
Forum => Kenya Discussion => Topic started by: Njuri Ncheke on January 11, 2022, 04:34:20 PM

Title: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 11, 2022, 04:34:20 PM
At this rate you are becoming an amateur genius

The Governor said he is closely working with the national government to enforce the ban where he has requested the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government for immediate deployment of contingents of Rapid Deployment Unit(RDU) into the area, intensified intelligence and surveillance, fast tracking ongoing establishment of permanent RDU and other security installations; and has also written to the Ministry for the immediate return of the Kenya Police Reserve(KPR) as well as the rearmament of the Meru County Enforcement officers whose arms were taken away, to be redeployed back to the region to help curb the insecurity menace.

Governor Kiraitu also told the team he is working round the clock for a more sustainable solution by pushing for establishment of more administrative units (divisions and other units) in the region for constant visibility of government in the area, as well as establishment of a buffer zone(no-man’s land) along the entire stretch of Meru-Isiolo border which will be occupied by the Military from the 78-Battalion to ensure the area is permanently sealed off from entry of camels, raiders and criminals into the County.

He called on the residents in the area to immediately cease and desist from the habit of vending/renting out pasture lands to outsiders which is a key contributor to the perpetual conflicts, crime and killings of innocent residents, adding that more meetings will be held to engage on implementing these and other proposed solutions.

Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 11, 2022, 04:37:49 PM
In other news Merus retained  No.5 most dangerous  community in Kenya for the 8 year running  despite losing 7-0 to Chumari recently
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 12, 2022, 01:45:38 PM
Baba in attendance for the requem mass,Kiraitu has actually by his response to the attack garnered strong support for his re-election seems Munya is trying to counter that by bringing Baba.
UDA severally let down No bigwig in attendance.Linturi a Mbig failure
Excitement in the air that government will heed to calls to rearm Meru KPR and enforcement border officers.
Hapa UDA iko na shida bana
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 12, 2022, 02:26:20 PM
Buffer border the long-term solution
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 12, 2022, 02:27:32 PM
Baba in attendance for the requem mass,Kiraitu has actually by his response to the attack garnered strong support for his re-election seems Munya is trying to counter that by bringing Baba.
UDA severally let down No bigwig in attendance.Linturi a Mbig failure
Excitement in the air that government will heed to calls to rearm Meru KPR and enforcement border officers.
Hapa UDA iko na shida bana
I see you're invested in kiraitu selling baba ...baba like funerals
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 12, 2022, 03:35:58 PM
Baba in attendance for the requem mass,Kiraitu has actually by his response to the attack garnered strong support for his re-election seems Munya is trying to counter that by bringing Baba.
UDA severally let down No bigwig in attendance.Linturi a Mbig failure
Excitement in the air that government will heed to calls to rearm Meru KPR and enforcement border officers.
Hapa UDA iko na shida bana
I see you're invested in kiraitu selling baba ...baba like funerals
No Kiraitu has no interest in baba,Munya is the one selling baba. I wonder why no UDA showed up. Mbig let down.
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 12, 2022, 04:26:53 PM
Not looking good Somalis are digging in for a war tigray style. If Merus don't arm soon it will be very bad for them,They will fall like leaves,I think after Samburu,Turkana and Borana failed, Somalis are the latest to try their battle luck against Meru.
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 12, 2022, 04:28:29 PM
Wakikataa miraa yenu mutalia sana
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 12, 2022, 04:29:01 PM
Somali women too declare war on Merus
Apparently 3 somalis were also killed but not reported :D
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 12, 2022, 05:10:11 PM
Wakikataa miraa yenu mutalia sana
This is the pawn they use miraa. But human life and property are bigger than that. There is a large chance of war happening and I think I will dust my jungle fatigue and boots count my nchabii and prepare to go to the front. Pundit I invite you to see how war is conducted si kurusha mishale ovyo ovyo and hiding in maize plantation. It will be bad. Merus I say at the moment are weak we need like minimum 6-8 months to arm plus training 1 year,God forbid these ngamias or  opportunistic Kabilas attack Merus now.
I know you will be routing for your cousin the camel :D.
The score half time Somali 7-Meru 3
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 17, 2022, 08:42:21 PM
More clip of Tigania Njuri Ncheke planning next move against chumari
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 17, 2022, 08:46:54 PM
Btw Chumari, Kipchumari, Il chumari is what we also call somalis. I think it maasai word
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 17, 2022, 08:50:14 PM
Njuri everytime you say Murume - it means Murenik - Moran - Mooryana - means Oromo - strong man.

I recently read a story about the Composition of Kipigis, with Nandi clans forming not less than 60 per cent of that community. The Xirikwa also form majority of Kipsigis because the word Waldai in Bureti is corrupted from Wardei or Wardhei ,the name given to Xirikwek by the Somali. they later became Waldai, the name of Kipsigis of Kericho.
That is why during traditional songs, the Kipsigis have a special song dedicated to Nandi which goes thus:
Wooe Nandi Gaa hahaiya,
Kole Nandi Gaa ee- ha haiya,
kole Nandiekiok ee- ha haiya.
Kole kotab tebe Koi ee- Ha haiya
There are also Luos(Kapmang’esoi),Kikuyus(Kapmuungaeek, their eponymous founder being a mr Mungai).
The Oromo are also well represented in Kipsigis and Ogieek. During their migration from Pwenet(Puntland in modern Somalia), the Kipigis assimilated many persons of foreign extraction. They also passed through the land of the Oromo but still remember Kipchumaruuk people whom they encountered southewards.
Kipcheromeek, a major clan in Kipsigis also called Kiptieromo originally came from Eritrea in then larger Ethiopia.
KIPCHEROMEEK means KIP- Chi- Bo- Oromo or the person of Oromo. The famous legend of circumcision songs called Ragita (arap Korendet) son of Song’iria was a member of Kipcheromeek clan.
Surpsringly, in Oromo language, the word Oromo means “strong or fierce people) which is Kalenjin Koromen,Orom, Korom and Kikuyu Urume(pronounced Orome) and Murume in Meru all meaning strong men. Muren or Moran could also have orignated from Oromo/Korom.
Remember the song…..Achome ane tineeb ab Ragita, tinenyoon nengetiech tegaat kole ‘ros”, tinyenyoon kokwar geet.
Kipcheromeek have ligntened the skin tone of the Kipsigis together with those of Kapioria clan.
KabiOria is another Kipigis clan from Somalia mean people of Oria, Kaab-Oria. One example is former Minsiter, John arap Koech of Chepalungu and many others.
Kapsulumani is another Kipsigis clan from Somali whose eponymous founder was a man called Suleiman.
The Kiptieromo of Mariashinik sub-section of the Ogieek are some of the most light-skinned people in Africa
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 17, 2022, 08:51:58 PM
Btw Chumari, Kipchumari, Il chumari is what we also call somalis. I think it maasai word
The archaic or original word for chumari is chombaa or muoko that's the pre colonial name for somalis going back 300-400 years ago,yes chumari could be Masai origin its quite recent
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 17, 2022, 08:53:35 PM
What is Chombaa or Muoko.
I think what I know Ilchumari is maasai word for Somalis.
Most of people are known by Maasai word.
The archaic or original word for chumari is chombaa or muoko that's the pre colonial name for somalis going back 300-400 years ago
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 17, 2022, 08:55:42 PM
With heavy salt

The Somali or Kipchumaruuk(Ilchumau in Maasai) is a African tribe whose origin is shrouded in mystery. Yet, today I delve into their origin and why these people have been killing fellow Kenyans in Mandera with gusto and glee.
According to the Maasai, the Ilchumaru came about through ethnic compound of Arabs and the Maasai.The story is that in their vortex of migration in Arabian peninsula, an Arab robber raped a maasai Eshankiki(girl) who later gave birth to a  boy who became the eponymous founder of the Somali Nation whose descendants later adopted Islam.The Masai call the Somali Apuiyia meaning Uncles which the Kipsigis  took it as Apule or Opule . The Somali also refer to the Maasai and the Kalenjins as Apuiyia meaning uncles.
There is an array of Kalenjin and MAA words in Somali language .It is also believed that at some point the Somali assimilated some Kalenjin ‘Chemerinik” or torusiek. No wonder they hide their faces like Chemerinik(women initiates) with special clothes called Kurtut- or kurtait. In the own accounts, KAPIORIA clans people say that they were the Somalis who aboriginal home was Eritrea. KAPIORIA is a major clan in Kipsigis derived from the word KAP-ORIA or simply Kwa Oria…the home of Oria. Former Cabinet minister John Koech of Chebolungu is a member of this clan. Their elders tell me that they were Somalis who disappeared in Eritrea finally being assimilated by the Kipsigis alongside KIPCHEROMEEK clan. KIpcheromeek or Kiptieromo in Iltorobo(Ogiek) are believed to have been Somalis who were assimilated into Kalenjin during the community’s penegrination in Maghreb and Arabian peninsular. In SOMALI, Chiromo is a bigger clan resonating in Kipsigis/Ogieek as Kipcheromeek. Chiromo Campus is named after these people.
When in Arabian peninsula which was proto-Kalenjin abode some 3000 years ago, the Arabs borrowed the name of Kalenjin deity Illat and became Allah –the God of Justice who kills criminals with lightening ILLET which is not ILLAT(GOD) or ILLAYE in SOMALI. Enlil , the God of the people of Palestine is derived from ILLAT GOD.
The reason these Somalis are now killing people is may be because they were the hybrid of desert robbers and the humble Maasai.
Now we know.
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 17, 2022, 08:57:16 PM
Njuri everytime you say Murume - it means Murenik - Moran - Mooryana - means Oromo - strong man.

I recently read a story about the Composition of Kipigis, with Nandi clans forming not less than 60 per cent of that community. The Xirikwa also form majority of Kipsigis because the word Waldai in Bureti is corrupted from Wardei or Wardhei ,the name given to Xirikwek by the Somali. they later became Waldai, the name of Kipsigis of Kericho.
That is why during traditional songs, the Kipsigis have a special song dedicated to Nandi which goes thus:
Wooe Nandi Gaa hahaiya,
Kole Nandi Gaa ee- ha haiya,
kole Nandiekiok ee- ha haiya.
Kole kotab tebe Koi ee- Ha haiya
There are also Luos(Kapmang’esoi),Kikuyus(Kapmuungaeek, their eponymous founder being a mr Mungai).
The Oromo are also well represented in Kipsigis and Ogieek. During their migration from Pwenet(Puntland in modern Somalia), the Kipigis assimilated many persons of foreign extraction. They also passed through the land of the Oromo but still remember Kipchumaruuk people whom they encountered southewards.
Kipcheromeek, a major clan in Kipsigis also called Kiptieromo originally came from Eritrea in then larger Ethiopia.
KIPCHEROMEEK means KIP- Chi- Bo- Oromo or the person of Oromo. The famous legend of circumcision songs called Ragita (arap Korendet) son of Song’iria was a member of Kipcheromeek clan.
Surpsringly, in Oromo language, the word Oromo means “strong or fierce people) which is Kalenjin Koromen,Orom, Korom and Kikuyu Urume(pronounced Orome) and Murume in Meru all meaning strong men. Muren or Moran could also have orignated from Oromo/Korom.
Remember the song…..Achome ane tineeb ab Ragita, tinenyoon nengetiech tegaat kole ‘ros”, tinyenyoon kokwar geet.
Kipcheromeek have ligntened the skin tone of the Kipsigis together with those of Kapioria clan.
KabiOria is another Kipigis clan from Somalia mean people of Oria, Kaab-Oria. One example is former Minsiter, John arap Koech of Chepalungu and many others.
Kapsulumani is another Kipsigis clan from Somali whose eponymous founder was a man called Suleiman.
The Kiptieromo of Mariashinik sub-section of the Ogieek are some of the most light-skinned people in Africa
Absolutely interesting never thought of this makes strong sense! However i don't get how kipsisgis say they came from puntland and still maintain oromo ties. Puntkand is in north somalia and oromo is opposite side in Ethiopia puzzling
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 17, 2022, 08:58:43 PM
What is Chombaa or Muoko.
I think what I know Ilchumari is maasai word for Somalis.
Most of people are known by Maasai word.
The archaic or original word for chumari is chombaa or muoko that's the pre colonial name for somalis going back 300-400 years ago
Chombaa or muoko is the name Merus  intially called Somalis and some cushitc people like oromo
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 17, 2022, 09:05:16 PM
Pseudo history.
Real history - proto kalenjin and proto oromo moved from Cush empire (present day khartoum-tigray)
They move southwards all the way to east africa  - TZ & Kenya & Uganda - possibly as far as Rwanda.
Those were so called eastern cushites - and southern cushites
Proto oromo/galla or southern cushites would later split into oromo and somalis.
Kalenjin would split into their sub tribes.
Later Maasai and Bantus would arrive.
Nearly half cognate or root kalennjin words are similar to Somali
Tree for example - ketit - is the same
Rain is the same - rop - rop
goat is artet - artet
Cognate words are root words that you wont borrow or loan necessarily
Sirikwas were remnant of eastern cushites.
In Tanzania - you will find a perfect mix of old east africa - Iraq cushites - barbabaig/Datooga who are kalenjin - and Maasai.
All in lake Natron.
Absolutely interesting never thought of this makes strong sense! However i don't get how kipsisgis say they came from puntland and still maintain oromo ties. Puntkand is in north somalia and oromo is opposite side in Ethiopia puzzling
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 17, 2022, 09:06:59 PM
With heavy salt

The Somali or Kipchumaruuk(Ilchumau in Maasai) is a African tribe whose origin is shrouded in mystery. Yet, today I delve into their origin and why these people have been killing fellow Kenyans in Mandera with gusto and glee.
According to the Maasai, the Ilchumaru came about through ethnic compound of Arabs and the Maasai.The story is that in their vortex of migration in Arabian peninsula, an Arab robber raped a maasai Eshankiki(girl) who later gave birth to a  boy who became the eponymous founder of the Somali Nation whose descendants later adopted Islam.The Masai call the Somali Apuiyia meaning Uncles which the Kipsigis  took it as Apule or Opule . The Somali also refer to the Maasai and the Kalenjins as Apuiyia meaning uncles.
There is an array of Kalenjin and MAA words in Somali language .It is also believed that at some point the Somali assimilated some Kalenjin ‘Chemerinik” or torusiek. No wonder they hide their faces like Chemerinik(women initiates) with special clothes called Kurtut- or kurtait. In the own accounts, KAPIORIA clans people say that they were the Somalis who aboriginal home was Eritrea. KAPIORIA is a major clan in Kipsigis derived from the word KAP-ORIA or simply Kwa Oria…the home of Oria. Former Cabinet minister John Koech of Chebolungu is a member of this clan. Their elders tell me that they were Somalis who disappeared in Eritrea finally being assimilated by the Kipsigis alongside KIPCHEROMEEK clan. KIpcheromeek or Kiptieromo in Iltorobo(Ogiek) are believed to have been Somalis who were assimilated into Kalenjin during the community’s penegrination in Maghreb and Arabian peninsular. In SOMALI, Chiromo is a bigger clan resonating in Kipsigis/Ogieek as Kipcheromeek. Chiromo Campus is named after these people.
When in Arabian peninsula which was proto-Kalenjin abode some 3000 years ago, the Arabs borrowed the name of Kalenjin deity Illat and became Allah –the God of Justice who kills criminals with lightening ILLET which is not ILLAT(GOD) or ILLAYE in SOMALI. Enlil , the God of the people of Palestine is derived from ILLAT GOD.
The reason these Somalis are now killing people is may be because they were the hybrid of desert robbers and the humble Maasai.
Now we know.
These stories need proper scientific research on face value they make some sense ro me surely years behind there was some sought of interaction. Our universities should be funded to carry out these researches not just upuzi of studying without carrying out proper reaserch. We need fund these universities proper. Bazungu have exhausted all what they could study about African s and the rest is up to us.
For example am.intrigued in the similarities of those kalejin words and somali. If the origin of the root words can be traced then it xan be established what relationship were there before but my own analysis is like stated this happened 3,000 years ago possibly in kush, Egypt area. Very intriguing stuff. Do we have even professors of history or anthropology in kenya?
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 17, 2022, 09:09:56 PM
Pseudo history.
Real history - proto kalenjin and proto oromo moved from Cush empire (present day khartoum-tigray)
They move southwards all the way to east africa  - TZ & Kenya & Uganda - possibly as far as Rwanda.
Those were so called eastern cushites - and southern cushites
Proto oromo/galla or southern cushites would later split into oromo and somalis.
Kalenjin would split into their sub tribes.
Later Maasai and Bantus would arrive.
Nearly half cognate or root kalennjin words are similar to Somali
Tree for example - ketit - is the same
Rain is the same - rop - rop
goat is artet - artet
Cognate words are root words that you wont borrow or loan necessarily
Sirikwas were remnant of eastern cushites.
In Tanzania - you will find a perfect mix of old east africa - Iraq cushites - barbabaig/Datooga who are kalenjin - and Maasai.
All in lake Natron.
Absolutely interesting never thought of this makes strong sense! However i don't get how kipsisgis say they came from puntland and still maintain oromo ties. Puntkand is in north somalia and oromo is opposite side in Ethiopia puzzling
So who were the proto kalenjin?
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 17, 2022, 09:11:02 PM
Kush or Cush was in border of Sudan & Ethiopia. Somalis and Oromos are cousins of Nubians (many North Sudanase). And of course Egypt was black - Nubian/Kushite - before Arabs moved in.
Kalenjin were north most of Nilotes - present day Luos in Malakal - few kilometers to the North.
They moved to Ethiopia
All this is recorded in plant and animal dna...and now human dna.
For example am.intrigued in the similarities of those kalejin words and somali. If the origin of the root words can be traced then it xan be established what relationship were there before but my own analysis is like stated this happened 3,000 years ago possibly in kush, Egypt area. Very intriguing stuff. Do we have even professors of history or anthropology in kenya?
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 17, 2022, 09:13:36 PM
They were nilotes - who assimilated mostly male oromos/gallas. Sort of rejected cushites married nilotic women - and formed a tribe - then followed cushites down south - and later in east africa when Maasai arrived seperated.

Kalenjin, somalis and oromos have stayed in east africa longest after aboriginal. Its why you see all of them being good althetes -  because of their thousands of years adapation in rift valley

Before iron tools by bantus...they used stone tools...

So who were the proto kalenjin?
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: Njuri Ncheke on January 17, 2022, 09:28:46 PM
They were nilotes - who assimilated mostly male oromos/gallas. Sort of rejected cushites married nilotic women - and formed a tribe - then followed cushites down south - and later in east africa when Maasai arrived seperated.

Kalenjin, somalis and oromos have stayed in east africa longest after aboriginal. Its why you see all of them being good althetes -  because of their thousands of years adapation in rift valley

Before iron tools by bantus...they used stone tools...

So who were the proto kalenjin?
In short Nubians were the proto kalenjiin and Kush proto cushites. Makes sense,Nubinas rulled the Egyptian 25th dynasty of piye but Egyptians have tried to erase that from their history even in museum's the 25th Kingdom of the nilotes that conqured Egypt is missing so as many statues destroyed by them
Be proud pundit your ancestors once ruled Egypt.
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 17, 2022, 09:32:31 PM
Nuba versus Nubian. Nuba are close to Nilotes. Nubian are close to Oromos, Somalis, etc. Nubian to this day live in upper egypt - this egypt near Sudan. Kalenjin are clearly half nilotes half cushites.
In short Nubians were the proto kalenjiin and Kush proto cushites. Makes sense,Nubinas rulled the Egyptian 25th dynasty of piye but Egyptians have tried to erase that from their history even in museum's the 25th Kingdom of the nilotes that conqured Egypt is missing so as many statues destroyed by them
Be proud pundit your ancestors once ruled Egypt.
Title: Re: Pundit-Kiraitu follows your advice on security buffer zone
Post by: RV Pundit on January 17, 2022, 09:35:34 PM

Dobon et al. (2015) found that modern Nubians are genetically closer to their Cushitic and Ethio-Semitic (Afro-Asiatic) neighbors (such as the Beja, Sudanese Arabs, Ethiopians and Somalis) than to other Nilo-Saharan speakers. The study showed that populations from their "North-East cluster", which include Nubians, may be explained as a mixture of an ancestral North African population (similar to Copts) and an ancestral South-West population. Also, according to the authors, "Nubians were influenced by Arabs as a direct result of the penetration of large numbers of Arabs into the Nile Valley over long periods of time following the arrival of Islam around 651 A.D."[50]
