
Forum => Kenya Discussion => Topic started by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 06:59:22 AM

Title: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 06:59:22 AM
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 07:01:45 AM
Russia will conduct military operation - basically to destroy Ukraine arms stockpile - and cane them until they know that Putin is daddy.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on February 24, 2022, 07:05:49 AM
This is beginning of the end for Russia. Remember this.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 07:11:42 AM
Dream on. It's going to make Russia strong. The message to Baltic is very clear. US or NATO or UN will not help you. We will come and cane you until you accept that Russia is daddy and Putin is the big daddy.
This is beginning of the end for Russia. Remember this.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on February 24, 2022, 07:13:57 AM
Dream on. It's going to make Russian strong. The message to Baltic is very clear. US or NATO will not help you.
This is beginning of the end for Russia. Remember this.
Russia will implode from within,wait and see all those diverse republics start being disquiet inside Russia this will end up in a mess.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 07:17:40 AM
US will implode thrice before Russia. Russia is now homogeneous. They are taking in Russians - and canning the rest.
Russia will implode from within,wait and see all those diverse republics start being disquiet inside Russia this will end up in a mess.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on February 24, 2022, 07:22:03 AM
Okay last time in Ethiopia I beat you senseless like a burkenge. I was spot on as your tigray going for the neck ended up with tails tucked in between their legs
Maybe you will redeem yourself in Russia,maybe Ruto can openly side with them as to get support after august.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 07:24:22 AM
You won nothing. Ethiopia gov has basically give up on Tigray. It's now independent defacto state.

Now again your pettiness see you bringing local issues in international affairs.

I dont speak for Ruto or Kalenjin in everything - just local politics.
Okay last time in Ethiopia I beat you senseless like a burkenge. I was spot on as your tigray going for the neck ended up with tails tucked in between their legs
Maybe you will redeem yourself in Russia,maybe Ruto can openly side with them as to get support after august.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on February 24, 2022, 07:41:24 AM
You won nothing. Ethiopia gov has basically give up on Tigray. It's now independent defacto state.

Now again your pettiness see you bringing local issues in international affairs.

I dont speak for Ruto or Kalenjin in everything - just local politics.
Okay last time in Ethiopia I beat you senseless like a burkenge. I was spot on as your tigray going for the neck ended up with tails tucked in between their legs
Maybe you will redeem yourself in Russia,maybe Ruto can openly side with them as to get support after august.
Bury your head in the sand. Ofcourse you only accept to what you think. The conversation will obviously end with 2 million bla bla bla so i just preempted it no pun intended.
Putin says it's only eastern Ukraine but lets see if its full scale invasion of Ukraine,Russia will degenerate Putin might even be overthrowed or assasianted by his own military.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 08:00:38 AM
Ukraine will not dare defend itself; they are going to lay down arms; the current president will end up in exile. Eastern Ukraine will go Russia way - and the new president of Ukraine will be pro-Russia.

The western allies have no stomach for war.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Arcadian_Dreamer on February 24, 2022, 09:29:47 AM
Ukraine will not dare defend itself; they are going to lay down arms; the current president will end up in exile. Eastern Ukraine will go Russia way - and the new president of Ukraine will be pro-Russia.

The western allies have no stomach for war.

 :D :D :D

Damn, this guy is taking out his sagana rage on poor Ukraine. What has Ukraine done to you?

Punguza hasira, Russia =/= UDA, Putin =/= Luto.

War is hell, I wouldn't want it on anyone, stop the gleeful celebration of this terrible events.

Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 09:34:32 AM

Njuri , you are disappointing. If you dont know anything about European politics its better to keep away. The one liners you are giving about this issue just goes to show you have no clue of what is happening.
This is beginning of the end for Russia. Remember this.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 09:38:09 AM
Biggest mistake Gorbachev did was not intervine military during U.S.S.R. chaos. Putin has shown he is ready to use Military. The message is clear. It would be plain stupid and naive for the republics thinking of independence . Njuri take some few days and study what is happening. Put emotions away look at the things from an objective point of view. Russia is not Ethopia. It is a very powerful country

Dream on. It's going to make Russian strong. The message to Baltic is very clear. US or NATO will not help you.
This is beginning of the end for Russia. Remember this.
Russia will implode from within,wait and see all those diverse republics start being disquiet inside Russia this will end up in a mess.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: audacityofhope on February 24, 2022, 09:39:46 AM
Ukraine will not dare defend itself; they are going to lay down arms; the current president will end up in exile. Eastern Ukraine will go Russia way - and the new president of Ukraine will be pro-Russia.

The western allies have no stomach for war.
You have no idea what Nationhood is. You think defending what is yours is only a preserve of the Kalenjins people? You think people can be done a 'Kiambaa' and they take off into exile, become refugees or head off to some perceived 'ancestral land' even after being uprooted from a land they were born and they have never known any other place called home? Amb Martin was right to call it that we are in 2022 and some mentalities are 'dead empires'. Putin thinks it is a sprint. Nay! It will be a war of attrition! An insurgency in Ukraine will commence the arrival at home of Russian body bags. Isolation from Europe, the West who will not improve the livelihood of ordinary Russians when discontent mounts. I doubt Putin can count on inward looking China.
Hare brain Putin has already forgotten the shellacking they received from Afghanistan. Did USSR not collapse and Nations declare their independence? Vietnam humbled a super power. Never underestimate the power of Nationalism. It is what got Israel a state in the first place. It is only a question of when not if Russia will eventually be broken up into tinier pieces.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 09:41:02 AM
Fact is this will cost Biden reelection in 2024 and first casualty will be the mid term elections. Putin knows it .
US will implode thrice before Russia. Russia is now homogeneous. They are taking in Russians - and canning the rest.
Russia will implode from within,wait and see all those diverse republics start being disquiet inside Russia this will end up in a mess.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 09:46:20 AM
You elect a stupid leader like Raila - you end up like Ukraine - by instigating wars with Uganda and etc.
Ruto is like Putin.
No nonsense.

Putin has no time for equivocating - you want to join NATO - hold this beer - he canes you - and continue drinking.

:D :D :D

Damn, this guy is taking out his sagana rage on poor Ukraine. What has Ukraine done to you?

Punguza hasira, Russia =/= UDA, Putin =/= Luto.

War is hell, I wouldn't want it on anyone, stop the gleeful celebration of this terrible events.

Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 09:48:28 AM
Study History and you will realise Ukraine is a state of Russians and Poles. The western sides were carved by U.S.S.R. from Poland and the Eastern sides from Russia. Actually the people from Eastern sides call it NovoRussia. Up untill 2014 when the war was instigated by Ukrainian Poles against Russian Ukrainians which forced them to flee to Russia . The elections have always been won by Pro Russian Parties.  meaning the majority are Russians.
The problem with  guys like you is that you have been brainwashed by Western Media. You have been emotionally propped to think  Western Countries are superior and its hurting you to see otherwise. Biden should have just negotiated to prevent the bluffing going on.

Ukraine will not dare defend itself; they are going to lay down arms; the current president will end up in exile. Eastern Ukraine will go Russia way - and the new president of Ukraine will be pro-Russia.

The western allies have no stomach for war.
You have no idea what Nationhood is. You think defending what is yours is only a preserve of the Kalenjins people? You think people can be done a 'Kiambaa' and they take off into exile, become refugees or head off to some perceived 'ancestral land' even after being uprooted from a land they were born and they have never known any other place called home? Amb Martin was right to call in 2022 some mentalities 'dead empires'. Putin thinks it is a sprint. Nay! It will be a war of attrition! Hare brain Putin has already forgotten the shellacking they received from Afghanistan. Did USSR not collapse and Nations declare their independence? Vietnam humbled a super power. Never underestimate the power of Nationalism. It is what got Israel a state in the first place. It is only a question of when not if Russia will eventually be broken up into tinier pieces.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 09:49:50 AM
Kalenjin nation has survived by having the discipline to know when to raise the white flag. We knew we could not beat the Brits. Ukraine need to understand - NATO or US will NOT help them - Russia is too powerful - and they are no Afgans - who can fight for 20yrs - they are Ukraine in border with Russia.

By the end of this week the Ukraine gov will be in exile.

Russia will appoint a Russian speaking poodle to run Ukraine.

The lesson to Ukraine is simple - dont dream of joining NATO - dont even imagine it - and so are rest of Russian neighberhours.

If you do - Russia will be coming for you - before you come for them.

You have no idea what Nationhood is. You think defending what is yours is only a preserve of the Kalenjins people? You think people can be done a 'Kiambaa' and they take off into exile, become refugees or head off to some perceived 'ancestral land' even after being uprooted from a land they were born and they have never known any other place called home? Amb Martin was right to call in 2022 some mentalities 'dead empires'. Putin thinks it is a sprint. Nay! It will be a war of attrition! Hare brain Putin has already forgotten the shellacking they received from Afghanistan. Did USSR not collapse and Nations declare their independence? Vietnam humbled a super power. Never underestimate the power of Nationalism. It is what got Israel a state in the first place. It is only a question of when not if Russia will eventually be broken up into tinier pieces.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 09:50:23 AM
Raila convinced Kibakis Govt to go to Somalia , big Mistake years later he was saying we need to get out . Kenya is still there and Somali is still Somali.

You elect a stupid leader like Raila - you end up like Ukraine - by instigating wars with Uganda and etc.
Ruto is like Putin.
No nonsense.

Putin has no time for equivocating - you want to join NATO - hold this beer - he canes you - and continue drinking.

:D :D :D

Damn, this guy is taking out his sagana rage on poor Ukraine. What has Ukraine done to you?

Punguza hasira, Russia =/= UDA, Putin =/= Luto.

War is hell, I wouldn't want it on anyone, stop the gleeful celebration of this terrible events.

Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 09:53:30 AM
Kenya is incredibly lucky not have Raila or Jaramogi as PORK
They dont have the fortitude for PORK
They are likely to start external wars
If not civil wars.

They are unwritten rules in every country. You tell a moron dont go there - these issues are complicated - he rushes headlong.

Ukraine have goaded this war for long - they have begged to be bombed by Russia. They have been anti-Russia - and now to top it - wants to join NATO - a military alliance against Russia? That is declaration of war by Ukraine...and Russia today have answered them.

Raila convinced Kibakis Govt to go to Somalia , big Mistake years later he was saying we need to get out . Kenya is still there and Somali is still Somali.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 09:53:48 AM
There is a reason why Russians put Zelensky there . A comedian . This was already planned as from 2014. Eventually The Western Governments will sign deals secretively.

Kalenjin nation has survived by having the discipline to know when to raise the white flag. We knew we could not beat the Brits. Ukraine need to understand - NATO or US will NOT help them - Russia is too powerful - and they are no Afgans - who can fight for 20yrs - they are Ukraine in border with Russia.

By the end of this week the Ukraine gov will be in exile.

Russia will appoint a Russian speaking poodle to run Ukraine.

You have no idea what Nationhood is. You think defending what is yours is only a preserve of the Kalenjins people? You think people can be done a 'Kiambaa' and they take off into exile, become refugees or head off to some perceived 'ancestral land' even after being uprooted from a land they were born and they have never known any other place called home? Amb Martin was right to call in 2022 some mentalities 'dead empires'. Putin thinks it is a sprint. Nay! It will be a war of attrition! Hare brain Putin has already forgotten the shellacking they received from Afghanistan. Did USSR not collapse and Nations declare their independence? Vietnam humbled a super power. Never underestimate the power of Nationalism. It is what got Israel a state in the first place. It is only a question of when not if Russia will eventually be broken up into tinier pieces.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 09:57:10 AM

Raila was the reason Kenya a peaceful country almost slide to a Civil war in 2008. He should never be anywhere near Presidency .

Kenya is incredibly lucky not have Raila or Jaramogi as PORK
They dont have the fortitude for PORK
They are likely to start external wars
If not civil wars.

They are unwritten rules in every country. You tell a moron dont go there - these issues are complicated - he rushes headlong.

Raila convinced Kibakis Govt to go to Somalia , big Mistake years later he was saying we need to get out . Kenya is still there and Somali is still Somali.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Arcadian_Dreamer on February 24, 2022, 10:07:48 AM
You elect a stupid leader like Raila - you end up like Ukraine - by instigating wars with Uganda and etc.
Ruto is like Putin.
No nonsense.

Putin has no time for equivocating - you want to join NATO - hold this beer - he canes you - and continue drinking.

You've lost your marbles.

Sagana has you livid. isoright.

Ruto can aim for 2027.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 10:14:12 AM
I would repeat this with Ruto in power or out of power.

As for Sagana - underwhelming - let wait for few opinion polls :) - and defections back to Jubilee-uhuru :)

You've lost your marbles.

Sagana has you livid. isoright.

Ruto can aim for 2027.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kadudu on February 24, 2022, 10:49:43 AM
Btw, if this invasion is so popular in Russia as Pundit and Nowayhaha want us to believe, why has the Moscow stock exchange been closed? Usually something like this would make the stocks go up in a popular move. It seems the Moscow financial world is jittery of the coming future.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 10:52:24 AM
War is never popular.
It's neccessary sometimes. It's painful. Both sides will lose money, lifes and name it.
Sanctions will come but that is short term
Long term - Russia want to end NATO expansion and aggression towards it.
The message is clear - if Ukraine a bigger nation is getting caned - those small nations around Russia better not be thinking about NATO
US +Western poodles should also stop NATO expansion - cold war ended.
They are ones likely to plunge the world into WW3.
Btw, if this invasion is so popular in Russia as Pundit and Nowayhaha want us to believe, why has the Moscow stock exchange been closed? Usually something like this would make the stocks go up in a popular move. It seems the Moscow financial world is jittery of the coming future.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 11:04:04 AM

How can war be popular ? Thats a twisted logic. We told you Russia is bad news but you thought U.S. will deter Russian resiliance.
Biden should negotiate asap coz eventually he will negotiate.

Btw, if this invasion is so popular in Russia as Pundit and Nowayhaha want us to believe, why has the Moscow stock exchange been closed? Usually something like this would make the stocks go up in a popular move. It seems the Moscow financial world is jittery of the coming future.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Fairandbalanced on February 24, 2022, 11:39:13 AM
That’s rich trying to tie this to American elections. Democrats were going to lose the midterms anyway, the party in power rarely wins the midterms. As of 2024, if republicans nominate Trump, he will be defeated even more overwhelmingly, this time even flipping Texas. I am no expert on Russia or their history but anyone here supporting these mutherfuckers really baffles me. Russians have no use for Africans, the most racist people on earth.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 11:54:46 AM
Simple - you don't have the IQ to compartmentalize things.
I admire US democracy, freedom, vibrant economy and liberties.
I dont like US unilateralism, neocolonialism and bullying tact globally without regard to any institution like UN or ICC.
I dont like Russia dictatorship, racism and the all ills
I admire Russia ability to stand up the US and Western Europe bullies because of it's military might.
I dont like China for it dictatorship, racisms and censorship
But I admire Chinese handwork, ingenuity and economy turnaround miracles.
Dont be have like a single -celled Amoeba.
Dont accept to be boxed into corners.
Not everything in life is mutually exclusive.
but anyone here supporting these mutherfuckers really baffles me. Russians have no use for Africans, the most racist people on earth.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kadudu on February 24, 2022, 11:55:29 AM
2024 is very far. Who knows today what the world will be like then? American elections are normally about domestic issues especially the economy. Let us wait till July 2024 and see how the US is like before commenting on the 2024 elections.

That’s rich trying to tie this to American elections. Democrats were going to lose the midterms anyway, the party in power rarely wins the midterms. As of 2024, if republicans nominate Trump, he will be defeated even more overwhelmingly, this time even flipping Texas. I am no expert on Russia or their history but anyone here supporting these mutherfuckers really baffles me. Russians have no use for Africans, the most racist people on earth.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 11:57:11 AM
Off all the places I have been the U.S. is the most racist.
In 2020 elections Russia had rigged in Trump the democrats  played  a hidden card using mail in ballots in 2024 that card wont be there.
Take this to the bank Mid Term elections will be rigged like no other.

That’s rich trying to tie this to American elections. Democrats were going to lose the midterms anyway, the party in power rarely wins the midterms. As of 2024, if republicans nominate Trump, he will be defeated even more overwhelmingly, this time even flipping Texas. I am no expert on Russia or their history but anyone here supporting these mutherfuckers really baffles me. Russians have no use for Africans, the most racist people on earth.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kadudu on February 24, 2022, 12:12:22 PM
Elections are only rigged when Trump looses. Were the 2016 US elections rigged?

Btw, you as a Black man try going on the streets of Moscow holding the hand of a blonde Russian woman. Inform me if you will survive 10 minutes.

Off all the places I have been the U.S. is the most racist.
In 2020 elections Russia had rigged in Trump the democrats  played  a hidden card using mail in ballots in 2024 that card wont be there.
Take this to the bank Mid Term elections will be rigged like no other.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Dear Mami on February 24, 2022, 12:19:33 PM
Speaking of racism, I learned the hard way once I left this beloved continent that racism, and I mean the chief variety--anti-blackness--is a global phenomenon. There's colonialism and its legacies for ya!  :D.

I've experienced it in both a Dutch airport and a Chinese one. Heck I even experienced it in SA stores! A Meero country, and from a Meero guard and colored sales girl. The guard checked my backpack as I was leaving, just assuming I must have taken something  :D because I had window-shopped and not bought anything, and let my fellow White shoppers all enter and leave freely with only polite hellos. A Chinese lady singled out my suitcase for double security check in their machine thingies and held me back as I waited while my Bazungu companions were all checked through and had to wait for me. Don't get me started on Schiphol! My first time in Europe and man, what a welcome! Saw none of this in the U.S. personally.

But my point? White supremacy is a global phenomenon that almost all people's participate in. The whole world is anti-Black. But they don't know that they are anti-Black. They mostly don't mean anything by some of their ignorant behaviors. It's like a lens they don't know they're wearing. Used to really get to me, but I grew a tough skin. Most people, even Russians, are very kind once you get talking. But be prepared to be offended in the beginning,
; It's always a safe assumption in a non-black country for a lot of people who believe they are NOT racist  :D

Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kadudu on February 24, 2022, 12:29:55 PM
You are very right in your view of racism in the world.

I have also experienced it in Kenya. One day when standing in a line at Posta, the attendee actually reached out to a person standing behind me just as was next on the line. I turned round just to see it was a White man. I was so furious and could not even speak. It was such a shock to me knowing very well how we are treated in the White man's country. I lectured the Posta man on racism and his bad behaviour, but it seemd to achieve nothing. He did not even want to admit he had offened me. We too as a people have a long way to go. We have to learn to love ourselves.

Speaking of racism, I learned the hard way once I left this beloved continent that racism, and I mean the chief variety--anti-blackness--is a global phenomenon. There's colonialism and its legacies for ya!  :D.

I've experienced it in both a Dutch airport and a Chinese one. Heck I even experienced it in SA stores! A Meero country, and from a Meero guard and colored sales girl. The guard checked my backpack as I was leaving, just assuming I must have taken something  :D because I had window-shopped and not bought anything, and let my fellow White shoppers all enter and leave freely with only polite hellos. A Chinese lady singled out my suitcase for double security check in their machine thingies and held me back as I waited while my Bazungu companions were all checked through and had to wait for me. Don't get me started on Schiphol! My first time in Europe and man, what a welcome! Saw none of this in the U.S. personally.

But my point? White supremacy is a global phenomenon that almost all people's participate in. The whole world is anti-Black. But they don't know that they are anti-Black. They mostly don't mean anything by some of their ignorant behaviors. It's like a lens they don't know they're wearing. Used to really get to me, but I grew a tough skin. Most people, even Russians, are very kind once you get talking. But be prepared to be offended in the beginning,
; It's always a safe assumption in a non-black country for a lot of people who believe they are NOT racist  :D
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 12:37:12 PM
Some of it is not racism - but we "rational" profiling - black men mostly nigerians are all over the world scaming - and you want people to lose their jobs by not being vigilant?  Again when how do we behave as blacks - mostly rude and without courtsey - you find people litering, talking loudly, jumping queues, fighting, selling drugs.

This racism is mostly a reaction to the bad behaviours of many blacks.

Personal I try to be blind to racism - even if I see - I know it's well earned because I would do exactly the same - if I knew the average black dude was upto no good.

Speaking of racism, I learned the hard way once I left this beloved continent that racism, and I mean the chief variety--anti-blackness--is a global phenomenon. There's colonialism and its legacies for ya!  :D.

I've experienced it in both a Dutch airport and a Chinese one. Heck I even experienced it in SA stores! A Meero country, and from a Meero guard and colored sales girl. The guard checked my backpack as I was leaving, just assuming I must have taken something  :D because I had window-shopped and not bought anything, and let my fellow White shoppers all enter and leave freely with only polite hellos. A Chinese lady singled out my suitcase for double security check in their machine thingies and held me back as I waited while my Bazungu companions were all checked through and had to wait for me. Don't get me started on Schiphol! My first time in Europe and man, what a welcome! Saw none of this in the U.S. personally.

But my point? White supremacy is a global phenomenon that almost all people's participate in. The whole world is anti-Black. But they don't know that they are anti-Black. They mostly don't mean anything by some of their ignorant behaviors. It's like a lens they don't know they're wearing. Used to really get to me, but I grew a tough skin. Most people, even Russians, are very kind once you get talking. But be prepared to be offended in the beginning,
; It's always a safe assumption in a non-black country for a lot of people who believe they are NOT racist  :D

Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Fairandbalanced on February 24, 2022, 12:39:21 PM
I listen to some idiots here and weep for my country. We are doomed with these idiots pretending to be the opinion shapers, my friends, you wouldn’t want to live in a Russian or Chinese dominated world, you will commit suicide before you get killed. I agree white supremacy is everywhere and the hatred for blacks is almost universal, blacks even hate other blacks but the most progressive, wealthiest blacks are actually found in western democracies and not Russia or China. In fact, the Russians, Chinese Cubans etc who migrate to the west become even more virulently racist more that the native whites. I will personally not cheer anything Russian, as soon as they are done with Ukrainian, who is next? Africans. They cannot challenge the USA, they know it’s suicide, they will be sent back to Stone Age.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 12:42:09 PM
Are Ukrainan any less racist?  This is a war btw two brothers of the same mother. How you want us to pick the good side from the other is crazy. Let them fight or talk.

What excites me personally is Russian rise to stop the last 30yrs of US global excess after collapse of USSR.

We dont want a single bully like the US. We want options. If US mess up - we can run to China.

I listen to some idiots here and weep for my country. We are doomed with these idiots pretending to be the opinion shapers, my friends, you wouldn’t want to live in a Russian or Chinese dominated world, you will commit suicide before you get killed. I agree white supremacy is everywhere and the hatred for blacks is almost universal, blacks even hate other blacks but the most progressive, wealthiest blacks are actually found in western democracies and not Russia or China. In fact, the Russians, Chinese Cubans etc who migrate to the west become even more virulently racist more that the native whites. I will personally not cheer anything Russian, as soon as they are done with Ukrainian, who is next? Africans. They cannot challenge the USA, they know it’s suicide, they will be sent back to Stone Age.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Fairandbalanced on February 24, 2022, 12:44:35 PM
Ati whites are reacting to blacks behavior? I guess even the women who dress suggestively are responsible for rape. Racists only see one thing, the color of your skin. Even the richest African like Oprah or Dangote will still be followed by nobodies in a store.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 12:47:27 PM
Yes they were rigged and for that Obama sanctioned Russia.
Fyi Russians girls like Africans and yes I have walked the streets of Moscow with a blond girl and nothing happened. Russia of today is not Russia of 90s  even then they were no racists only some skinheads attacking people from former U.S.S.R. countries.
In U.S. racism is so bad that its scary . Also U.K. the racism is bad but not like U.S.
 Germany like Russia too is not that racist but they hate Asians .

Elections are only rigged when Trump looses. Were the 2016 US elections rigged?

Btw, you as a Black man try going on the streets of Moscow holding the hand of a blonde Russian woman. Inform me if you will survive 10 minutes.

Off all the places I have been the U.S. is the most racist.
In 2020 elections Russia had rigged in Trump the democrats  played  a hidden card using mail in ballots in 2024 that card wont be there.
Take this to the bank Mid Term elections will be rigged like no other.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 12:49:02 PM
Yes there are things that make us suceptible to racism and even rape. You cannot walk in a dark alley. You cannot go middle of white city and dont except to be profiled. The problem is image globally of black people. It's not good - most of it - well earned. We behave badly.
Ati whites are reacting to blacks behavior? I guess even the women who dress suggestively are responsible for rape. Racists only see one thing, the color of your skin. Even the richest African like Oprah or Dangote will still be followed by nobodies in a store.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 12:57:16 PM

Have you been to Russia. No .
Dont believe the media. Things are not as what is portrayed.

I listen to some idiots here and weep for my country. We are doomed with these idiots pretending to be the opinion shapers, my friends, you wouldn’t want to live in a Russian or Chinese dominated world, you will commit suicide before you get killed. I agree white supremacy is everywhere and the hatred for blacks is almost universal, blacks even hate other blacks but the most progressive, wealthiest blacks are actually found in western democracies and not Russia or China. In fact, the Russians, Chinese Cubans etc who migrate to the west become even more virulently racist more that the native whites. I will personally not cheer anything Russian, as soon as they are done with Ukrainian, who is next? Africans. They cannot challenge the USA, they know it’s suicide, they will be sent back to Stone Age.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Dear Mami on February 24, 2022, 01:01:57 PM
Pundit, that's nonsense, bana. :D Most Chinese have never even met a black in person and there's uncouthness in much of the world, my friend: tis not a Baafrika copyright! Yet you will find those anti-Black attitudes very much widespread. Africans are not different from most poor countries in terms of lacking European/East-Asian personal organization. Only in Germany and such places you find being highly organized as a widespread cultural trait. Yet, everyone, including other poor folks and Baafrika like you  :D suffers from anti-blackness in particular. It comes from seeing Whites as the ultimate superior race which means those most removed from whiteness are most despised. Nothing like ati we earned it. Thai people are very much like Nairobians in terms of discipline, just as a random example.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 24, 2022, 01:05:51 PM
Okay but we cannot change people attitudes; so I dont want to dwell on such cynicism personally
Pundit, that's nonsense, bana. :D Most Chinese have never even met a black in person and there's uncouthness in much of the world, my friend: tis not a Baafrika copyright! Yet you will find those anti-Black attitudes very much widespread. Africans are not different from most poor countries in terms of lacking European/East-Asian personal organization. Only in Germany and such places you find being highly organized as a widespread cultural trait. Yet, everyone, including other poor folks and Baafrika like you  :D suffers from anti-blackness in particular. It comes from seeing Whites as the ultimate superior race which means those most removed from whiteness are most despised. Nothing like ati we earned it. Thai people are very much like Nairobians in terms of discipline, just as a random example.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Dear Mami on February 24, 2022, 01:17:02 PM
You are very right in your view of racism in the world.

I have also experienced it in Kenya. One day when standing in a line at Posta, the attendee actually reached out to a person standing behind me just as was next on the line. I turned round just to see it was a White man. I was so furious and could not even speak. It was such a shock to me knowing very well how we are treated in the White man's country. I lectured the Posta man on racism and his bad behaviour, but it seemd to achieve nothing. He did not even want to admit he had offened me. We too as a people have a long way to go. We have to learn to love ourselves.
Indeed. Lazima tujipende. :D Tunajidharau sana na kuabudu ngozi nyeupe yeyote sana, the Whiter it is the better we think it is.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: gout on February 24, 2022, 03:30:16 PM
Zelnskyy the Ukranian president being a comedian, will make a good career in London or Washington.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kadudu on February 24, 2022, 03:37:28 PM
Democratically elected. Learn to accept the people's choice. Next will be a marionette from Moscow. Will that make things better for the Ukraine?

Zelnskyy the Ukranian president being a comedian, will make a good career in London or Washington.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 05:19:06 PM
I highly doubt he won the elections. There is noway Russia can meddle in U.S. elections and not Ukraine.
Moscow wanted to do away with Poreshenko and they put the Comedian in power. Unfortunately this comedian thinks running a government is like running his KVN comedy club.
He should have imeaditely implimented the Minsk agreements  now its too late .Putin is looking for him. Im very sure bu tomorrow he will be in Lyviv and by a weeks time he will be in Poland. Needless to say they will still hunt him down.Ukrain will go back to polls by end of this year.

Democratically elected. Learn to accept the people's choice. Next will be a marionette from Moscow. Will that make things better for the Ukraine?

Zelnskyy the Ukranian president being a comedian, will make a good career in London or Washington.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kadudu on February 24, 2022, 05:23:01 PM
You argue with no solid evidence. If his political opponents accepted defeat, who are you to claim fraud?
Your wishes cannot always reflect reality.

I highly doubt he won the elections. There is noway Russia can meddle in U.S. elections and not Ukraine.
Moscow wanted to do away with Poreshenko and they put the Comedian in power. Unfortunately this comedian thinks running a government is like running his KVN comedy club.
He should have imeaditely implimented the Minsk agreements  now its too late .Putin is looking for him. Im very sure bu tomorrow he will be in Lyviv and by a weeks time he will be in Poland. Needless to say they will still hunt him down.Ukrain will go back to polls by end of this year.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on February 24, 2022, 08:42:55 PM
Appears Russia has suffered massive casualties in just under 12 hours. 7airplanes lost several tanks 56 soldiers and this is just beginning like I predicted Russia is going down and under...when the insurgency starts after they move on Kiev thats when the dirty war will begin.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on February 24, 2022, 08:44:12 PM
Ukraine is fighting 2 counties Russia and Belarus.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 10:44:12 PM

During War Misinformation is always used. Below is what is actually happening

More than 70 ground infrastructure facilities belonging to Ukraine were incapacitated by strikes carried out by Russia’s Armed Forces, Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Thursday.

"As a result of the strikes conducted by Russia’s Armed Forces, 74 ground facilities of Ukraine’s military infrastructure were knocked out of action. Among them are 11 airfields belonging to the Air Force, three command points, a Ukrainian Navy base and 18 radar stations of S-300 and Buk-M1 missile systems," Konashenkov specified.

According to him, a combat helicopter and four Bayraktar TB2 unmanned combat aerial vehicles were shot down.

He stressed that the strikes carried out by Russia’s Armed Forces are not targeting Ukrainian cities as well as social facilities in military garrisons.

Appears Russia has suffered massive casualties in just under 12 hours. 7airplanes lost several tanks 56 soldiers and this is just beginning like I predicted Russia is going down and under...when the insurgency starts after they move on Kiev thats when the dirty war will begin.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 24, 2022, 10:45:33 PM
Belarus President has refused these claims.

Ukraine is fighting 2 counties Russia and Belarus.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: mankind on February 24, 2022, 10:46:09 PM
 Kiev might fall tonight according to  military sources.  It's unfortunate that Russia and Nato are playing whose got  a bigger  dick over that country.  Very sad indeed
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Georgesoros on February 25, 2022, 01:04:08 AM
Kiev might fall tonight according to  military sources.  It's unfortunate that Russia and Nato are playing whose got  a bigger  dick over that country.  Very sad indeed

Falling and maintaining ground are two different things. Ukrainians have become very patriotic, so they'll launch a guerilla war. It will be like Iraq except more deadly. Arms will flow into Ukraine. Some Russian forces will just melt out into Ukrain, because its not worth it. It's going to be rough for Russia since there is no support from anywhere else.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Georgesoros on February 25, 2022, 01:05:52 AM
Ukraine is fighting 2 counties Russia and Belarus.

Yap. Also Belarussians hate their president, so he has to look at his back.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: sema on February 25, 2022, 02:52:28 AM
When was the last time any of you bought a product made in Russia? Never underestimate the west. The economic power, creativity and ingenuity of the west is unmatched anywhere in the world today. This is a fact. You take them on at your own risk.

Pundit? have you ever been to China? it's really a shithole place. Anyone that praises China has never been there. Yuk. They will never become a global power. When was the last time they won a war? They can't even build fighter jets or fighter ships. lol

this guy explains russias problem brilliantly.  Putin is finished. He will be removed and killed by his own Russian people just like Erdogan in Turkey is now going down against a collapsing currency.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Dear Mami on February 25, 2022, 07:29:36 AM
 :D I've been to China, my dude, and I loved it! Not a paradise, but Shanghai will put any American city to shame. Hii ni propaganda miingi, tu, rafiki. Why are so many Baafrika invested in Bazungu desire/terror not to be bested by a non-Bazungu?  :D It's their powerful media. It's more effective than any religion, I tell you. That's where they beat all their targets in the game of PR.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on February 25, 2022, 06:22:15 PM

During War Misinformation is always used. Below is what is actually happening

More than 70 ground infrastructure facilities belonging to Ukraine were incapacitated by strikes carried out by Russia’s Armed Forces, Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Thursday.

"As a result of the strikes conducted by Russia’s Armed Forces, 74 ground facilities of Ukraine’s military infrastructure were knocked out of action. Among them are 11 airfields belonging to the Air Force, three command points, a Ukrainian Navy base and 18 radar stations of S-300 and Buk-M1 missile systems," Konashenkov specified.

According to him, a combat helicopter and four Bayraktar TB2 unmanned combat aerial vehicles were shot down.

He stressed that the strikes carried out by Russia’s Armed Forces are not targeting Ukrainian cities as well as social facilities in military garrisons.

Appears Russia has suffered massive casualties in just under 12 hours. 7airplanes lost several tanks 56 soldiers and this is just beginning like I predicted Russia is going down and under...when the insurgency starts after they move on Kiev thats when the dirty war will begin.
Ask yourself a simple question I went against Western media in Ethiopia that you and Pundit supported...YOU LOST....iyo am with 95% of the world ..... Noway be smart don't let emotions lead you.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on February 25, 2022, 06:37:05 PM

I didnt comment about Ethiopia. You went at it with Pundit.
Were you in the other Nipate in 2014 ? If you were there  you would remember I predicted Crimea joining Russia with a blood drop I predicted Putin would make East Ukraine Independent only that I thought it would come earlier. Seems Putin really respected Merkel.

During War Misinformation is always used. Below is what is actually happening

More than 70 ground infrastructure facilities belonging to Ukraine were incapacitated by strikes carried out by Russia’s Armed Forces, Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Thursday.

"As a result of the strikes conducted by Russia’s Armed Forces, 74 ground facilities of Ukraine’s military infrastructure were knocked out of action. Among them are 11 airfields belonging to the Air Force, three command points, a Ukrainian Navy base and 18 radar stations of S-300 and Buk-M1 missile systems," Konashenkov specified.

According to him, a combat helicopter and four Bayraktar TB2 unmanned combat aerial vehicles were shot down.

He stressed that the strikes carried out by Russia’s Armed Forces are not targeting Ukrainian cities as well as social facilities in military garrisons.

Appears Russia has suffered massive casualties in just under 12 hours. 7airplanes lost several tanks 56 soldiers and this is just beginning like I predicted Russia is going down and under...when the insurgency starts after they move on Kiev thats when the dirty war will begin.
Ask yourself a simple question I went against Western media in Ethiopia that you and Pundit supported...YOU LOST....iyo am with 95% of the world ..... Noway be smart don't let emotions lead you.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 25, 2022, 06:37:39 PM
Chinese and Turkish drones altered the war course but as we speak Tigray is independent
Ask yourself a simple question I went against Western media in Ethiopia that you and Pundit supported...YOU LOST....iyo am with 95% of the world ..... Noway be smart don't let emotions lead you.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on February 25, 2022, 06:45:13 PM
Chinese and Turkish drones altered the war course but as we speak Tigray is independent
Ask yourself a simple question I went against Western media in Ethiopia that you and Pundit supported...YOU LOST....iyo am with 95% of the world ..... Noway be smart don't let emotions lead you.
As usual you are a dunderhead effects from studying in Moi university.
You were busy yapping how Addis Ababa is falling to tigray, now I think you have dementia.
Pundit don't be silly all the time dig up your posts on Ethiopia. I said categorically and I quote" wake me up when Tigray are in Addis Ababa"
You making me think kalenjins are single celled.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 25, 2022, 06:48:42 PM
Go slow on the matusi. It make you sound uncultured. There are many things I have gotten wrong. I am not GOD. I know my intellect terrifies you. But I am not afraid to make calls.
As usual you are a dunderhead effects from studying in Moi university.
You were busy yapping how Addis Ababa is falling to tigray, now I think you have dementia.
Pundit don't be silly all the time dig up your posts on Ethiopia. I said categorically and I quote" wake me up when Tigray are in Addis Ababa"
You making me think kalenjins are single celled.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: audacityofhope on February 25, 2022, 09:40:36 PM
Intellect terrifies who? Which intellect when you are always wrong? Bullshit. What has Njuri Ncheke said that is uncultured?  You are the one who is uncultured, praising yourself. Subiri wakusifu. But I am afraid even on that one, utangoja 4 years tenfold, just like you waited for Uhuru to betray Raila and it didn't happen.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 25, 2022, 09:44:02 PM
Intellect terrifies who? Which intellect when you are always wrong? Bullshit. What has Njuri Ncheke said that is uncultured?  You are the one who is uncultured, praising yourself. Subiri wakusifu. But I am afraid even on that one, utangoja 4 years tenfold, just like you waited for Uhuru to betray Raila and it didn't happen.
look at this idiot
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: audacityofhope on February 26, 2022, 05:46:41 AM
Intellect terrifies who? Which intellect when you are always wrong? Bullshit. What has Njuri Ncheke said that is uncultured?  You are the one who is uncultured, praising yourself. Subiri wakusifu. But I am afraid even on that one, utangoja 4 years tenfold, just like you waited for Uhuru to betray Raila and it didn't happen.
look at this idiot
Who is the idiot?  :P
Claim: Uhuru will betray Raila
Sagana 3--> Raila Tosha says Uhuru.

Claim: Kalonzo - I really doubt he will join Azimio unless as flag bearer (
Feb 28th --> It is official: Coalition to sign agreement

Claim: Ruto will win by 70%
Aug 10, 2022: "Ruto is still young .....bla bla" (What they will say on Aug 10th)
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: audacityofhope on February 26, 2022, 07:21:52 AM
It is really absurd when one is clearly wrong but still pontificate and with a self-righteous ego go on to tell us they are intelligent and that we are the idiots... wtf
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: RV Pundit on February 26, 2022, 07:52:54 AM
It's absurd when an idiot like you try to teach me kenya politics.
Something that I have analyzed since my teenage years.
Let me help you with my proven track record here.
From 2005 to todate I have called almost every kenya election and referenda with precision that you can only dream about.
I for exampled predicted Ruto's No would lose with 33 versus 67 - while everyone here was shouting 15-20 versus 80
The result was 31 versus 69.
I predicted in 2013 that Uhuru would win in 1st round with 51 percent against Raila 44 percent. It was perfect score. Everyone here was hoping for a second round.
I predicted in 2017 that Uhuru would win by 53 percent against 45 percent - it was 54 percent against 45 percent.
I predicted in repeat election that uhuru would win by 98 percent - that Raila even after boycotting would beat Turkana boy by scoring 1 percent - perfect score.
When I talk Idiots like you with very very LOW IQ should Listen.
 I have built solid reputation on Kenya political punditry.
Look at this thread where LOW IQ folks here are claiming I was part of IEBC rigging algorithm
Dont come from with your bad manners and think you can hold any political conversation regarding kenya politics with me.
Not even in your Bungoma county.

When I speak on Kenya politics - you need to listen.

I cannot listen to idiots - I just cannot - you're not my equal.

Only someone like Prof Charles Horsnby truly understand Kenya Politics like I DO.
He has dedicated almost two decades like me to understanding kenya politics - and has written amazing books
I encourage you to read some of them
If that guy speaks - I will listen.

Try concentrate on Bungoma politics - where I can teach you so many things.

LISTEN CAREFULLY so we dont go on abusing each other daily

I posited a year ago that if Ruto won Kalonzo he would only need 40 percent of GEMA.
If he got maDVD+Weta he would only need 50 percent.

Fortunately for Ruto and unfortunately for you - Ruto looks set to win almost 80 percent of GEMA.

He will win with minimum of 55 percent of the vote.

Dont waste you time with baseless useless abuses.

Ukraine is more likely to win the war against Russia than Raila beating Ruto.

It is really absurd when one is clearly wrong but still pontificate and with a self-righteous ego go on to tell us they are intelligent and that we are the idiots... wtf
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: gout on February 26, 2022, 10:06:49 AM
Ala? The forum is degenerating into

Humans will always fight.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on March 04, 2022, 09:09:44 PM
Kalenjin nation has survived by having the discipline to know when to raise the white flag. We knew we could not beat the Brits. Ukraine need to understand - NATO or US will NOT help them - Russia is too powerful - and they are no Afgans - who can fight for 20yrs - they are Ukraine in border with Russia.

By the end of this week the Ukraine gov will be in exile.

Russia will appoint a Russian speaking poodle to run Ukraine.

The lesson to Ukraine is simple - dont dream of joining NATO - dont even imagine it - and so are rest of Russian neighberhours.

If you do - Russia will be coming for you - before you come for them.

You have no idea what Nationhood is. You think defending what is yours is only a preserve of the Kalenjins people? You think people can be done a 'Kiambaa' and they take off into exile, become refugees or head off to some perceived 'ancestral land' even after being uprooted from a land they were born and they have never known any other place called home? Amb Martin was right to call in 2022 some mentalities 'dead empires'. Putin thinks it is a sprint. Nay! It will be a war of attrition! Hare brain Putin has already forgotten the shellacking they received from Afghanistan. Did USSR not collapse and Nations declare their independence? Vietnam humbled a super power. Never underestimate the power of Nationalism. It is what got Israel a state in the first place. It is only a question of when not if Russia will eventually be broken up into tinier pieces.
Pundit are you ready to withdraw that statement,end of the week is over and Ukraine government still put.
Pundit mambo ya vita wachia watu wanajua.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on March 04, 2022, 09:12:01 PM

Njuri , you are disappointing. If you dont know anything about European politics its better to keep away. The one liners you are giving about this issue just goes to show you have no clue of what is happening.
This is beginning of the end for Russia. Remember this.
1 liners I do are 100 times effective than inshas you and Pundit compile
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on March 04, 2022, 09:13:59 PM
I highly doubt he won the elections. There is noway Russia can meddle in U.S. elections and not Ukraine.
Moscow wanted to do away with Poreshenko and they put the Comedian in power. Unfortunately this comedian thinks running a government is like running his KVN comedy club.
He should have imeaditely implimented the Minsk agreements  now its too late .Putin is looking for him. Im very sure bu tomorrow he will be in Lyviv and by a weeks time he will be in Poland. Needless to say they will still hunt him down.Ukrain will go back to polls by end of this year.

Democratically elected. Learn to accept the people's choice. Next will be a marionette from Moscow. Will that make things better for the Ukraine?

Zelnskyy the Ukranian president being a comedian, will make a good career in London or Washington.
Noway smh you guys really lack in-depth 3D thinking. You are easily coerced to believe something very naive.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on April 03, 2022, 05:28:27 AM

Njuri , you are disappointing. If you dont know anything about European politics its better to keep away. The one liners you are giving about this issue just goes to show you have no clue of what is happening.
This is beginning of the end for Russia. Remember this.
At the end of it all appears my one liners as usual won again. :D
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on April 03, 2022, 05:31:11 AM
Ukraine will not dare defend itself; they are going to lay down arms; the current president will end up in exile. Eastern Ukraine will go Russia way - and the new president of Ukraine will be pro-Russia.

The western allies have no stomach for war.
:D :D :D didn't know will be laughing this soon.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on April 03, 2022, 06:55:29 AM
How did it win, any proof its the end of Russia ? where as its the opposite happening.
EU countries are complaing that the so called heavy weight sanctions are not working and infact have divided Europe and its actually the opposite the end of EU
The recovery of the Russian ruble indicates that the West's sanctions on Moscow are not serving their purpose, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Saturday. A large number of states, including all the EU's members, imposed restrictions on Russia after it attacked Ukraine in late February.

“I must say this very clearly: the sanctions we have imposed so far don’t work. The best evidence is the ruble exchange rate,” Morawiecki said on Saturday.

“The ruble exchange rate, this litmus test, has returned to the level it was before the Russian aggression against Ukraine. What does it mean? It means that all economic, financial, budgetary, and monetary measures have not worked as some leaders wished. It needs to be said very loudly,” he added


2 Apr, 2022 19:49

HomeWorld News

EU has ‘sanctioned itself’ into fuel poverty or worse – UK ex-diplomat

Europe can’t replace Russian oil and gas supplies, no matter how much the US and Qatar pony up

© RT

By sanctioning Russia without a plan for replacement fuel, the European Union may have hurt itself more than Moscow in its drive to punish Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, former European diplomat Alastair Crooke told RT.

NATO’s economic attack on Russia has split world powers into “two separate spheres,” Crooke explained on RT’s ‘Going Underground’ on Saturday. He argued that by completely decoupling the price of commodities from the US dollar, sanctions on Russia have essentially dynamited the credibility of the fiat currency system, and Europe has made the wrong move by rushing forward to bludgeon Russia with sanctions without lining up a backup source of fuel.

“In many ways, Europe has not sanctioned Russia, it has sanctioned itself,” Crooke said, pointing out that the conflict in Ukraine is essentially being paid for by $100 billion in European funds previously sent to Moscow to pay for fuel, and the the Europeans “cannot get gas from anywhere else that will substitute for Russian gas.” By cutting itself off without lining up a backup, the continent has signed its own death warrant, as Europeans will have a difficult time surviving under double-digit inflation without critical (now-sanctioned) commodities like fertilizer and certain types of food, he continued

Njuri , you are disappointing. If you dont know anything about European politics its better to keep away. The one liners you are giving about this issue just goes to show you have no clue of what is happening.
This is beginning of the end for Russia. Remember this.
At the end of it all appears my one liners as usual won again. :D
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on April 03, 2022, 09:20:15 AM
War is never popular.
It's neccessary sometimes. It's painful. Both sides will lose money, lifes and name it.
Sanctions will come but that is short term
Long term - Russia want to end NATO expansion and aggression towards it.
The message is clear - if Ukraine a bigger nation is getting caned - those small nations around Russia better not be thinking about NATO
US +Western poodles should also stop NATO expansion - cold war ended.
They are ones likely to plunge the world into WW3.
Btw, if this invasion is so popular in Russia as Pundit and Nowayhaha want us to believe, why has the Moscow stock exchange been closed? Usually something like this would make the stocks go up in a popular move. It seems the Moscow financial world is jittery of the coming future.

Estonia and Latvia share a border with Russia and are already in NATO.  I think that is why he attacked Ukraine instead.

Finland would have been too risky.  Better prepared, more tenuous historical ties and in all likelihood would result in a NATO intervention.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Dear Mami on April 03, 2022, 09:31:30 AM
The border the Russians share with the Baltics is easily defended. It is impossible to defend the Ukrainian border in case of an attack by a superior force that controls it. The only thing they could do in that case is threaten nuclear warfare. Conventional warfare would be out. That's why Ukraine and Georgia have always been considered the red line by those studying/discussing this till the West decided they don't care.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on April 03, 2022, 09:36:57 AM
Putin was in bed with the west when Latvia Estonia and Liuthenia joined NATO. He reckons as one of his biggest mistake second to not sending troops to Ukraine to calm down the riots when Yanukovich requested in accordance to International law.
When NATO announced they will accept Ukraine and Georgia thats when Putin drew the red line.
Now Finland would end up like Ukraine if they initiate the process of joining NATO. They are in a good space why would they want to deatroy that.
Having said that the end of NATO and EU has just started. EU will collapse they will spend more money buying U.S. war toys and will pay more for their gas killing their industries and will have to pay more for food increasing cost of living.
Most of former Warsaw countries will refuse abandoning Russian gas and oil therefore creating a diviaion in EU. in the next 10 years expect more Brexits. Current Sitting presidents and PM will lose their seats .
If you have studied European history you would understand that this is a cycle. EU is nothing but an empire proped up by NATO as the military wing.

War is never popular.
It's neccessary sometimes. It's painful. Both sides will lose money, lifes and name it.
Sanctions will come but that is short term
Long term - Russia want to end NATO expansion and aggression towards it.
The message is clear - if Ukraine a bigger nation is getting caned - those small nations around Russia better not be thinking about NATO
US +Western poodles should also stop NATO expansion - cold war ended.
They are ones likely to plunge the world into WW3.
Btw, if this invasion is so popular in Russia as Pundit and Nowayhaha want us to believe, why has the Moscow stock exchange been closed? Usually something like this would make the stocks go up in a popular move. It seems the Moscow financial world is jittery of the coming future.

Estonia and Latvia share a border with Russia and are already in NATO.  I think that is why he attacked Ukraine instead.

Finland would have been too risky.  Better prepared, more tenuous historical ties and in all likelihood would result in a NATO intervention.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on April 03, 2022, 09:45:22 AM
The border the Russians share with the Baltics is easily defended. It is impossible to defend the Ukrainian border in case of an attack by a superior force that controls it. That's why Ukraine and Georgia have always been considered the red line by all till the West decided they don't care.

For the same reason, the Baltics  -out of NATO - are  an easier target than Ukraine.  Finland is now talking NATO because of the attack on Ukraine. 
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on April 03, 2022, 09:50:50 AM
When the Baltic states joined NATO in 2004 putin was on his 4 th year as president and his focus was on the economy. He was reviving Russian economy and was the darling of the west. He was too much in bed until Russians  started questioning why he would let Baltic states enter NATO with a sizeable ethnic  Russian living there. Russian fears were confirmed when laws were enacted striping ethnic Russians of Citizenship and baring the use of Russian language in schools and public offices. They even introduced language police who would eaves drop and arrest people speaking in Russian . The effect was mass exodus(expulsion) of ethnic Russians to the Russian Federation.
By 2008 it had become a political question which Putin had to answer . Thats when he said enough is enough. Western Nations thought he was joking the consequences are what we see.

The border the Russians share with the Baltics is easily defended. It is impossible to defend the Ukrainian border in case of an attack by a superior force that controls it. The only thing they could do in that case is threaten nuclear warfare. Conventional warfare would be out. That's why Ukraine and Georgia have always been considered the red line by those studying/discussing this till the West decided they don't care.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on April 03, 2022, 09:55:45 AM

You seem to be naive or ignorant of History. Just research how Latvia , Estonia and Liuthenia became part of U.S.S.R.
Before World war 2 big part of Liuthenia had been annexed by Poland including the current capital Vilnus. It was Stalins U.S.S.R. who restored Liuthenia as a republic.

Equip yourself with knowledge why Hitler waged War against Russia was made easy by Baltic states.

The border the Russians share with the Baltics is easily defended. It is impossible to defend the Ukrainian border in case of an attack by a superior force that controls it. That's why Ukraine and Georgia have always been considered the red line by all till the West decided they don't care.

For the same reason, the Baltics  -out of NATO - are  an easier target than Ukraine.  Finland is now talking NATO because of the attack on Ukraine.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on April 03, 2022, 10:31:22 AM
Ukraine will not dare defend itself; they are going to lay down arms; the current president will end up in exile. Eastern Ukraine will go Russia way - and the new president of Ukraine will be pro-Russia.

The western allies have no stomach for war.
:D :D :D didn't know will be laughing this soon.

There was quite a bit of ignorance on what Russia can accomplish at that time.  Ukraine has been an eye opener for me - and hopefully for Putin.  It is going to factor into any future considerations of Russia’s geopolitical heft.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Dear Mami on April 03, 2022, 11:50:47 AM
When the Baltic states joined NATO in 2004 putin was on his 4 th year as president and his focus was on the economy. He was reviving Russian economy and was the darling of the west. He was too much in bed until Russians  started questioning why he would let Baltic states enter NATO with a sizeable ethnic  Russian living there. Russian fears were confirmed when laws were enacted striping ethnic Russians of Citizenship and baring the use of Russian language in schools and public offices. They even introduced language police who would eaves drop and arrest people speaking in Russian . The effect was mass exodus(expulsion) of ethnic Russians to the Russian Federation.
By 2008 it had become a political question which Putin had to answer . Thats when he said enough is enough. Western Nations thought he was joking the consequences are what we see.

The border the Russians share with the Baltics is easily defended. It is impossible to defend the Ukrainian border in case of an attack by a superior force that controls it. The only thing they could do in that case is threaten nuclear warfare. Conventional warfare would be out. That's why Ukraine and Georgia have always been considered the red line by those studying/discussing this till the West decided they don't care.

I may be wrong there but I got the idea from listening to Scott Ritter's analysis of the war and how he thinks it's going, what he thinks the strategy is, given Russians aren't sharing. I think he said from a military perspective that the border with the Baltics was a very different kettle of fish compared to the border in Ukraine and Georgia.

Let me find that discussion. It's very long but very interesting, I think you'll enjoy it if you have time to listen. I think he must be mostly right at least about the war in Ukraine.

Here is is:
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Dear Mami on April 03, 2022, 12:09:31 PM
So, Noway, what he said that I didn't know yet was that initially, Russia indeed had relied on the intelligence (forget what he called it) of those commanders who were to go into Ukraine and secure a kind of pre-surrender from the mayors, different units etc. These were those commanders Putin was reportedly mad at for providing bad intelligence.  Their orders were to go in soft, they were not expecting the Ukrainians to fight. So they went in and found a full-fledged war. Only then did they decide to fight a conventional war.

Even then, they did not follow their traditional doctrine of shock and awe but what they're calling 'the Syrian' strategy or something: basically, how they fought in Syria. It appears from the low number of civilian casualties-to-Soldiers that the main aim was to avoid wrecking civilian people or civilian infrastructure. Like 3/4 casualties are military, which he says is highly uncommon in war.

I didn't know this. That indeed the Russians went in soft not expecting a real war.

But he rubbishes the Ukrainian figures too. If it was true 15-20,000 Russians had been killed, it'd mean like 60-80,000 are wounded, per normal combat patterns, which would take out like 50% of the Russian forces. This would have destroyed any cohesive/functional operation of the army, he says, and yet we are seeing the exact opposite. He says Russians are reporting and transferring dead soldiers to their families and their operations and these reports back home match their own claims to have lost around 1,500 soldiers so far (after Maripol). Believe Ukrainian numbers at your own risk. 

Ukrainian soldiers dead are at least 30,000 after Maripol, says Ritter. There were about 14/15,000 in that city before the battle and that fight was intense, the most committed Russian battle so far, and the city has been completely taken. These guys were not conventional Ukrainian soldiers/marines but Azov (Nazi) forces/units, so it's a good bet they were killed rather than taken prisoner. Russians are killing them straight up without mercy. If you add to the numbers before Maripol, that's like 30,000 at least. He says the number is more like btw 2,000-3,000 Russians to 30,000 Ukrainians, given what we're seeing.

Now that the Russians have created their land bridge and cut off Kyiv from the East, they are taking their best soldiers to the East to destroy another 60,000 or so. Like the other Colonel, he thinks this war is over. It's more important to destroy the military than to take territory because without the military, the territory is all yours for the taking.

What do you think? Are Russian sources saying the same thing? His analysis is based on his military know-how and speculation as nobody has access to Russian plans. The Western media are simply reporting ANYTHING the Ukrainians claim as fact, but they don't know either.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on April 03, 2022, 12:44:04 PM
From my perspective Putins mistake was participating in the Minsk agreement at a time the whole east from Kharkov , Donbass to Odessa was politically pro Russia and specifically when they had encircled the Ukranian army in Donbass and defeated them. The request to let them free and accept a ceasefire was the beginning of the end of Russian influence in Ukraine.
Because what followed next was all pro Russian  media was banned and the media owners lefr to operate brainwashed Ukrainians one of the reason you have Zelenski a comedian becoming a President as he was sponsored by a Media Oligarch.
So to expect little or no resistance feom Ukraine is complete Hogwash taking in consideration NATO had been training and giving weapons to Ukraine since 2014 in addition majority of Ukrainian army had real battle experience from the Donbass war.  So the anology of Mayors surrendering is just an opinion. Putin knew what was happening in Ukraine and he knew Ukraine was going to start a fully fledged war in Donbass by March followed by Crimea  so he had to either stop one way or the other . He tried to negotiate with U.S. and NATO they shwoed him the middle finger so he decided to use War to make them listen.Only a day to the war did Bidden accept to concede to Russian propasal but on "principle"

Russian Military has avoided Civilian areas as much as possible, its the Azov Militia who have been using Hospitals , Kindergattens and Apartments to launch their attacks with counterattacks leading to causalties.
If They were targetting Civilians like that they would have rargeted Verkhnova Rada(Ukraine Parliament)  with cruse missiles as they are capable of launching from their territory and ships in White/Baltic and Black sea.

In regards to casualties you are spot on.
Finally I think Putin has eventually concluded this thing is for rhe long haul , so he is recruting more soldiers who now will be rotating and has decided to put all efforts in the East and South , with Lugansk ane Donestsk already liberated focus now will be on the other regions like Kherson, Odessa, Summy ,Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on April 03, 2022, 01:56:18 PM
The naivety exbhited in this forum by a few members is shocking,when the war started immediately I said Russia is defeated,Have tried to hint on why i said this but nikama kupigia mbuzi guitar, anyways I will start a thread on "Educating Nipate's slowpokes on basic war analysis"
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on April 03, 2022, 03:27:49 PM

Sorry to say this but you are very poor matters Europe Geopolitics.

The naivety exbhited in this forum by a few members is shocking,when the war started immediately I said Russia is defeated,Have tried to hint on why i said this but nikama kupigia mbuzi guitar, anyways I will start a thread on "Educating Nipate's slowpokes on basic war analysis"
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: audacityofhope on April 12, 2022, 09:16:52 AM
Ukraine will not dare defend itself; they are going to lay down arms; the current president will end up in exile. Eastern Ukraine will go Russia way - and the new president of Ukraine will be pro-Russia.

The western allies have no stomach for war.

Except from buffoon Mr.-I-have been-blogging-since-my-teens aka Mr-Putin-will-have-lunch-in-Kyiv.  :s_laugh: :85: :85:
Nod to @Njuri Ncheke for revisiting this post!
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Arcadian_Dreamer on April 13, 2022, 02:41:08 AM
Win or lose, Ukraine has exposed Putin's Russia as a potemkin power.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Georgesoros on April 13, 2022, 04:15:09 AM
Ukraine gave up nuclear arms as west guaranteed support, but Russia instead of honoring the agreement has went on to attack Ukraine. Guarantee was worthless. Now the moron is moving missiles to Finland.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kadudu on April 13, 2022, 09:42:30 AM
Most people thought after the Ukraine invasion, the Baltic states would be next on Putin's menu. After the debacle, nobody fears Russia anymore. Russia's only advantage are the nuclear weapons it can threaten to use against other countries.
Now Putin is only talking of the Donbas region. He has swallowed his own words of toppling the "Nazi" led regime in Kyiv.
Win or lose, Ukraine has exposed Putin's Russia as a potemkin power.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Georgesoros on April 13, 2022, 02:34:50 PM
Most people thought after the Ukraine invasion, the Baltic states would be next on Putin's menu. After the debacle, nobody fears Russia anymore. Russia's only advantage are the nuclear weapons it can threaten to use against other countries.
Now Putin is only talking of the Donbas region. He has swallowed his own words of toppling the "Nazi" led regime in Kyiv.
Win or lose, Ukraine has exposed Putin's Russia as a potemkin power.

He has managed to bring unity to the Europe and the Baltics. In my opinion European companies will shift economic activities from China to the Baltics.
He has also managed to revive EVs.

Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on April 13, 2022, 02:58:18 PM
You need to pick which motion you are for. Either Europe is so afraid rhat they have decided to up their defence , Finaland Sweden are so afraid they have decided to join NATO because of Russias operation in Ukraine or No one nolonger fears Russia.
Truth be told Russia has made everyone butt scared . Western Nations never thought Putin Could ever use Nuclear Weapons now they know better. Secondly Ukraine is already a land locked country if this is a major achievement for NATO and Ukraine you need to have your mind checked.
Apart from that one of Russias objective was to stop Unilaterism , Countries now have started using their own currencies to do business . Countiries like China , India , Saudia nolonger take instructions from Washington . Second objective they have managed to shake up the worlds political scene. Most of the current leaders will lose elections bringing in a new crop of leaders which essentially will have different ideas.
As for Baltic countries, reread your history after a few years they will be back where they are supposed to.
Problem of you guys dont know history. There is a reason they say history keepa repeating itself.

Most people thought after the Ukraine invasion, the Baltic states would be next on Putin's menu. After the debacle, nobody fears Russia anymore. Russia's only advantage are the nuclear weapons it can threaten to use against other countries.
Now Putin is only talking of the Donbas region. He has swallowed his own words of toppling the "Nazi" led regime in Kyiv.
Win or lose, Ukraine has exposed Putin's Russia as a potemkin power.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on April 13, 2022, 03:05:49 PM
Yes shortterm unity. We can see how united Europe is on sanctioning Oil and Gas.
How united Europe is on paying Gas using Euros instead of Rubles.
What perhaps you dont see and we see is that there is a divide between NATO and Former Warsaw countries in a lot of policies.
And with Inflation going upwards expect major political divisions.
In the next 2 years EU will be in disray.

Most people thought after the Ukraine invasion, the Baltic states would be next on Putin's menu. After the debacle, nobody fears Russia anymore. Russia's only advantage are the nuclear weapons it can threaten to use against other countries.
Now Putin is only talking of the Donbas region. He has swallowed his own words of toppling the "Nazi" led regime in Kyiv.
Win or lose, Ukraine has exposed Putin's Russia as a potemkin power.

He has managed to bring unity to the Europe and the Baltics. In my opinion European companies will shift economic activities from China to the Baltics.
He has also managed to revive EVs.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kadudu on April 13, 2022, 04:01:45 PM
Keep on having your wet dreams.
You told us Putin will be having lunch in Kyiv two days after he invaded Ukraine. Now weeks down the line it seems even Putin himself has given up in capturing Kyiv. So your wishes and reality are two different issues. EU has its problems, but it is here to stay. After Brexit, no other member has dared mention leaving the EU. Even Marine Le Pen cannot dare mention such a scenerio for France if she wins the presidency. That tells it all about the EU.
Btw, Britain is not in the EU. Is there high inflation there or not? Even let us not mention countries like Turkey or Kenya. If lation is all over the world.

Yes shortterm unity. We can see how united Europe is on sanctioning Oil and Gas.
How united Europe is on paying Gas using Euros instead of Rubles.
What perhaps you dont see and we see is that there is a divide between NATO and Former Warsaw countries in a lot of policies.
And with Inflation going upwards expect major political divisions.
In the next 2 years EU will be in disray.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on April 13, 2022, 04:29:11 PM
Win or lose, Ukraine has exposed Putin's Russia as a potemkin power.

Yep.  In an ironic twist, this in itself brings into question the need for NATO.  Article 5 specifically should probably be on a case by case basis rather than automatic.

A defining trait of a Potemkin power is fixation with saber-rattling.  Massive military parades with huge missiles, hundreds of tanks, aircraft, everything in their inventory and some...a sight to behold.  There is a psychological element to that.  When you are weak you thump your chest, cause commotion to cover it up.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on April 13, 2022, 04:50:57 PM

Kadudu you are naive, Unlike you I very well know whats happening. Its my sphere. Do you live in Europe ?

Keep on having your wet dreams.
You told us Putin will be having lunch in Kyiv two days after he invaded Ukraine. Now weeks down the line it seems even Putin himself has given up in capturing Kyiv. So your wishes and reality are two different issues. EU has its problems, but it is here to stay. After Brexit, no other member has dared mention leaving the EU. Even Marine Le Pen cannot dare mention such a scenerio for France if she wins the presidency. That tells it all about the EU.
Btw, Britain is not in the EU. Is there high inflation there or not? Even let us not mention countries like Turkey or Kenya. If lation is all over the world.

Yes shortterm unity. We can see how united Europe is on sanctioning Oil and Gas.
How united Europe is on paying Gas using Euros instead of Rubles.
What perhaps you dont see and we see is that there is a divide between NATO and Former Warsaw countries in a lot of policies.
And with Inflation going upwards expect major political divisions.
In the next 2 years EU will be in disray.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kadudu on April 13, 2022, 05:04:44 PM
Do you include Putin and Xi Jinping on this list? :D :D :D

You need to pick which motion you are for. Either Europe is so afraid rhat they have decided to up their defence , Finaland Sweden are so afraid they have decided to join NATO because of Russias operation in Ukraine or No one nolonger fears Russia.
Truth be told Russia has made everyone butt scared . Western Nations never thought Putin Could ever use Nuclear Weapons now they know better. Secondly Ukraine is already a land locked country if this is a major achievement for NATO and Ukraine you need to have your mind checked.
Apart from that one of Russias objective was to stop Unilaterism , Countries now have started using their own currencies to do business . Countiries like China , India , Saudia nolonger take instructions from Washington . Second objective they have managed to shake up the worlds political scene. Most of the current leaders will lose elections bringing in a new crop of leaders which essentially will have different ideas.
As for Baltic countries, reread your history after a few years they will be back where they are supposed to.
Problem of you guys dont know history. There is a reason they say history keepa repeating itself.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kadudu on April 13, 2022, 05:06:46 PM
No. I live in North Mugirango. That is you know where that is. We have the best weed in town. Ask Pundit and he will confirm. :D

Kadudu you are naive, Unlike you I very well know whats happening. Its my sphere. Do you live in Europe ?
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on April 13, 2022, 05:08:49 PM
How was Bahati School performing in National exams ? Seems your history teachers were drinking instead of teaching history hence your shallowness in history and critical thinking. So sad indeed.

Do you include Putin and Xi Jinping on this list? :D :D :D

You need to pick which motion you are for. Either Europe is so afraid rhat they have decided to up their defence , Finaland Sweden are so afraid they have decided to join NATO because of Russias operation in Ukraine or No one nolonger fears Russia.
Truth be told Russia has made everyone butt scared . Western Nations never thought Putin Could ever use Nuclear Weapons now they know better. Secondly Ukraine is already a land locked country if this is a major achievement for NATO and Ukraine you need to have your mind checked.
Apart from that one of Russias objective was to stop Unilaterism , Countries now have started using their own currencies to do business . Countiries like China , India , Saudia nolonger take instructions from Washington . Second objective they have managed to shake up the worlds political scene. Most of the current leaders will lose elections bringing in a new crop of leaders which essentially will have different ideas.
As for Baltic countries, reread your history after a few years they will be back where they are supposed to.
Problem of you guys dont know history. There is a reason they say history keepa repeating itself.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Kadudu on April 13, 2022, 05:40:32 PM
You cannot even get the name of the school right. Bahati Uhuru Primary School!

We never bothered with those useless lists. All we know a few have made it in life.
Btw, I know even people who went to Alliance High School who come to me asking for bus fare. Going to those top schools means nothing in the end. What you make out of yourself is what matters.

How was Bahati School performing in National exams ? Seems your history teachers were drinking instead of teaching history hence your shallowness in history and critical thinking. So sad indeed.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: Nowayhaha on April 13, 2022, 05:57:38 PM

Depends on how you look at it. You are half baked , know nothing about history , to you history is following western media. Try expanding your knowledge horizon by researching . Read more watch more it will make you look at things from a different angle.

You cannot even get the name of the school right. Bahati Uhuru Primary School!

We never bothered with those useless lists. All we know a few have made it in life.
Btw, I know even people who went to Alliance High School who come to me asking for bus fare. Going to those top schools means nothing in the end. What you make out of yourself is what matters.

How was Bahati School performing in National exams ? Seems your history teachers were drinking instead of teaching history hence your shallowness in history and critical thinking. So sad indeed.
Title: Re: Putin declares war on Ukraine - ask the Ukraine soldiers to lay down arms
Post by: audacityofhope on June 24, 2023, 08:00:32 PM