
Forum => Controversial => Topic started by: vooke on January 02, 2015, 07:04:12 AM

Title: Mad Jarluo prophet claims 6 fools' lives
Post by: vooke on January 02, 2015, 07:04:12 AM
Negro is up to no good
Title: Re: Mad Jarluo prophet claims 6 fools' lives
Post by: Omollo on January 02, 2015, 04:14:05 PM
When I mention it, I am attacked.
Title: Re: Mad Jarluo prophet claims 6 fools' lives
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on January 02, 2015, 05:11:44 PM

Those ones might have had no faith.  I have heard you need faith for these things to work.  Don't hate the player.  Hate the game.
Title: Re: Mad Jarluo prophet claims 6 fools' lives
Post by: vooke on January 02, 2015, 05:26:50 PM
the idea that we should just 'leave them to God' to judge them is why we tolerate so much garbage in the name of Christianity. I wanted to start a blog and expose this charlatan but just about everyone around me was against it. They felt that going against this man of God would earn me curses.

What have you to gain in attacking him? Nothing. You are not a skeptic nor an antitheist. You are not envious seeing you are not a minister of the gospel. Negro is probably your kinsman! Yet people invent all excuses why you should not mention the obvious

Anyway, just do your bit and back it with facts and leave his sheeple to make up their minds
When I mention it, I am attacked.
Title: Re: Mad Jarluo prophet claims 6 fools' lives
Post by: vooke on January 02, 2015, 05:40:10 PM
The Faith ruse is how these charlatans shift the blame on the hapless victim after reeling them in and swindling them. We have instances where miracles were performed WITHOUT faith. Typical examples include raising the dead and the lame man by the Bethsaida and the other at the Beautiful gate.

There is something off with advertising miracles you can't guarantee. It has zero scriptural basis. Jesus didn't nor did the apostles
I long to see a billboard telling idiots that other idiots died pursuing healing. I will keep dreaming

Those ones might have had no faith.  I have heard you need faith for these things to work.  Don't hate the player.  Hate the game.
Title: Re: Mad Jarluo prophet claims 6 fools' lives
Post by: Omollo on January 02, 2015, 06:01:18 PM
One threatened me successfully. He demonstrated what harm he could do to me. So I had no stomach to be subjected to rumor-mongering and have people keshering to exorcise me from their midst. He wanted money I signed it and went away.
Title: Re: Mad Jarluo prophet claims 6 fools' lives
Post by: mya88 on January 02, 2015, 09:21:22 PM
Seems like 2015 is the year of prophesies... pastor vooke, what do you have for us in 2015? 8) 8)

1. A pastor from Bungoma has prophesied that Deputy President William Ruto’s case, and that of radio journalist Joshua arap Sang at The Hague will collapse in 2015.

Patrick Wafula, 57, had ‘prophesied’ the termination of Uhuru Kenyatta’s case at the International Criminal Court (ICC
The cleric also claimed that, “God has shown me that our country will be safe in 2015. The new year will mark the end of the persistent terrorist attacks by Al-Shabaab.” Wafula however refused to disclose more, insisting he needed to speak to President Uhuru in person over some more prophesies
2. But Pastor Wafula’s prophesy conflicts that of city ‘prophetess’ Jemimah Wangari who prophesied that, “Blood will flow until 2015.” She told The Nairobian that although 2014 would have been the final year for blood-letting in Kenya, lack of prayer and the ‘corrupt’ conduct of leaders has angered God. She adds that the recent disgraceful scuffles in Parliament were a revelation.

“Our leaders behaved like drunkards. It was God’s way to show us that our leaders lack self-respect,” she said

3. In an interesting twist, Bishop Richard Nato, who is Rift Valley Clergy Big Forum chairman claimed he saw a vision that the country will not be going into referendum in 2015. He has asked influential leaders to hold their horses
4. Bishop Thomas Wahome of Helicopter of Christ Ministries claims 2015 is the year the country will arrive at the ‘Promised Land.  And just like the Israelites passed through a lot of challenges before reaching the Promised Land,  Kenya will see her promises come to fruition this year,” claimed Wahome (
Title: Re: Mad Jarluo prophet claims 6 fools' lives
Post by: mya88 on January 02, 2015, 09:28:28 PM
I dont know what to make of prophet Awour, but the mere fact that perishoners are dying right there in supposedly 'holy grounds' where healing is supposed to be taking place is disturbing. I think I will place him in the same basket as TB Joshua for now. If he is really a fraud then it would be such a shame because Kenyans are desperate and are searching for God everywhere and someone to give them hope. There was a time when I was growing up when Kenyans used to pray...I think it was during Moi's tenure. I remember going to uhuru park as a kid to watch Reinhard Bonke. The gospel was pure without all these side shows....I wonder what happened to us.
Title: Re: Mad Jarluo prophet claims 6 fools' lives
Post by: vooke on January 02, 2015, 09:47:23 PM

Don't let this BS get to you no matter how convincing it is. Did you see that Okoyu Apostle Mike who paid a hoe to stage a fake miracle threaten Mohamed Ali of Jicho Pevu with disease?
One threatened me successfully. He demonstrated what harm he could do to me. So I had no stomach to be subjected to rumor-mongering and have people keshering to exorcise me from their midst. He wanted money I signed it and went away.
Title: Re: Mad Jarluo prophet claims 6 fools' lives
Post by: vooke on January 03, 2015, 06:49:31 AM
Let me help you. If you are a pasta and you don't preach/perform;
1. Miracles
2. Prosperity
3. Prophecy
4. New Age-esque feel good gospel
You are most likely to wallow in mediocrity till Jesus comes back for you. The average church goer has little tolerance for sound doctrine. They need motivation and the quickest route to their dreams. They are agnostic Christians who have no time for a God they can't feel, and who won't solve all their needs in a flash. They are lazy and need the pasta to mediate between them and God. They are addicted to 'testimonies'.

Worse of all, they are taught to fear the pasta. There is practically zero difference between the modern pasta and a witch doctor

I dont know what to make of prophet Awour, but the mere fact that perishoners are dying right there in supposedly 'holy grounds' where healing is supposed to be taking place is disturbing. I think I will place him in the same basket as TB Joshua for now. If he is really a fraud then it would be such a shame because Kenyans are desperate and are searching for God everywhere and someone to give them hope. There was a time when I was growing up when Kenyans used to pray...I think it was during Moi's tenure. I remember going to uhuru park as a kid to watch Reinhard Bonke. The gospel was pure without all these side shows....I wonder what happened to us.