Forum => Kenya Discussion => Topic started by: patel on October 03, 2023, 04:10:50 PM
Not sure what has gone wrong but the country mood has shifted.
Despair everywhere. Economic front things are thick all cross the board. Not a single industry that you can say it's flourishing. Construction industry, the last industry that was flourishing is slowing down due to high prices. Consumer products same thing. We can all agree Ndii magic has failed something has to be done before hasoras eat us live live. Ni kubaya boss.
Natuliwawon ..... Bloomberg says NSE reflection of "dark clouds"
Yes many lost hope as early as 2023 but now even the @Patels are following suit. We "only watch foreign news and no longer attend church".....
Not sure what has gone wrong but the country mood has shifted.
Despair everywhere. Economic front things are thick all cross the board. Not a single industry that you can say it's flourishing. Construction industry, the last industry that was flourishing is slowing down due to high prices. Consumer products same thing. We can all agree Ndii magic has failed something has to be done before hasoras eat us live live. Ni kubaya boss.
Are kenyans being too impatient? Ruto has only been in office for one year.
I'm hearing the same things and from people I"d consider to be "rich" by kenyan standards. Those that have family members in the west are leaving and not coming back, but what is the situation as bad as the 90's? kenyans survived moi for 24 years what will make them blow this time?
100 % want Ruto to succeed. There is no other option else we will slowly slide to failed state. It feels like Ruto is on his own trying to do it all by himself. I was expecting 3 or 4 CS to break out off the gates with transformational policies and implementation michuki style but none so far..I don't know mehn
Yes many lost hope as early as 2023 but now even the @Patels are following suit. We "only watch foreign news and no longer attend church".....
Not sure what has gone wrong but the country mood has shifted.
Despair everywhere. Economic front things are thick all cross the board. Not a single industry that you can say it's flourishing. Construction industry, the last industry that was flourishing is slowing down due to high prices. Consumer products same thing. We can all agree Ndii magic has failed something has to be done before hasoras eat us live live. Ni kubaya boss.
Last election was sort of a mini revolution. Hasoras felt they had it. Slowly slipping away. Moi time there was no Shosho media. World has changed. Kibaki showed Kenyans what was possible economy wise and I think most Kenyans were expecting the same miracle.. Shida 15 trillion debt most dollar denominated.
Are kenyans being too impatient? Ruto has only been in office for one year.
I'm hearing the same things and from people I"d consider to be "rich" by kenyan standards. Those that have family members in the west are leaving and not coming back, but what is the situation as bad as the 90's? kenyans survived moi for 24 years what will make them blow this time?
I said here a million years ago, Ruto has no vision or capacity to lead an economic revolution in Kenya. Kaunda suit is way over his head on this one, he should have tried governor or something like in that line. Kenyans are talking about giving him another year and then the honeymoon is over, one term will be loading on steroids. He over promised, lied his way to presidency, he is now going around reinagulating and validating Uhuru’s projects while is wife is stuck in a cult, it’s sad.
100 % want Ruto to succeed. There is no other option else we will slowly slide to failed state. It feels like Ruto is on his own trying to do it all by himself. I was expecting 3 or 4 CS to break out off the gates with transformational policies and implementation michuki style but none so far..I don't know mehn
Yes many lost hope as early as 2023 but now even the @Patels are following suit. We "only watch foreign news and no longer attend church".....
Not sure what has gone wrong but the country mood has shifted.
Despair everywhere. Economic front things are thick all cross the board. Not a single industry that you can say it's flourishing. Construction industry, the last industry that was flourishing is slowing down due to high prices. Consumer products same thing. We can all agree Ndii magic has failed something has to be done before hasoras eat us live live. Ni kubaya boss.
I finally agree with you.
POLICY POLICY, POLICY is the only thing that works.
Tulia. Uhuru mess wont be magically sorted without pain. Pain until 2025. Next year - more pain.
We meet in 2025-2027 - 3yrs of happy times.
Two more years of this! Everybody will be burnt beyond recognition.
I hope structures are being laid in place to provide that kind of lift off in 2025. Black swain international events how do you mitigate that?
Tulia. Uhuru mess wont be magically sorted without pain. Pain until 2025. Next year - more pain.
We meet in 2025-2027 - 3yrs of happy times.
Two more years of this! Everybody will be burnt beyond recognition.
I hope structures are being laid in place to provide that kind of lift off in 2025. Black swain international events how do you mitigate that?
Tulia. Uhuru mess wont be magically sorted without pain. Pain until 2025. Next year - more pain.
We meet in 2025-2027 - 3yrs of happy times.
The man appoints unqualified pple to senior posts. These people dont know anything about policy. Without good policy, no development. So expect more pain.
Tulia. Uhuru mess wont be magically sorted without pain. Pain until 2025. Next year - more pain.
We meet in 2025-2027 - 3yrs of happy times.
And how is uhuru mess being sorted out?
Tulia. Uhuru mess wont be magically sorted without pain. Pain until 2025. Next year - more pain.
We meet in 2025-2027 - 3yrs of happy times.
And how is uhuru mess being sorted out?
Uhuru took all the money.
Uhuru this and that and that. Blame it on Uhuru while appointing policy illiterates. It'll only get worse. Foregin exchange control bill will nail the last one on the coffin.
We have been there before. The results were a lot of corruption and those who wanted foreign exchange it it anyway. It is just a question of price.
Uhuru took all the money.
Uhuru this and that and that. Blame it on Uhuru while appointing policy illiterates. It'll only get worse. Foregin exchange control bill will nail the last one on the coffin.
Through painful reforms like high tax collections, digitization, investing in BETA, letting KES to devalue.
And how is uhuru mess being sorted out?
Ruto has barely been in office for one year. kenyans are being unrealistic. You want raila? ruto will get it and he has 9 more years to go. Unfortunately, kenyans have to be patient, but I still want that state capture commission. Uhuru has to pay for what he did.
Keep on dreaming. Maybe after Ruto's 9 years.
As of Uhuru paying for what he did, you will wait till kingdom come. Was Uhuru alone in looting the republic?
Ruto has barely been in office for one year. kenyans are being unrealistic. You want raila? ruto will get it and he has 9 more years to go. Unfortunately, kenyans have to be patient, but I still want that state capture commission. Uhuru has to pay for what he did.
I for one also had some hope that Ruto will excel since he had been in govt all his life.
Lately I stopped answering some calls from relas wanting bail out. Too many.
First big project, Ruto and his buddies just stole Telekom through a shadowy Dubai briefcase firm. This is something they have been salivating for and they got it done while Kenyans complain of Unga. The next regime in 2027 can reverse this very quickly but these guys will have made bank. Kenyan electorate is like an abused wife, go to church and pray for never happening miracle like economic recovery while the husband tandikas them everyday, at some point, a smart woman would find a way to get out of this abusive relationship.
Tulia. Uhuru mess wont be magically sorted without pain. Pain until 2025. Next year - more pain.
We meet in 2025-2027 - 3yrs of happy times.
Of all nipate members you single clueless about economy, ask yourself simple questions,
1. What Indications do you have that things will be resolved in 25
2. Global Dynamics might affect the economy further still beyond Kenyas control
If there was intial positive indications now you could say 2025 will be better but there has been 0 nada, economy is not like politocs where things can just happen in a split second, economics relies on proper planning. As of now Ruto is following IMF and western institution restructuring plans,itself is a mirage because they make sure they put you in a place where you can pay their loans but nothing more.
Pundit an example,think of them as you, with Kenya being your shamba boy ,you obviously want your shamba boy to be living just comfortable able to meet his needs and work for you always,you dont put your shamba boy in a position where he doesn't rely on you, thats how IMF ,world bank and others operate
Ruto shousld look to China,he is already borrowing 1Billion dollars from them,at least china has some decency having being a 3rd world country the west care less only using us as in case of Haiti.
Njuri wa makamasi me clueless ubwa
Through painful reforms like high tax collections, digitization, investing in BETA, letting KES to devalue.
And how is uhuru mess being sorted out?
Raising taxes doesnt necessarily mean more collection. Devaluing KES has led to eroding of kenyans purchasing power hence they're more poorer. In addition its worsening debt serving and repayment. Instead of raising taxes the government should have privatized, deregulated and drastically reduce spending. Government spending, especially budget deficit driven spending drives up inflation and in kenya corruption. The economy will meander along nothing above 6% . If the different measures were taken the economy would have rebounded from covid and debt crisis to about 8% by late 24.
Through painful reforms like high tax collections, digitization, investing in BETA, letting KES to devalue.
And how is uhuru mess being sorted out?
Raising taxes doesnt necessarily mean more collection. Devaluing KES has led to eroding of kenyans purchasing power hence they're more poorer. In addition its worsening debt serving and repayment. Instead of raising taxes the government should have privatized, deregulated and drastically reduce spending. Government spending, especially budget deficit driven spending drives up inflation and in kenya corruption. The economy will meander along nothing above 6% . If the different measures were taken the economy would have rebounded from covid and debt crisis to about 8% by late 24.
You raise taxes when economy is doing good, not when its going downhill. Even in personal finances you cut back, and get rid of a few things when things are bad.