My roommate in campo was Luhya proper and he underwent that. Before that I had Luo friends from way back and their 9 months old kid died. She had tried those things. Am sure there are negroes here who have strange cuts on their wrist and around their waist
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 03:23:03 PM
Fact is Quincy blows took out the kid. Was Esther watching helplessly? Whether she was part of the exorcism or not lies in what she confesses
The evidence would be Esther's word against Quincy's. So far we got no idea what Quincy is singing.

Like I've said to Termie, it may very well be that they were both nuts and believed that Bill Gates was in their baby. If there was evidence she was an active participant they would've both been charged with the principal offence.
Well, whatever Quincy's singing, it must not be enough to get the police to charge Esther with murder.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 03:23:33 PM
I don't know of any but witchraft or at least open witchraft is rampant in Luo/Kisii Nyanza, Western and Eastern (Ukambani). You can aks me for statistics and my failure to produce that should read as Omorlo's pre-PEV prejudice.

A cab driver buddy of mine drives a lady from Westy every two months to Kitui. I think Okoyus who are into it have to source for it outside

Kisii is not so innocent if all the lynchings we hear are nothing to go by

vooke, I have no idea what traditional healers do, but I imagine wherever they are from, they do nasty stuff that seems crazy to our modern sensibilities. What do Kyuk traditional healers do?

As a Gusii, I know about the cutting, they used to bleed people believing that the sickness was in the blood or something. Some of the cutting is also some kind of charm to ward off urogi.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 03:28:57 PM
Ati "open witchcraft" is rampant in Gusii? Negro, wacha bangi?????? In Gusii the worst thing you want anybody accusing you of is uchawi unless you're into the idea of becoming human barbecue. You'd better even be suspected of thieving someone's cattle which is dangerous but not nearly as dangerous as being thought to be a witch. What happens is superstition, where everyone suspects everyone of malice. My grand pa died at over 90, he told me all his life he has been terrified of witches, and yet never met one, or anyone who knew one. Everyone seems to know someone who knows someone who saw a witch live live! Those poor people who are killed are victims of cheap petty small village gossip, jealousy, malice, feuding cooked up into one.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 03:30:43 PM
there is no witchraft in Kisii Land that's why they are not preoccupied with witchhunts. Slanted journalism
Ati "open witchcraft" is rampant in Gusii? Negro, wacha bangi?????? In Gusii the worst thing you want anybody accusing you of is uchawi unless you're into the idea of becoming human barbecue. You'd better even be suspected of thieving someone's cattle which is dangerous but not nearly as dangerous as being thought to be a witch.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Omollo on September 15, 2014, 03:31:10 PM
don't take offence, it is about frequency or probability. What is the likelihood of running into an Okoyu traditional healer(not herbalist) ANYWHERE in Central and 'diaspora? NIL or close to NIL What about in Nyanza, or Western where my Empress hails from?
I have looked in to this issue at length. I did help some PhD candidate with his research. If you are talking about a Kikuyu Medicine man per se you would not find. But one find them in Embu, Meru and Tharaka / Mbeere.

Then there is the "modern" form of it where it has merged with "Christianity" and is done through the so called Evangelical churches. When served through those churches it is acceptable even to born again Christians.

The "giftt" of "prophecy" is often bought for a lot of money by these "Pastors". They simply buy jinnis but have an elaborate language which calls them "angels" (all in line with the Christian doctrine which treats Jinni as "angels" as opposed to Islam which treats them as lesser than Angels and creatures with a free will like Humans). They have the ability to see people secrets and reveal them to the "pastor" who then uses that information to lie to his congregation and earn the position of "prophet".

Others have gone high tech with a system of spies, electronic eavesdropping and earphones to cheat.

In my book, the wizard in Kisii, Luoland or Luhyaland is no different from these high tech witchdoctors / Prophets
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 03:35:57 PM
Evangelicals are all over Kenia which means whatever definition of witchcraft you use, some regions still carry the lion's share. That's a lame defence negro. It is not your fault so I can't understand why you are defending it with PhDs

I have looked in to this issue at length. I did help some PhD candidate with his research. If you are talking about a Kikuyu Medicine man per se you would not find. But one find them in Embu, Meru and Tharaka / Mbeere.

Then there is the "modern" form of it where it has merged with "Christianity" and is done through the so called Evangelical churches. When served through those churches it is acceptable even to born again Christians.

The "giftt" of "prophecy" is often bought for a lot of money by these "Pastors". They simply buy jinnis but have an elaborate language which calls them "angels" (all in line with the Christian doctrine which treats Jinni as "angels" as opposed to Islam which treats them as lesser than Angels and creatures with a free will like Humans). They have the ability to see people secrets and reveal them to the "pastor" who then uses that information to lie to his congregation and earn the position of "prophet".

Others have gone high tech with a system of spies, electronic eavesdropping and earphones to cheat.

In my book, the wizard in Kisii, Luoland or Luhyaland is no different from these high tech witchdoctors / Prophets
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 03:36:14 PM
there is no witchraft in Kisii Land that's why they are not preoccupied with witchhunts. Slanted journalism
Ati "open witchcraft" is rampant in Gusii? Negro, wacha bangi?????? In Gusii the worst thing you want anybody accusing you of is uchawi unless you're into the idea of becoming human barbecue. You'd better even be suspected of thieving someone's cattle which is dangerous but not nearly as dangerous as being thought to be a witch.
Which one of those "witches" was actually caught "witching"? Show me one. The accusations that my neighbour who hates me is a witch because we've been enemies and then my kid died after talking to him, sijui nini....negro, that aint even heresay, its not even gossip, its good old-fashioned superstition. It's only that Gusiis emabarrassingly believe it like it is Gospel. A Gusii pastor straight from preaching in church will readily kill a "witch" believing he is not committing any sin. Gusiis are sick, but the sickness is the ridiculous levels of superstition and malice/envy/feuding. I will believe it is witchcraft when people are actually caught witching, not just accused and killed in a mob frenzy.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 03:38:27 PM
Nobody ever gets tried in courts so they are suspects. Why would one region has such high incidences of suspects?

Which one of those "witches" was actually caught "witching"? Show me one. The accusations that my neighbour who hates me is a witch because we've been enemies and then my kid died after talking to him, sijui nini....negro, that aint even heresay, its not even gossip, its good old-fashioned superstition. It's only that Gusiis emabarrassingly believe it like it is Gospel. A Gusii pastor straight from preaching in church will readily kill a "witch" believing he is not committing any sin. Gusiis are sick, but the sickness is the ridiculous levels of superstition and malice/envy/feuding.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 03:40:42 PM
Nobody ever gets tried in courts so they are suspects. Why would one region has such high incidences of suspects?

Which one of those "witches" was actually caught "witching"? Show me one. The accusations that my neighbour who hates me is a witch because we've been enemies and then my kid died after talking to him, sijui nini....negro, that aint even heresay, its not even gossip, its good old-fashioned superstition. It's only that Gusiis emabarrassingly believe it like it is Gospel. A Gusii pastor straight from preaching in church will readily kill a "witch" believing he is not committing any sin. Gusiis are sick, but the sickness is the ridiculous levels of superstition and malice/envy/feuding.
You're saying Kyuks dont suspect witches or that they do not kill them like Gusiis?  No one gets tried in court is a cop-out. Show me one story where the lynchers themselves claim they caught the witch witching...
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 03:42:46 PM
Am saying that happens in Kisii and Coastal regions, areas teeming with witchcraft but I don't read papers or watch news that keenly so I may have missed Kiambu lynchings or attempted lynchings. You can throw in some of that happening ANYWHERE in Mt Kenya for start

You're saying Kyuks dont suspect witches or that they do not kill them like Gusiis?
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: RV Pundit on September 15, 2014, 03:46:46 PM
The most common in my place is laibonism or orkoiyots...counter accusation really for fortunes and misfortunes that befall people..laibon from talai clans are basically "prophets" with ability to dish fortunes and misfortunes for a fee...though most of them live in squalor.  It doesn't involve using snakes and just visiting those waganga laibons...though there exist women and men who betwitch human and cattle...mostly ex-gusii.

The most common cause of misfortunes or fortunes is either karma (curse from a sinful clan member) or someone has gone to see laibon.

Death from witchraft is suppose to be quick. From curses or laibon misfortunes are slow and can be averted.

There is also the evil eye...which happen to be my clan...who have power to kill esp vulnerable small things by just looking at them....ex-maasai kekenyoike thing.

Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: RV Pundit on September 15, 2014, 03:48:40 PM
The most common in my place is laibonism or orkoiyots...counter accusation really for fortunes and misfortunes that befall people..laibon from talai clans are basically "prophets" with ability to dish fortunes and misfortunes for a fee...though most of them live in squalor.  It doesn't involve using snakes and just visiting those waganga laibons... that exist mainly in women but on minimal scales.

The most common cause of misfortunes or fortunes is either karma (curse from a sinful clan member) or someone has gone to see laibon.

Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 03:51:02 PM
Am saying that happens in Kisii and Coastal regions, areas teeming with witchcraft but I don't read papers or watch news that keenly. You can throw in some of that happening ANYWHERE in Mt Kenya for start

You're saying Kyuks dont suspect witches or that they do not kill them like Gusiis?
"Areas teeming with witchcraft", this is exactly your thesis that you are trying to prove, so using it as evidence is circular. You saying basically that if people kill others for witchcraft there must be rampant witchcraft in the areas, hence the lynchng is proof meaning you believe the lynchers even when what they calim is no more than a belief that someone is a witch.

I'll share with you a story. There is an old woman who died in the early 2000s from my shags. Never seen so many people happy that someone died, all the way to Nairobi, cheering all around. Why? The great witch of the area was dead. I asked all them people HOW anybody knew she was a witch? Guess what, not a single one of them had anything even remotely close to what you might call evidence. All they had was belief. The woman was evil, in their eyes, and anybody who got sick or died was counted as her victim. She was lucky she had sons/clan that was quite feared, else she would've been barbecued because someone decided some decades ago she must be a witch and then indoctrinated entire extended families with this belief. Like I sad, I will start believing this BS when I find someone who actually caught a witch, not someone who scape-goated their enemy and then this is "proof" of rampant witchcraft. The lynchings are proof of a psychosis al-right, but witchcraft? That's ridiculous. Those witches must be the biggest fools to keep offering themselves for human barbecue all the time.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Omollo on September 15, 2014, 03:55:03 PM
Evangelicals are all over Kenia which means whatever definition of witchcraft you use, some regions still carry the lion's share. That's a lame defence negro. It is not your fault so I can't understand why you are defending it with PhDs
I had no idea I was defending something or even under "attack"
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 03:59:17 PM
Witchcraft is not exactly legendary RV running prowess so I expect negroes here to pretend it don't exist.

In primary school we had this half maasai half Okoyu boy who stayed in Narok. We discovered that hitting him below the diaphragm or is it solar plexus would have him letting out a Moran cry and jumping super high. As the term dragged on, the effect would ease. So maasais are in it too.

I visited Garissa and you know the Tana river just before Garissa town, that's a place negroes visit to enjoy the breeze from the river. I was told that you will never hear of crocodiles attacking al shabab ever. THey get some 'treatment' that makes them immune to the attacks. So even these are in it

I read an article on Nairobian or Standard about Okoyus with 'red thigh'. These women end up widowed the moment they are married for some reasons. I have also heard of Okoyu men totally zuzu-waad by they wives so they surrender every coin and can actually cook and do all domestic chores. Walking zombies

The most common in my place is laibonism or orkoiyots...counter accusation really for fortunes and misfortunes that befall people..laibon from talai clans are basically "prophets" with ability to dish fortunes and misfortunes for a fee...though most of them live in squalor.  It doesn't involve using snakes and just visiting those waganga laibons...though that exist for betwitching human and cattle.

The most common cause of misfortunes or fortunes is either karma (curse from a sinful clan member) or someone has gone to see laibon.

Death from witchraft is suppose to be quick. From curses or laibon misfortunes are slow and can be averted.

Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 04:00:20 PM
I'd have quit .org if you had any 'idea' ???

I had no idea I was defending something or even under "attack"
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 04:01:20 PM
Witchcraft is not exactly legendary RV running prowess so I expect negroes here to pretend it don't exist.

In primary school we had this half maasai half Okoyu boy who stayed in Narok. We discovered that hitting him below the diaphragm or is it solar plexus would have him letting out a Moran cry and jumping super high. As the term dragged on, the effect would ease. So maasais are in it too.

I visited Garissa and you know the Tana river just before Garissa town, that's a place negroes visit to enjoy the breeze from the river. I was told that you will never hear of crocodiles attacking al shabab ever. THey get some 'treatment' that makes them immune to the attacks. So even these are in it

I read an article on Nairobian or Standard about Okoyus with 'red thigh'. These women end up widowed the moment they are married for some reasons. I have also heard of Okoyu men totally zuzu-waad by they wives so they surrender every coin and can actually cook and do all domestic chores. Walking zombies

The most common in my place is laibonism or orkoiyots...counter accusation really for fortunes and misfortunes that befall people..laibon from talai clans are basically "prophets" with ability to dish fortunes and misfortunes for a fee...though most of them live in squalor.  It doesn't involve using snakes and just visiting those waganga laibons...though that exist for betwitching human and cattle.

The most common cause of misfortunes or fortunes is either karma (curse from a sinful clan member) or someone has gone to see laibon.

Death from witchraft is suppose to be quick. From curses or laibon misfortunes are slow and can be averted.

Superstition tupu. You picked up folktales and to you this is proof and then you berate others for believing conspiracy theories  :D
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Omollo on September 15, 2014, 04:02:08 PM
I'd have quit .org if you had any 'idea' 88)

I had no idea I was defending something or even under "attack"
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on September 15, 2014, 04:03:09 PM
If one remembers that Esther is a lawyer.  One would realize her latest admission still tries to get Quincy off the hook as a nut-case. 


She may be a victim.  On a level that is secondary, even irrelevant to the case.  Everyone has an excuse if one digs deep enough.  That should not take away from the immediate crime.

For this pair, insanity may not be such a difficult thing to prove.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 04:03:29 PM
Superstitions that are so unevenly distributed. not fair
Superstition tupu.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 04:05:47 PM
Superstitions that are so unevenly distributed. not fair
Superstition tupu.
I meant YOU are full of superstition, seeing as you are presenting folktales you've picked up about Alshabbab sijuin nani, I dont see how this is different from Omollo believing in Mama Ngina's deal with Shaitan.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 04:08:08 PM
It was meant to make you at ease with Kisii witchcraft seeing every other community has its own brand of the same
The boy could really jump, said it was some 'medicine' he was given by Morans
Not sure about Okoyu 'red thigh' nor al shabaab 'anti-crocodile' portions

The denial is comical not any different from Okoyu's animal husbandry denialism ???
I meant YOU are full of superstition, seeing as you are presenting folktales you've picked up about Alshabbab sijuin nani, I dont see how this is different from Omollo believing in Mama Ngina's deal with Shaitan.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Omollo on September 15, 2014, 04:09:42 PM
I meant YOU are full of superstition, seeing as you are presenting folktales you've picked up about Alshabbab sijuin nani, I dont see how this is different from Omollo believing in Mama Ngina's deal with Shaitan.

I understand your urge and temptation to throw a barb at me.

For a lawyer, you take too many liberties. I have never once believed any of what you claim I have about Mama Ngina. May be you should learn to read and actually understand what is written. It helps when one is trying to be a lawyer!
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on September 15, 2014, 04:15:32 PM
Superstitions that are so unevenly distributed. not fair
Superstition tupu.
I am curious how you define superstition.  Very curious.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 04:17:26 PM
It was meant to make you at ease with Kisii witchcraft seeing every other community has its own brand of the same
The boy could really jump, said it was some 'medicine' he was given by Morans
Not sure about Okoyu 'red thigh' nor al shabaab 'anti-crocodile' portions

The denial is comical not any different from Okoyu's animal husbandry denialism ???
I meant YOU are full of superstition, seeing as you are presenting folktales you've picked up about Alshabbab sijuin nani, I dont see how this is different from Omollo believing in Mama Ngina's deal with Shaitan.

Stop changing stories now, your beliefs are out here already.

I have zero problems with Gusii witchcraft. Just as soon as you present me with facts and not your supersitition, I'll believe it gladly. :D You sound like one of those people who would be setting fire to the roof of an 80 year old woman because someone said she was a witch and it must be true!
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kichwambaya on September 15, 2014, 04:25:14 PM
Although the prosecution has the burden to prove that a crime was commited once one accepts that a crime was committed and one decides to mount a justification defense like, "self defense" or "insanity" or any other such defenses, the burden shifts.  Miss Arunga therefore should really get some good lawyers, pscychologists, women activists on her side to mount a strong defense that she was a victim. Her relatives in Kenya must immediately start raising some serious funds and should not rely on public defendants who do not have the resources to hire experts that could get her exonerated. While defenses that Kababe is talking about are available, they must be established in court with evidence and a lawyer cannot just walk into court and start talking about victimhood without evidence and expect the court to sympathize and believe you.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 04:28:49 PM
Superstitions that are so unevenly distributed. not fair
Superstition tupu.
I am curious how you define superstition.  Very curious.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 04:31:22 PM
Although the prosecution has the burden to prove that a crime was commited once one accepts that a crime was committed and one decides to mount a justification defense like, "self defense" or "insanity" or any other such defenses, the burden shifts.  Miss Arunga therefore should really get some good lawyers, pscychologists, women activists on her side to mount a strong defense that she was a victim. Her relatives in Kenya must immediately start raising some serious funds and should not rely on public defendants who do not have the resources to hire experts that could get her exonerated. While defenses that Kababe is talking about are available, they must be established in court with evidence and a lawyer cannot just walk into court and start talking about victimhood without evidence and expect the court to sympathize and believe you.
Only the burden shifts, not the std. All the defense needs to do is establish a reasonable case then it shifts back to the prosecution to disprove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 04:39:56 PM
What wasted energy denying what you have 'no problem' wit
Those are Kisii negroes making nyamchom out of octogenarians for sport not vooke but feel free to project it on me. They have a fetish for 70 year human choma I guess :o

Stop changing stories now, your beliefs are out here already.

I have zero problems with Gusii witchcraft. Just as soon as you present me with facts and not your supersitition, I'll believe it gladly. :D You sound like one of those people who would be setting fire to the roof of an 80 year old woman because someone said she was a witch and it must be true!
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 04:46:15 PM
Those are Kisii negroes making nyamchom out of octogenarians for sport not vooke but feel free to project it on me. They have a fetish for 70 year human choma I guess :o

Stop changing stories now, your beliefs are out here already.

I have zero problems with Gusii witchcraft. Just as soon as you present me with facts and not your supersitition, I'll believe it gladly. :D You sound like one of those people who would be setting fire to the roof of an 80 year old woman because someone said she was a witch and it must be true!
Indeed they are Gusii negroes, and you have been insisting that their claimed reason for making human nyamchom is factual, meaning you just believe them because they believe it. You are asking why waste energy stating something lacks facts? I'm sure you'd be happier if everything you claimed went unchallenged, but alas, this is the internet. I have no problem with Gusiis witchcraft, I have a problem with superstition and prejudice presented as facts.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 04:49:29 PM
Whether witchraft exists/works is not the issue. negroes who not only believe it but are willing kill for it not once or twice points to EXISTENCE of the practice and denying that and barking for evidence is mighty lame. Was u ever cut anywhere on your body?
Indeed they are Gusii negroes, and you have been insisting that their claimed reason for making human nyamchom is factual, meaning you just believe them.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 04:52:10 PM
Whether witchraft exists/works is not the issue. negroes who not only believe it but are willing kill for it not once or twice points to EXISTENCE of the practice and denying that and barking for evidence is mighty lame. Was u ever cut anywhere on your body?
Indeed they are Gusii negroes, and you have been insisting that their claimed reason for making human nyamchom is factual, meaning you just believe them.
Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?

Stop self-contradiction: Whether witchcraft exists is NOT the issue, (you claim) then you say immediately, it has to EXIST because people kill in its name, therefore whether it exists is in fact the issue, isnt it?

vooke, have you ever had sex with a red-thighed woman? 8)
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 04:55:29 PM
Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list
vooke has presented evidence of the practice; frequent lynchings over there
So Kisiis are idiots who who lynch and burn houses over imaginary stuff? That must be tribal insanity then
Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on September 15, 2014, 04:56:26 PM

Yes.  On the basis of your question in the deleted section, I am indeed really curious how the pastor defines superstition.  Very curious.  I want to understand his compass.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 05:00:35 PM
Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list
vooke has presented evidence of the practice; frequent lynchings over there
So Kisiis are idiots who who lynch and burn houses over imaginary stuff? That must be tribal insanity then
Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Kissiis are superstitious people who share your mindset:propensity for unsupported belief. Tribal insanity? I have always wondered. In a way it is, commonly held superstition is no different from insanity, people behave much the same way...UNREASONABLY.

You just said whether witchcraft exists is not the issue. Your stated evidence is evidence of a widespread belief that witchcraft exists and that anything bad that happens to me has some witch behind it who must always be a neighbour I happen to have been feuding with.

You have presented your beliefs, nothing more. Your DEEPLY held beliefs, at that.

Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 05:02:38 PM
Does part of that 'superstitious' include witchcraft?
Kissiis are superstitious people who share your mindset:propensity for superstition. Tribal insanity? I have always wondered. In a way it is, commonly held superstition is no different from insanity, people behave much the same way...UNREASONABLY.

You just said whether witchcraft exists is not the issue. Your stated evidence is evidence of a widespread belief that witchcraft exists and that anything bad that happens to me has some witch behind it who must always be a neighbour I happen to have been feuding with.

You have presented your beliefs, nothing more. Your DEEPLY held beliefs, at that.

Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 05:05:13 PM
Does part of that 'superstitious' include witchcraft?
Kissiis are superstitious people who share your mindset:propensity for superstition. Tribal insanity? I have always wondered. In a way it is, commonly held superstition is no different from insanity, people behave much the same way...UNREASONABLY.

You just said whether witchcraft exists is not the issue. Your stated evidence is evidence of a widespread belief that witchcraft exists and that anything bad that happens to me has some witch behind it who must always be a neighbour I happen to have been feuding with.

You have presented your beliefs, nothing more. Your DEEPLY held beliefs, at that.

The superstition is exactly what you have presented here: Someone believes something with ABSOLUTELY ZERO supporting facts, hence I am compelled to believe it. In other words, just engage in a bit of self-examination and you will understand all the Gusii lynchers you was referring to.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 05:08:12 PM
Am not interested in understanding negroes whose main fetish is 70 year old nyamchom much less those denying the same

let's just say munaonewa
The superstition is exactly what you have presented here: Someone believes something with ABSOLUTELY ZERO supporting facts, hence I am compelled to believe it. In other words, just engage in a bit of self-examination and you will understand all the Gusii lynchers.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 05:13:56 PM
Am not interested in understanding negroes whose main fetish is 70 year old nyamchom much less those denying the same

let's just say munaonewa
The superstition is exactly what you have presented here: Someone believes something with ABSOLUTELY ZERO supporting facts, hence I am compelled to believe it. In other words, just engage in a bit of self-examination and you will understand all the Gusii lynchers.
Lets just say, pastor's beliefs in other people's beliefs are sacred. Asking him to present facts is abomination.

Kuonewa nini? Gusiis (not all) engage in outright murder of weak defenseless elderly women based on petty village feuds and blame it on the boogeyman witch, and you, the self-appointed resident "debunker" of conspiracy theories are the number 1 believer of the factless myths used to justify it. 
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 05:30:44 PM

Yes.  On the basis of your question in the deleted section, I am indeed really curious how the pastor defines superstition.  Very curious.  I want to understand his compass.
The next time I catch him harrassing someone with accusations of "conspiracy theories" I will remind him to answer your question first and then link to the stories he was telling Pundit ???
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 06:43:08 PM
Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list

Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Missed this part..."Removing Kisiiland". Question is, who put who put ANY of them on that list and based on what evidence? I am sure you also believe that black cats in Coast speak like people and turn into beautiful seductive women, too...majini. Afterall, the story has been told in Kenya for ages, it surely must be true. There are also very beautiful women who have goat legs and walk backwards, again majini. My cousin claimed to have met one on a school trip to Mombasa.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 07:42:19 PM

They have lynched witches too, coast people....
They are not superstitious as Kisiii

Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list

Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Missed this part..."Removing Kisiiland". Question is, who put who put ANY of them on that list and based on what evidence? I am sure you also believe that black cats in Coast speak like people and turn into beautiful seductive women, too...majini. Afterall, the story has been told in Kenya for ages, it surely must be true. There are also very beautiful women who have goat legs and walk backwards, again majini. My cousin claimed to have met one on a school trip to Mombasa.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 07:43:08 PM

What evidence will suffice?

Am not interested in understanding negroes whose main fetish is 70 year old nyamchom much less those denying the same

let's just say munaonewa
The superstition is exactly what you have presented here: Someone believes something with ABSOLUTELY ZERO supporting facts, hence I am compelled to believe it. In other words, just engage in a bit of self-examination and you will understand all the Gusii lynchers.
Lets just say, pastor's beliefs in other people's beliefs are sacred. Asking him to present facts is abomination.

Kuonewa nini? Gusiis (not all) engage in outright murder of weak defenseless elderly women based on petty village feuds and blame it on the boogeyman witch, and you, the self-appointed resident "debunker" of conspiracy theories are the number 1 believer of the factless myths used to justify it. 
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 07:44:10 PM
Aks her, she introduced the vocabulary

Superstitions that are so unevenly distributed. not fair
Superstition tupu.
I am curious how you define superstition.  Very curious.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 07:51:48 PM

They have lynched witches too, coast people....
They are not superstitious as Kisiii

Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list

Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Missed this part..."Removing Kisiiland". Question is, who put who put ANY of them on that list and based on what evidence? I am sure you also believe that black cats in Coast speak like people and turn into beautiful seductive women, too...majini. Afterall, the story has been told in Kenya for ages, it surely must be true. There are also very beautiful women who have goat legs and walk backwards, again majini. My cousin claimed to have met one on a school trip to Mombasa.
Coast people lynched people? Gasp! Incontrovertible proof of witchcraft! :D

Evidence, how about the same threshold you usually demand for your conspiracy targets? So far we have stories of killers that their victims were witches. That's your proof for witches. You dont even care to interrogate any of the things they say. Apparently all witches are old vulnerable women, mostly widows in their 70s and 80s. When you have proof of a superstition, how about talking about a superstition so instead of claiming it is proof of witchcraft? You basically peddling the stories of those mgangas (conmen!) who claim to be able to drive out witchcraft from someone for a pretty sum.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 07:58:47 PM
Aks her, she introduced the vocabulary

Superstitions that are so unevenly distributed. not fair
Superstition tupu.
I am curious how you define superstition.  Very curious.
You used it to make a point, nonetheless; he wants to know your meaning, not mine.  :D
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 07:59:50 PM
There is no witchcraft in Kenia especially The religious Kisiis,just superstition...go to sleep now, this is boring

They have lynched witches too, coast people....
They are not superstitious as Kisiii

Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list

Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Missed this part..."Removing Kisiiland". Question is, who put who put ANY of them on that list and based on what evidence? I am sure you also believe that black cats in Coast speak like people and turn into beautiful seductive women, too...majini. Afterall, the story has been told in Kenya for ages, it surely must be true. There are also very beautiful women who have goat legs and walk backwards, again majini. My cousin claimed to have met one on a school trip to Mombasa.
Coast people lynched people? Gasp! Incontrovertible proof of witchcraft! :D

Evidence, how about the same threshold you usually demand for your conspiracy targets? So far we have stories of killers that their victims were witches. That's your proof for witches. You dont even care to interrogate any of the things they say. Apparently all witches are old vulnerable women, mostly widows in their 70s and 80s. When you have proof of a superstition, how about talking about a superstition so instead of claiming it is proof of witchcraft? You basically peddling the stories of those mgangas (conmen!) who claim to be able to drive out witchcraft from someone for a pretty sum.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 08:01:00 PM
If its boring, stop posting yourself. 8) You are nobody's daddy.
There is no witchcraft in Kenia especially The religious Kisiis,just superstition...go to sleep now, this is boring

They have lynched witches too, coast people....
They are not superstitious as Kisiii

Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list

Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Missed this part..."Removing Kisiiland". Question is, who put who put ANY of them on that list and based on what evidence? I am sure you also believe that black cats in Coast speak like people and turn into beautiful seductive women, too...majini. Afterall, the story has been told in Kenya for ages, it surely must be true. There are also very beautiful women who have goat legs and walk backwards, again majini. My cousin claimed to have met one on a school trip to Mombasa.
Coast people lynched people? Gasp! Incontrovertible proof of witchcraft! :D

Evidence, how about the same threshold you usually demand for your conspiracy targets? So far we have stories of killers that their victims were witches. That's your proof for witches. You dont even care to interrogate any of the things they say. Apparently all witches are old vulnerable women, mostly widows in their 70s and 80s. When you have proof of a superstition, how about talking about a superstition so instead of claiming it is proof of witchcraft? You basically peddling the stories of those mgangas (conmen!) who claim to be able to drive out witchcraft from someone for a pretty sum.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 08:01:50 PM
I took your own words, you used it first to dismiss whatever I said as superstition, Termie, get Oxford or something
Aks her, she introduced the vocabulary

Superstitions that are so unevenly distributed. not fair
Superstition tupu.
I am curious how you define superstition.  Very curious.
You used it to make a point, nonetheless; he wants to know your meaning, not mine.  :D
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 08:03:31 PM
You put a spiritless fight for Kissiii witchcraft, let's call it religion if witchcraft from South Nyanza is too offensive

If its boring, stop posting yourself. 8) You are nobody's daddy.
There is no witchcraft in Kenia especially The religious Kisiis,just superstition...go to sleep now, this is boring

They have lynched witches too, coast people....
They are not superstitious as Kisiii

Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list

Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Missed this part..."Removing Kisiiland". Question is, who put who put ANY of them on that list and based on what evidence? I am sure you also believe that black cats in Coast speak like people and turn into beautiful seductive women, too...majini. Afterall, the story has been told in Kenya for ages, it surely must be true. There are also very beautiful women who have goat legs and walk backwards, again majini. My cousin claimed to have met one on a school trip to Mombasa.
Coast people lynched people? Gasp! Incontrovertible proof of witchcraft! :D

Evidence, how about the same threshold you usually demand for your conspiracy targets? So far we have stories of killers that their victims were witches. That's your proof for witches. You dont even care to interrogate any of the things they say. Apparently all witches are old vulnerable women, mostly widows in their 70s and 80s. When you have proof of a superstition, how about talking about a superstition so instead of claiming it is proof of witchcraft? You basically peddling the stories of those mgangas (conmen!) who claim to be able to drive out witchcraft from someone for a pretty sum.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 08:04:55 PM
Still here? I think we need to find a new word for boring, pastor is confused! :D
You put a spiritless fight for Kissiii witchcraft, let's call it religion if witchcraft from South Nyanza is too offensive

If its boring, stop posting yourself. 8) You are nobody's daddy.
There is no witchcraft in Kenia especially The religious Kisiis,just superstition...go to sleep now, this is boring

They have lynched witches too, coast people....
They are not superstitious as Kisiii

Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list

Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Missed this part..."Removing Kisiiland". Question is, who put who put ANY of them on that list and based on what evidence? I am sure you also believe that black cats in Coast speak like people and turn into beautiful seductive women, too...majini. Afterall, the story has been told in Kenya for ages, it surely must be true. There are also very beautiful women who have goat legs and walk backwards, again majini. My cousin claimed to have met one on a school trip to Mombasa.
Coast people lynched people? Gasp! Incontrovertible proof of witchcraft! :D

Evidence, how about the same threshold you usually demand for your conspiracy targets? So far we have stories of killers that their victims were witches. That's your proof for witches. You dont even care to interrogate any of the things they say. Apparently all witches are old vulnerable women, mostly widows in their 70s and 80s. When you have proof of a superstition, how about talking about a superstition so instead of claiming it is proof of witchcraft? You basically peddling the stories of those mgangas (conmen!) who claim to be able to drive out witchcraft from someone for a pretty sum.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 15, 2014, 08:06:50 PM

What's boring is lame excuse for Kisiis uchawi not .org
Still here? I think we need to find a new word for boring, pastor is confused! :D
You put a spiritless fight for Kissiii witchcraft, let's call it religion if witchcraft from South Nyanza is too offensive

If its boring, stop posting yourself. 8) You are nobody's daddy.
There is no witchcraft in Kenia especially The religious Kisiis,just superstition...go to sleep now, this is boring

They have lynched witches too, coast people....
They are not superstitious as Kisiii

Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list

Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Missed this part..."Removing Kisiiland". Question is, who put who put ANY of them on that list and based on what evidence? I am sure you also believe that black cats in Coast speak like people and turn into beautiful seductive women, too...majini. Afterall, the story has been told in Kenya for ages, it surely must be true. There are also very beautiful women who have goat legs and walk backwards, again majini. My cousin claimed to have met one on a school trip to Mombasa.
Coast people lynched people? Gasp! Incontrovertible proof of witchcraft! :D

Evidence, how about the same threshold you usually demand for your conspiracy targets? So far we have stories of killers that their victims were witches. That's your proof for witches. You dont even care to interrogate any of the things they say. Apparently all witches are old vulnerable women, mostly widows in their 70s and 80s. When you have proof of a superstition, how about talking about a superstition so instead of claiming it is proof of witchcraft? You basically peddling the stories of those mgangas (conmen!) who claim to be able to drive out witchcraft from someone for a pretty sum.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 08:11:55 PM
I know. I would also find it boring if I was selling it and people just didnt swallow my superstition-bigotry combie along with the koolAid... Things are always so much easier when you dont have to provide facts, arent they ???

What's boring is lame excuse for Kisiis uchawi not .org
Still here? I think we need to find a new word for boring, pastor is confused! :D
You put a spiritless fight for Kissiii witchcraft, let's call it religion if witchcraft from South Nyanza is too offensive

If its boring, stop posting yourself. 8) You are nobody's daddy.
There is no witchcraft in Kenia especially The religious Kisiis,just superstition...go to sleep now, this is boring

They have lynched witches too, coast people....
They are not superstitious as Kisiii

Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list

Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Missed this part..."Removing Kisiiland". Question is, who put who put ANY of them on that list and based on what evidence? I am sure you also believe that black cats in Coast speak like people and turn into beautiful seductive women, too...majini. Afterall, the story has been told in Kenya for ages, it surely must be true. There are also very beautiful women who have goat legs and walk backwards, again majini. My cousin claimed to have met one on a school trip to Mombasa.
Coast people lynched people? Gasp! Incontrovertible proof of witchcraft! :D

Evidence, how about the same threshold you usually demand for your conspiracy targets? So far we have stories of killers that their victims were witches. That's your proof for witches. You dont even care to interrogate any of the things they say. Apparently all witches are old vulnerable women, mostly widows in their 70s and 80s. When you have proof of a superstition, how about talking about a superstition so instead of claiming it is proof of witchcraft? You basically peddling the stories of those mgangas (conmen!) who claim to be able to drive out witchcraft from someone for a pretty sum.
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: Kababe on September 15, 2014, 08:17:11 PM
Vooke, next you should provide us stories about the Illuminati and their plan to take over the world. I hear even Kenya's elite are members. :o
Title: Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
Post by: vooke on September 16, 2014, 07:12:24 AM
Negroes lack the basic intelligence required to rise through the Illuminati ranks
Vooke, next you should provide us stories about the Illuminati and their plan to take over the world. I hear even Kenya's elite are members. :o