Forum => Kenya Discussion => Topic started by: Nowayhaha on March 11, 2022, 06:46:24 PM
We are waiting for Uhuru to dump Raila and endorse Ruto.. that the only meaningful prediction this season.
Uhuru Ruto is same whatsap group....They are family
We are waiting for Uhuru to dump Raila and endorse Ruto.. that the only meaningful prediction this season.
Bungoma is major coup by Ruto.Nowayah I know you think the bukusu have beef with kalenjin but they like gema n gusii naturally distrust beef or rivalry with kalenjin pale in comparison to odinga.They know he is upto no good.Bukusu saw real Raila in 1994 after death of jaramogi..some naive folks are waiting for Raila to die to inherit luo kingdom..viu sasa.. jaramogi himself had decreed that kijana wamalwa was to inherit..he distrusted Raila... Raila hated jaramogi for marrying many wife's ...the mother died while Raila was in prison n bankrupting the family by his generosity..but Raila could not face jaramogi for he a mythical legend to his luo people.The only person Raila trust is oburu odinga.. because his elder bro took care of his family while in prison for a decade...
WACHA story mingi....Lusaka knows it will be an uphill battle. You could even see from his lukewarm reception. He stood a better chance running independent.
I can say here that Wangamati will retain his seat (in a close race with Lusaka) even in spite of his goofs. Bungoma will vote 65-70% Agwambo/Azimio for President.
Bungoma is major coup by Ruto.Nowayah I know you think the bukusu have beef with kalenjin but they like gema n gusii naturally distrust beef or rivalry with kalenjin pale in comparison to odinga.They know he is upto no good.Bukusu saw real Raila in 1994 after death of jaramogi..some naive folks are waiting for Raila to die to inherit luo kingdom..viu sasa.. jaramogi himself had decreed that kijana wamalwa was to inherit..he distrusted Raila... Raila hated jaramogi for marrying many wife's ...the mother died while Raila was in prison n bankrupting the family by his generosity..but Raila could not face jaramogi for he a mythical legend to his luo people.The only person Raila trust is oburu odinga.. because his elder bro took care of his family while in prison for a decade...
40 mcas attended.Opinion polls are showing Ruto at 65 percent and Raila at 30s..I think now that Lusaka will be on the ground..Ruto likely to go as high as 75 percent..with Raila at 25 percent...
Not from that silly Gordon Opiyo you keep quoting here:
Lusaka built one, yes one, 1Km tarmac road and the :62: named it "Lusaka Road". I therefore have no hesitation approving this message.
When Ken Lusaka was Governor of Bungoma, the road that passes through Bungoma Town from Mumias to Kanduyi was full of potholes that looked like the craters on the moon. As a matter of fact, the reason the voters of Bungoma booted Lusaka from office was because he had allowed Bungoma to disintegrate to unbelievable levels as neighbouring Kakamega Town was approaching city status under Governor Oparanya. The Governor who took over from Lusaka, Wangamati, not only widened and tarmacked the road but also initiated numerous developmental projects throughout the County. It will be interesting to watch how the people of Bungoma will react to Lusaka's renewed determination to ruin their lives this time at the behest of the Tanga Tanga conmen
We have not forgotten:
This was punishment for not in reality giving "enough votes" to Jubilee. With govt not against us, we dare them to try that again. GSU will be for us.
That is how Gov wangamati will fail.
Bungoma is large county - from Mt Elgon to Webuye to Kimaeti to near Nambale to near Mumias
Bungoma governor is not Bungoma Town Mayor.
This what most governor never get - Nakuru is one good example.
What Lusaka did very well was to build rural well done gravel road - in almost the entire Bungoma.
Jubilee also did well to build tarmac roads.
Lusaka also did well with agricluture - supporting poor famers with fertilizer and seed subsidy.
That wheelbarrow scandal and party(jubilee) made his lose/
And I think he is now going to reclaim is seat - because Wangamati has behaved like mayor - spending critical resources doing national trunk roads - instead of maintaining rural gravel roads, opening up bridges, and developing rural Bungoma.
County gov job is basically 1) run the health sector well 2) build county roads - gravel all weather and 3) run ECDEs - and 4) support agricluture & rural market centers and 5) control alcohol and drugs. End.
Not from that silly Gordon Opiyo you keep quoting here:
Lusaka built one, yes one, 1Km tarmac road and the :62: named it "Lusaka Road". I therefore have no hesitation approving this message.
Those are Weta boys. Weta brother run gangs.Otherwise our Kalenjin Sabaot will only descend on Chwele if there was war like 92. For now they are happy to supply Bungoma with potatos and onions with their donkeys.
Speaking of which - Bukusu really need to improve their agriculture - from growing for own consumption - to doing commercial farming - I didnt see any commercial farming outside sugar cane - except in Chwele (again Sabaots).
Bukusu like Luos - just want to emigrate to Nairobi or towns to look for jobs - and live in slums - while they can generate income from their fertile farms.
We have not forgotten:
This was punishment for not in reality giving "enough votes" to Jubilee. With govt not against us, we dare them to try that again. GSU will be for us.
First governors did a great job setting up county structures. Few could deliver the magic that was promised by devolution.
Governors like Malombe, Kabogo, Lusaka, Ranguma and even the Mbugua state house schemer did well in setting up systems which the second timers just rode on.
Yes I think Isaac Ruto did well initially - understood what devolution was - the mandate and all - shida fala got distracted trying to fight William Ruto - ended up stealing county money to fight a political juggernaut.
First governors did a great job setting up county structures. Few could deliver the magic that was promised by devolution.
Governors like Malombe, Kabogo, Lusaka, Ranguma and even the Mbugua state house schemer did well in setting up systems which the second timers just rode on.
What you won't hear is why so many Luhya or Bukusu MPs have decamped to DAP-K. Why would Wangamati leave the wildly popular Ruto camp to defend his seat on brand new party?
Lusaka was New Ford-K governor of Eugene. Not Weta's Ford-K. He beat Ford-K despite Weta being "co-principal" of Cord. New Ford-K is now DAP-K with bigger sway in Kakamega.. netting all those Nabulindos, Savulas, Tindi Mwales who have quit ANC. Mpaka George Khaniri is running for Vihiga governor via Azimio. If you check even Trans Nzoia senator and women rep are now Azimio - why not run on wildly popular Ford-K or UDA?
But you will hear the defectors have been bought by Atwoli & Gideon. Laughable really - at least wangesema Raila. Why Gideon - are they joining Kanu?
The truth is Ford-K & ANC are being overrun by DAP-K. Weta is useless. In 2014 his win in Bungoma senator was annulled for bribing voters. In by-election he was almost sent home by Kombo on New Ford-K... it took Raila campaigning for him to save his arse. Yaani Raila had to personally save the fake "kingpin" in his home county.
Lusaka lost his seat in 2017 principally for joining William Ruto. Nothing to do with development. That's Lusaka's achilles even now. Now with Eugene & Azimio Wangamati is home and dry. Depending on the opponent Weta himself might fall to DAP-K. Can be easily floored even by Mukhisa Kituyi.
WACHA story mingi....Lusaka knows it will be an uphill battle. You could even see from his lukewarm reception. He stood a better chance running independent.
I can say here that Wangamati will retain his seat (in a close race with Lusaka) even in spite of his goofs. Bungoma will vote 65-70% Agwambo/Azimio for President.
You excel in writting copious nonsense
Start here
The finish here - Bukusu political history
What you won't hear is why so many Luhya or Bukusu MPs have decamped to DAP-K. Why would Wangamati leave the wildly popular Ruto camp to defend his seat on brand new party?
Lusaka was New Ford-K governor of Eugene. Not Weta's Ford-K. He beat Ford-K despite Weta being "co-principal" of Cord. New Ford-K is now DAP-K with bigger sway in Kakamega.. netting all those Nabulindos, Savulas, Tindi Mwales who have quit ANC. Mpaka George Khaniri is running for Vihiga governor via Azimio. If you check even Trans Nzoia senator and women rep are now Azimio - why not run on wildly popular Ford-K or UDA?
But you will hear the defectors have been bought by Atwoli & Gideon. Laughable really - at least wangesema Raila.
The truth is Ford-K & ANC are being overrun by DAP-K. Weta is useless. In 2014 his win in Bungoma senator was annulled for bribing voters. In by-election he was almost sent home by Kombo on New Ford-K... it took Raila campaigning for him to save his arse. Yaani Raila had to personally save the fake "kingpin" in his home county.
Lusaka lost his seat in 2017 principally for joining William Ruto. Nothing to do with development. That's Lusaka's achilles even now. Now with Eugene and Raila Wangamati is home and dry. Depending on the opponent Weta himself might fall to DAP-K. Can be easily floored even by Mukhisa Kituyi.
WACHA story mingi....Lusaka knows it will be an uphill battle. You could even see from his lukewarm reception. He stood a better chance running independent.
I can say here that Wangamati will retain his seat (in a close race with Lusaka) even in spite of his goofs. Bungoma will vote 65-70% Agwambo/Azimio for President.
Those briefcase mizani polls are a dime a dozen. The reason we dismiss your phantom numbers is simple: you are a certified Ruto zealot. Umebatizwa kwa jina la Ruto :) Yaani you can threaten genocide on poor peasants in case your god loses - only a fool can expect you to be objective with Ruto on the ballot.
Now ati 3 months old briefcase pollster... they are so great cause Ruto is ahead? What happened to your usual demand for credibility?
I think Ipsos are dead after Prof Tom Woof was poached by Tifa. I would like to hear from them.
What happened to Kalonzo is joining Ruto? by our inhouse oracle. Raila must have wired that 3B.
Uhuru Ruto is same whatsap group....They are family
We are waiting for Uhuru to dump Raila and endorse Ruto.. that the only meaningful prediction this season.
Proven TRACK record versus empty words.
Mizani been around for sometime. They do decent job except when bribed by sitting Mps.
But I agree - Tom Wolf is better in that game - and I would give his polls more weight.
MOAS of course is unmatched.
Except by Prof Charles Hornsby - I am eagerly waiting for his MOASS.
Those briefcase mizani polls are a dime a dozen. The reason we dismiss your phantom numbers is simple: you are a certified Ruto zealot. Umebatizwa kwa jina la Ruto :) Yaani you can threaten genocide on poor peasants in case your god loses - only a fool can expect you to be objective with Ruto on the ballot.
Now ati 3 months old briefcase pollster... they are so great cause Ruto is ahead? What happened to your usual demand for credibility?
I think Ipsos are dead after Prof Tom Woof was poached by Tifa. I would like to hear from them.
I checked your twitter posts. 0 followers. Basically you have the current Mutahi Ngunyi problem of credibility despite previous successes. There is a reason Tom Wolf does not belong to any party.
Proven TRACK record versus empty words.
Mizani been around for sometime. They do decent job except when bribed by sitting Mps.
But I agree - Tom Wolf is better in that game - and I would give his polls more weight.
MOAS of course is unmatched.
Except by Prof Charles Hornsby - I am eagerly waiting for his MOASS.
I checked your twitter posts. 0 followers. Basically you have the current Mutahi Ngunyi problem of credibility despite previous successes. There is a reason Tom Wolf does not belong to any party.
Proven TRACK record versus empty words.
Mizani been around for sometime. They do decent job except when bribed by sitting Mps.
But I agree - Tom Wolf is better in that game - and I would give his polls more weight.
MOAS of course is unmatched.
Except by Prof Charles Hornsby - I am eagerly waiting for his MOASS.
He shamelessly puts his MOASS on Twitter, forgets folks there have less time for bullcrap than Nipate. All his posts on Twitter have 0 likes, 0 replies, 0 retweets. On Twitter it is as if he is playing guitar to goats. :57:
Why the personal attacks Azimios..just share Raila moass... been asking for this since 2013
:) at least here on nipate we know he is a tribal data analyst. Our issue just the huge UDA goggles that blur his view. The rest of #KOT just need a peak at his Ruto-worshipping opinions to dismiss any of his analyses on the subject. No second thought.
How would people react if Tom Wolf showed up in ODM colors but claims to be objective cause of his track record?
I checked your twitter posts. 0 followers. Basically you have the current Mutahi Ngunyi problem of credibility despite previous successes. There is a reason Tom Wolf does not belong to any party.
Proven TRACK record versus empty words.
Mizani been around for sometime. They do decent job except when bribed by sitting Mps.
But I agree - Tom Wolf is better in that game - and I would give his polls more weight.
MOAS of course is unmatched.
Except by Prof Charles Hornsby - I am eagerly waiting for his MOASS.
He shamelessly puts his MOASS on Twitter, forgets folks there have less time for bullcrap than Nipate. All his posts on Twitter have 0 likes, 0 replies, 0 retweets. On Twitter it is as if he is playing guitar to goats. :57:
You mean you cannot be objective if you support a party.That being low Iqued moron worse than a drunkard in my village of chebangang..hornbill in kalenjin.My record speak for itself when it comes to Kenya politics...
Blinkers. You can only beat them if you are sober supporter. Not a fanatic.
You missed out on the Moi windfall... no Kalenjin has run for PORK since. 2012 you were claiming Ruto would emerge no 2 after Uhuru in 1st round - beat Raila - and non-Gema would gang up to tosha him in the run-off. Before you saw breaking news of Uhuruto deal at Jevanjee and quickly sobered up that there would be no President Ruto. Took you a few days to adjust and start praising Gentleman Uhuru - the only decent Kikuyu :)
How did you miss the looting fiesta in Jubilee 1? Now it do or die for you - next opening will be long coming.
You mean you cannot be objective if you support a party.That being low Iqued moron worse than a drunkard in my village of chebangang..hornbill in kalenjin.My record speak for itself when it comes to Kenya politics...
Bhangi.In 2002 Dec 25 th I was with Raila eating Christmas in my home area...the night before I slept past we organised with Frankline Bett how Raila would arrive in Kericho.. through tea estates where Luos nluhya lived.. kipsigis were in kanu..the rest are similar nonsense.I am objective because I am not fool ..come August I won't disappear in shame you will.I campaigned for narc and celebrated for days before it became tribay
Lol, I'm happy Robina is back. It's entertaining reading her back-n-forth with Pundit. It was really boring reading those 247 agreements with Noway and RVH. :D
About Oct 2012 Pundit had MOAS showing President William Ruto would be unveiled in a few months. He had earmarked Mau plots he would grab immediately. Apparently Ruto then polling at 14% would beat Raila (polling at 35%) - cause kamatusa are numerically more than Luo :(
Uhuru was to be top at 25% Gema.
In the run-off non-Gema were to gang-up against Uhuru and crown Ruto as 4th PORK. :D
Pundit was intoxicated with Ruto same as today.. he is lucky dot-com buried his shame with it.
Lol, I'm happy Robina is back. It's entertaining reading her back-n-forth with Pundit. It was really boring reading those 247 agreements with Noway and RVH. :D
It came down to Raila 96Mps, Uhuru 85Mps, Ruto 78Mps,
In short like I had told you Raila was at 35percent. Uhuru was at 30 percent. Ruto was at 25 percent.
About Oct 2012 Pundit had MOAS showing President William Ruto would be unveiled in a few months. He had earmarked Mau plots he would grab immediately. Apparently Ruto then polling at 14% would beat Raila (polling at 35%) - cause kamatusa are numerically more than Luo :(
Uhuru was to be top at 25% Gema.
In the run-off non-Gema were to gang-up against Uhuru and crown Ruto as 4th PORK. :D
Pundit was intoxicated with Ruto same as today.. he is lucky dot-com buried his shame with it.
Lol, I'm happy Robina is back. It's entertaining reading her back-n-forth with Pundit. It was really boring reading those 247 agreements with Noway and RVH. :D