Forum => Kenya Discussion => Topic started by: KenyanPlato on April 04, 2022, 03:50:26 AM
I am watching dangerous roads documentary on Malawi. The life in this place is just hard. The poor just have too many kids to take care of them properly. They have such a food deficit they are trapping sparrows during their immigration. Sad because when those sparrows become exitnict they pest will eat the crops and these fuckers..Fools will.. die enmass
I am watching dangerous roads documentary on Malawi. The life in this place is just hard. The poor just have too many kids to take care of them properly. They have such a food deficit they are trapping sparrows during their immigration. Sad because when those sparrows become exitnict they pest will eat the crops and these fuckers..Fools will.. die enmass
Just avert your eyes. Don't follow the news, it will give you PTSD.
We rational peoples of this earth will never be able to fathom the motivations of the reptilian underclass that is wallowing in misery everywhere, due to their own poor choices. I kif up my fren
Let the judgment continue. It stems from their wickedness.
I haven’t watched the Malawi one. I saw the Zambia one. I see them not so much as fools but victims of circumstances. There are so many forces beyond their individual control in play, you need to be genius just to survive.
I haven’t watched the Malawi one. I saw the Zambia one. I see them not so much as fools but victims of circumstances. There are so many forces beyond their individual control in play, you need to be genius just to survive.
My words are harsh and over the top but you see this allover the world with homo sapiens. The more misery there is the more ridiculous solutions become. There is high infant mortality why not have more kids, this one area so govt fool sold them the capitalistic idea that they could monocrop farm bananas. A virus attacked the bananas rendering everyone destitute. Malawi has warmed up by 2 Celsius. I met a bunch Malawians in Indiana 18 years ago. These were rich kids and boy ooh boy were they high on alcohol. They were so mannerless they were drinking in a church compound as the wedding was being officiated. Anyway seeing them trap birds reminded of Ugandans working in my area. They were eating birds not due to hunger as a delicacy. My mum got so mad and issued a fatwa against birds killing. Anyway human beings are viruses and earth can't heal until we annihilate ourselves
I haven’t watched the Malawi one. I saw the Zambia one. I see them not so much as fools but victims of circumstances. There are so many forces beyond their individual control in play, you need to be genius just to survive.
That mzee and his Frankenstein truck was something else. That was the one with the son wanting to be an accountant. Life is harsh and it even harsher in sub Saharan Africa. There a snowball chance in life getting out of that situation. I have seen many kenyans go to Malawi to work for aid agencies. That a job I would never do. I would feel I am robbing them of a job and opportunity to eat the world food ration to nyeuthis for themselves. Madonna was doing a one woman rescue. I wonder if the kids turned out okay
I haven’t watched the Malawi one. I saw the Zambia one. I see them not so much as fools but victims of circumstances. There are so many forces beyond their individual control in play, you need to be genius just to survive.
That mzee and his Frankenstein truck was something else. That was the one with the son wanting to be an accountant. Life is harsh and it even harsher in sub Saharan Africa. There a snowball chance in life getting out of that situation. I have seen many kenyans go to Malawi to work for aid agencies. That a job I would never do. I would feel I am robbing them of a job and opportunity to eat the world food ration to nyeuthis for themselves. Madonna was doing a one woman rescue. I wonder if the kids turned out okay
Yep. I think they were moving bricks from point A to point B. But that simple task is orders of magnitude more difficult and inefficient because of bad roads.
Zambia is a rich country, and these guys are working their butt off just to tread water.
If Zambia is a rich country I do not know what a poor one looks like
When we talk about productivity people think it about build skyscrapers and superhighway but capital and simple equipment like a better truck can change that group of wretched of the earth fortunes
If Zambia is a rich country I do not know what a poor one looks like
Rich in the resource curse sense. They are like DRC, just a bit better.
If Zambia is a rich country I do not know what a poor one looks like
Rich in the resource curse sense. They are like DRC, just a bit better.
They have copper and then land locked and dry in most of the places. Looks like ukambani with a few deltas
Nope - Zambia are richer - because the have huge land - you can easily get 100 acres per family.
Rich in the resource curse sense. They are like DRC, just a bit better.
They have copper and then land locked and dry in most of the places. Looks like ukambani with a few deltas
How productive are those lands?