Author Topic: Special operations; Russians react.  (Read 598 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Special operations; Russians react.
« on: March 08, 2022, 02:48:57 AM »
This is interesting. I was talking to my son about what is going on and if his generation is talking to Russians
. There is an app I love to watch Omegle I think is the app. It is gives you an opportunity to pick your area and then see people who are interested to talk. He said this weekend on the popular streamers picked Russia and opened conversation and asked young people in Russia what they knew about Ukraine. It seems the knew quite a bit of what was going on. I was very encouraged because I see young people having different views about the world. They see a flat world where everyone should be able to play and live in this space. They live in a hopeful dimension. They virtually visit countries and societies that we in our generation never had a chance to be in. I have seen a Saudi Arabian tribal nomad become a sensation after he gets on omegle and charms these girls and they have one of the most spontaneous conversations of this decade. It was a movie moment. When Wozniak designed a way for Russians and Americans of his generation to connect using video conferencing in 1982 everyone thought he was nut. He lost millions hosting a virtual rock concert between 🇺🇸 and Russians..but he gained the world. The technology will make putons and idiots stuck in 19th century irrevant

Think of it we can now see what is happening on the battle field live uninterrupted and watch live video cameras in kivy. We are living in the 4th dimension it is the beginning of the end of old era into a new one.

Enjoy this when West meet the Middle of East

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