Author Topic: Elsevier's octopi arms are worse than predatory journals  (Read 6833 times)

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Elsevier's octopi arms are worse than predatory journals
« on: November 15, 2015, 07:31:36 PM »
I've literally received hundreds of emails from Elsevier to publish with them, subscribe to this and that etc. More than predatory journals. I can literally hear them fuming like how dare she unsubscribe to prestige. How dare you subscribe me without even asking then demand I publish with you about blabla.

I feel like this Elsevier gang is into me. I don't even read their emails now. Goes straight to trash. Who do these people think they are? I unsubscribe, I don't answer yet they still persist. With predatory journals you unsubscribe and that's it. One predatory journal at a time. But Elsevier. They have every arsenal under the sun- early career meet, book deal, data events, like minded get togethers, attend this workshop, pay for this lecture, sign up to this, why haven't you joined us? You may like this. Too much? we can help. Try this platform, join in this, we think this, we are here, I am your editor call me maybe, this may interest you, we noticed you like this. I swear they're stalking me and if I don't subscribe to something .... these people are gangs.

I don't get this much heat from other journals like BMJ, Springer etc. why Elsevier?