Author Topic: Nikki Haley drops out of Republican primary  (Read 5255 times)

Offline Nefertiti

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Nikki Haley drops out of Republican primary
« on: December 22, 2023, 02:01:31 AM »
Basically Colorado supreme court says Trump cannot be on the ballot in Colorado at all for inciting Jan 16 riots at the Capitol. His legal team has run to SCOTUS. Colorado is blue state so on its own does not affect Trump chances, but there are a dozen other states with cases to bar him - including red Texas, purple Michigan, Arizona, red Wyoming - so SCOTUS ruling could seal his fate.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2024, 08:38:51 PM by Nefertiti »
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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2023, 02:58:27 AM »
Red states react - Utah says there will be no primary 'ballots' but caucuses - to shield Trump from potential bad ruling by SCOTUS.

There is talk of purple Florida and red states barring Biden for allowing criminals & terrorists through the border.

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Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2023, 05:50:14 AM »
Red states react - Utah says there will be no primary 'ballots' but caucuses - to shield Trump from potential bad ruling by SCOTUS.

There is talk of purple Florida and red states barring Biden for allowing criminals & terrorists through the border.

Red states cannot bar Biden; courts will have to do it. There is nowhere in our constitution that says such, but the 14th Amendment is clear, like night and day. I suspect the conservative Supreme Court will uphold Colorado's ruling.
Trump went to court 60 times, challenging election results and losing 60-0. US courts only rely on law/constitution and facts, not hearsay!
On another note, Fani Willis, Tanya Chuktan, and Jack Smith will bury Trump, and down the road, he will be bankrupt like Rudy when all the lawsuits come down!
Beating 30 counts is hard, but beating 91 is impossible; either way, he slices it, Trump is jail-bound! Raw fucked totally!
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2023, 05:44:07 PM »
Red states react - Utah says there will be no primary 'ballots' but caucuses - to shield Trump from potential bad ruling by SCOTUS.

There is talk of purple Florida and red states barring Biden for allowing criminals & terrorists through the border.

Red states cannot bar Biden; courts will have to do it. There is nowhere in our constitution that says such, but the 14th Amendment is clear, like night and day. I suspect the conservative Supreme Court will uphold Colorado's ruling.
Trump went to court 60 times, challenging election results and losing 60-0. US courts only rely on law/constitution and facts, not hearsay!
On another note, Fani Willis, Tanya Chuktan, and Jack Smith will bury Trump, and down the road, he will be bankrupt like Rudy when all the lawsuits come down!
Beating 30 counts is hard, but beating 91 is impossible; either way, he slices it, Trump is jail-bound! Raw fucked totally!

91 indictments - all that matters is who is the next POTUS. Bankruptcy, jail, etc are pointless if it comes after Nov24. The more the indictments, the more popular Trump becomes even among independents. The polls and donations indicate this.

So I think Trump indictments are BAD for Biden/Dems - and GOOD for Trump.

Colorado ban - yes I agree very likely SCOTUS will uphold the Colorado ban - and the other states with ongoing cases will equally ban him. This will bury him. I also agree the few tit-for-tat cases against Biden will be rejected.

BUT - a very big but - this will not help Biden/Dems. For one Trump's base will be raging red and vengeful - nothing drives turnout better than wrath. For two Trump will likely endorse one of his competitors - it's easy to conceive they all running with this in mind. 👀

Who would a banned Trump endorse?

Chris Christie - the most liberal of the lot - former blue New Jersey governor. He is the least popular of the candidates and has been viciously anti-Trump so I see little chance of an endorsement.

Vivek Ramaswamy - going by his politics he is only a moderate conservative. His Trump-worshipping rhetoric has not yielded anything in fact he is doing worse than before; Nikki Haley has overtaken him and he is only better than Christie. I see little chance of an endorsement from Trump despite the bootlicking.

Ron DeSantis - rockstar governor - under him Florida credit rating has bounced from AA+ to AAA - while the US has slid in the reverse. Republicans took both state legislative houses under DeSantis, and he had 60%+ victory in 2020. He has stuffed the state courts with conservative judges, passed anti-LGBT, anti-migration, anti-China laws. DeSantis is really another Ted Cruz hardline conservative and would struggle to beat Biden. He was almost running mano o' mano with Trump only months ago until Trump accused him of betrayal and started hammering him hard. Now he is distant second at 12%. His chance at Trump endorsement is only better than Christie's.

Nikki Haley - worst warmongering neocon and most rabid Zionist you ever met - she would pour billions of cash and weapons into Zelenskyy, Taiwan, Israel...  Tough as nails too and the kind of persona Trump likes. She has been only mildly critical of him and was one of his big endorsers as South Carolina governor in 2016, then his faithful ambassador to UN. Her polls, cash and endorsements have been soaring now she is head- to- head with DeSantis. I see Trump endorsing Nikki Haley... cause they align on policy and character... God help the world!

Pardon the long insha 🙂 but I don't see Biden's chances as so much greater than Trump's. Nikki Haley would enjoy Trump endorsement and the women's vote.

But hey, a day is a year in politics.

Why Nikki Haley polls better against Joe Biden than Donald Trump does
12/09/2023 07:00 AM
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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2023, 07:19:59 PM »
Red states react - Utah says there will be no primary 'ballots' but caucuses - to shield Trump from potential bad ruling by SCOTUS.

There is talk of purple Florida and red states barring Biden for allowing criminals & terrorists through the border.

Red states cannot bar Biden; courts will have to do it. There is nowhere in our constitution that says such, but the 14th Amendment is clear, like night and day. I suspect the conservative Supreme Court will uphold Colorado's ruling.
Trump went to court 60 times, challenging election results and losing 60-0. US courts only rely on law/constitution and facts, not hearsay!
On another note, Fani Willis, Tanya Chuktan, and Jack Smith will bury Trump, and down the road, he will be bankrupt like Rudy when all the lawsuits come down!
Beating 30 counts is hard, but beating 91 is impossible; either way, he slices it, Trump is jail-bound! Raw fucked totally!

91 indictments - all that matters is who is the next POTUS. Bankruptcy, jail, etc are pointless if it comes after Nov24. The more the indictments, the more popular Trump becomes even among independents. The polls and donations indicate this.

So I think Trump indictments are BAD for Biden/Dems - and GOOD for Trump.

Colorado ban - yes I agree very likely SCOTUS will uphold the Colorado ban - and the other states with ongoing cases will equally ban him. This will bury him. I also agree the few tit-for-tat cases against Biden will be rejected.

BUT - a very big but - this will not help Biden/Dems. For one Trump's base will be raging red and vengeful - nothing drives turnout better than wrath. For two Trump will likely endorse one of his competitors - it's easy to conceive they all running with this in mind. 👀

Who would a banned Trump endorse?

Chris Christie - the most liberal of the lot - former blue New Jersey governor. He is the least popular of the candidates and has been viciously anti-Trump so I see little chance of an endorsement.

Vivek Ramaswamy - going by his politics he is only a moderate conservative. His Trump-worshipping rhetoric has not yielded anything in fact he is doing worse than before; Nikki Haley has overtaken him and he is only better than Christie. I see little chance of an endorsement from Trump despite the bootlicking.

Ron DeSantis - rockstar governor - under him Florida credit rating has bounced from AA+ to AAA - while the US has slid in the reverse. Republicans took both state legislative houses under DeSantis, and he had 60%+ victory in 2020. He has stuffed the state courts with conservative judges, passed anti-LGBT, anti-migration, anti-China laws. DeSantis is really another Ted Cruz hardline conservative and would struggle to beat Biden. He was almost running mano o' mano with Trump only months ago until Trump accused him of betrayal and started hammering him hard. Now he is distant second at 12%. His chance at Trump endorsement is only better than Christie's.

Nikki Haley - worst warmongering neocon and most rabid Zionist you ever met - she would pour billions of cash and weapons into Zelenskyy, Taiwan, Israel...  Tough as nails too and the kind of persona Trump likes. She has been only mildly critical of him and was one of his big endorsers as South Carolina governor in 2016, then his faithful ambassador to UN. Her polls, cash and endorsements have been soaring now she is head- to- head with DeSantis. I see Trump endorsing Nikki Haley... cause they align on policy and character... God help the world!

Pardon the long insha 🙂 but I don't see Biden's chances as so much greater than Trump's. Nikki Haley would enjoy Trump endorsement and the women's vote.

But hey, a day is a year in politics.

Why Nikki Haley polls better against Joe Biden than Donald Trump does
12/09/2023 07:00 AM
As indicated by poll after poll, Trump supporters cannot be transferred, so the idea that one candidate will benefit is invalid. Trump supporters call Nikki Haley the number 2 behind Trump Rag head. They would vote for Biden before voting for an Indian Woman; that is how vile these people are. Trump's base is powerful enough to dominate primary elections but NEVER general elections. 
If the Supreme Court upholds Colorado, you can expect other state Jurisdictions to do the same, and Trump's numbers to 272 become impossible. This is Biden's clear chance to sleepwalk to the White House. Since Trump came into the political limelight, Rethugs has been losing ever since the 2020 and 2022 midterms and will fail again in 2024.
There is no money flowing for Trump to cover his legal liabilities. Lawyers alone make almost 100M a year defending him in all courts. He is also using Money donations for his personal expenses and when all the lawsuits come tumbling down, he will part with millions.
Dominion and Smartmatic are still on the horizon yet to file lawsuits. Rumor has it that they would want over a billion from Trump for lies.
Ruby Freeman and Her daughter, after fucking Rudy 148 million, are preparing for lawsuits for others as well Trump being one of them, for spreading lies. I think Trump will be hit with 400 million, and the two Georgia Ladies may take Trump Tower (I just love America)—a country of laws and facts where anyone who can argue in court wins always.
I saw Crazyhead Rudy Giuliani stuttering lately. I can't believe he will spend his old age in severe poverty! Smartmatic want a billion from him again lol
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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2023, 07:47:44 AM »
RVHH lol - yes Crazy Rudy will die poor and maybe Trump too. I don't pity these crew they are not kids in politics or the law - Rudy is a lawyer, former NYC mayor, POTUS contender. They jumped into the pit with eyes wide open.
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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2023, 06:01:28 PM »
RVHH - ogopa huyu mdame. This thoroughbred is no joke... Trump handlers are scared she could run with it. As Pundit would say: moto ya kuchomea mbali

Trump allies and MAGA luminaries move to kill off the Haley-for-VP buzz
Haley’s rise has prompted speculation she’d be a logical running mate for Trump.

Her rise has caught the attention of the former president, who has recently quizzed people outside his campaign for their impressions of Haley, according to three people familiar with the conversations.

“What do you think of Nikki?” Trump has asked.

Within some conservative circles, there is an emerging belief that Haley’s potential electoral strength — polls show her leading former President Joe Biden nationally and in key battleground states by wide margins — make her a conventional choice to serve as a running mate. Trump allies have moved swiftly to express their concerns that she’s not aligned with his base. And they’ve done so with little subtlety; deploying a full-scale media barrage of anti-Haley attacks.
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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2023, 10:40:05 PM »
Trump is the President come next elections .

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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2023, 02:43:20 AM »
Trump is the President come next elections .
You are a joke!
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2023, 10:08:04 AM »
Noway - not so sure. Voters are fickle. Polls capture the mood for today only.

Main issues are
1. Inflation - seems to be coming down - good for Biden
2. Israel-Hamas - Biden walking tightrope to please his split constituencies. On one hand mzungu want Israel protected - Arab Americans want Palestine protected, bla. It is like Brexit for UK Labor. But 1 year away... angry Muslims & millennials will vote for Biden. He is also cancelling student loans to bribe millennials.

So Noway you see - Trump has to overcome first the legal hurdles, then Biden. My money is on Biden.
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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2023, 10:20:06 AM »
Trump is the President come next elections .
You are a joke!

I agree with RVHH that SCOTUS is very likely to say it's up to individual states to ban or not based on their election laws.

So legal hurdles are BIG headache for Trump. It just takes two or three [big red] or purple states to sink him. I say "big red" because Wyoming 3 votes wouldn't stop him.

PURPLE: Michigan (and deep blue Minnesota) already sided with Trump. Watch out for Arizona and Georgia. North Carolina is also murky water but I haven't seen aggressive attempts to ban him there.

RED: if 29 votes Texas bans him he is kaput literally, case is ongoing. Wyoming with 3 votes is also ongoing.
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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2023, 10:41:46 AM »
Banana republic kinda of tactics. Free fair election Trump wins but knowing what is at stake I think Biden people will steal again. Sad part is what we have witnessed in the last few years when a country is run by people who were not elected by anyone they not answerable to anyone. Biden is not running the show. Obvious.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2024, 10:56:58 AM by patel »

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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2023, 08:41:43 AM »
Deep blue Maine bans Trump from ballot. Trump lawyers say they will run to court... but highly likely court will uphold the decision.
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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2023, 01:23:29 PM »
So you believe Trump's fairy tales?

In 2016 Trump said he can only loose against Hillary Clinton if the votes are stolen. Trump is the only presidential candidate in the US to talk of stolen elections even before the ballot has taken place. Btw, Trump's people filed many lawsuits in 2020. None of them were even heard by the courts due to lack of evidence.

Banana republic kinda of tactics. Free fair election Trump wins but knowing what is at stake I think Biden people will steal again :o. Sad part is what we have witnessed in the last few years when a country is run by people who were never elected by one they not answerable to anyone.

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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2023, 07:57:21 PM »
So you believe Trump's fairy tales?

In 2016 Trump said he can only loose against Hillary Clinton if the votes are stolen. Trump is the only presidential candidate in the US to talk of stolen elections even before the ballot has taken place. Btw, Trump's people filed many lawsuits in 2020. None of them were even heard by the courts due to lack of evidence.

Banana republic kinda of tactics. Free fair election Trump wins but knowing what is at stake I think Biden people will steal again :o. Sad part is what we have witnessed in the last few years when a country is run by people who were never elected by one they not answerable to anyone.
There is one thing Americans got right off the bat in 1776. It cannot be left to illiterate mwananchi, the responsiblity of making the right electoral choices. Hence the electoral college manenos. Zamunda prezy hired slum dwellers to demo on the street in support of taxes to build affordable housing. These are voters but we all know slum dwellers have no salary that can be taxed. Such are the people who will vote in next government when they contribute  ZERO to GDP of Zamunda. So back to Trump, he has nothing to offer. We know that coz he was a one term President. Yet half of Americans never go beyond 4th grade. Why give them the luxury to bring back that idiot who called Africa a sh*thole? It is not about Biden stealing. Elections are only stolen in Third world countries. In developed countries they just look into the law to bar you.

In 2013 Zamunda could have used chapter 6 to bar ICC suspects. The Chief Justice at that time freaked out when he had that option at his disposal. Such are the reasons Zamunda is where it is now.

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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2024, 04:01:42 PM »
Chris "Fat Pig" Christie drops out.. which will benefit Nikki Haley big-time.
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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2024, 04:06:08 PM »
Wednesday CNN debate was dog-fight.. DeSantis is seriously threatened by Haley. While Trump is threatened by both.

Haley-DeSantis clash in Iowa

I wish DeSantis beat Trump in Iowa next Wednesday - or slash Trump victory to be as thin as possible. Haley seem poised to seriously challenge Trump in New Hampshire -- with Trump-hating Christie exit Haley will easily nick it

Then we get a proper race 👀 not the boring Trump-is-king nonsense so far.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2024, 07:50:25 PM »
Wednesday CNN debate was dog-fight.. DeSantis is seriously threatened by Haley. While Trump is threatened by both.

Haley-DeSantis clash in Iowa

I wish DeSantis beat Trump in Iowa next Wednesday - or slash Trump victory to be as thin as possible. Haley seem poised to seriously challenge Trump in New Hampshire -- with Trump-hating Christie exit Haley will easily nick it

Then we get a proper race 👀 not the boring Trump-is-king nonsense so far.
I doubt Trump will be eclipsed by Indian Woman in republican primary, but in the event such happens, most hardcore TRUMP voters will stay or vote Biden instead. To them they don't want anything non-white in leadership.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Colorado bars Trump from running for POTUS
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2024, 03:24:01 AM »
Wednesday CNN debate was dog-fight.. DeSantis is seriously threatened by Haley. While Trump is threatened by both.

Haley-DeSantis clash in Iowa

I wish DeSantis beat Trump in Iowa next Wednesday - or slash Trump victory to be as thin as possible. Haley seem poised to seriously challenge Trump in New Hampshire -- with Trump-hating Christie exit Haley will easily nick it

Then we get a proper race 👀 not the boring Trump-is-king nonsense so far.
I doubt Trump will be eclipsed by Indian Woman in republican primary, but in the event such happens, most hardcore TRUMP voters will stay or vote Biden instead. To them they don't want anything non-white in leadership.

We shall see soon. In 2016 deplorables seemed to follow Ben Carson for a while until Trump kicked him hard. Indian woman could switch her punchlines to appeal to deplorables. Especially if Trump is barred by court and decides to back her.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels