Author Topic: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing  (Read 5556 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Teach me your way masters
Kenya is not for me. Everytime I stay there more that 1 month I want to leave as soon as possible. I am used to maisha nyeeeeweeee hapa yes.

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2024, 08:35:24 AM »
Teach me your way masters
Kenya is not for me. Everytime I stay there more that 1 month I want to leave as soon as possible. I am used to maisha nyeeeeweeee hapa yes.

Njamba ya Ita,

Kwiinya is not half bad.with certain caveats.

This guy is spot on, on most counts. It all boils down to having a very clear plan. Whether Kwiinya will be either paradise or hell is 100% contingent on that.
That being said, one thing about the place is what my rela, who had relocated many years before me, once told me many years before I relocated
He said "you really assume you know Kwiiinya when you visit for hols or even for a few months a year, but you really know nothing. To know the place kabiza kabiza, you need to be on the ground for a MINIMUM OF 2 YEARS nonstop."
I didn't agree with him at the time but I eventually did.

Kwiinya is a strange place.

Corruption is all consuming. Mutunga was right that it's a bandit economy. While majuu you think you know how corrupt the place is lakini haujui kabiza.
Even to get your kid in nursery school kakitu katolewe. In your posh gated community certain underground fees must be paid before you do anything meaningful. And that is before Kanjo and NCA visit for more. Gava is the worst. Absolutely nothing moves without kakitu and I mean NOTHING. The judiciary from top to bottom all live and die at the mercy of currency notes. No person with money ever spends time in any known jail. Grand Mullah once said that it takes a special type of human being to argue a case in court in great detail yet he already knows the judge has been bribed so the case is lost already. That's kwiinya for you. Shiny buildings, middro class in shiny gas guzzling machines, sipping Java or Artcaffe lattes in beautiful balconies, 200k USD homes coming up like child's play and so on, but it is all built on a deep rooted foundation-bed of plain theft and dishonesty. Yet the strange thing is that nobody talks about it! So the visitor or tourist will come and think systems are functioning nywee, not realising it's all a sham. Nobody talks about it though! I think Kwiinyan's who have never left have gotten so used to it that they are resigned to it all and have accepted it as normal.

Again, Kwiinya is a strange place.

If you can get over that bit then Kwiinya is nyweee. Have a plan, invest squaaa well before you arrive hapa for a soft landing. See your relocation as retirement. Self-sustaining and peaceful. The weather can't be matched. The peace of mind too. The social ties run deep. Your kids are not being force-fed gay-trans BS daily in school and can grow up with a sense of culture and identity. Plus so much more.

Also, to add to what this kwuy says regarding being flexible  I would say come knowing that your ideas, goals, plans and values will shift as you age. As human beings we are never static. You may come loving Kanairo, but after 5 years hapo you're craving luxury cabin life amongst goats in Oldonyo Sabuk! When the kids grow up, you and wifey may want to use your US passports to go explore the wahindi festivals in Goa for a few months, or sample bites in Singapore. Those may be the best times of your life, I tells ya. The good thing is labour in Kwiiinya is cheap so you can basically live a king's life full of servants, shamba boys and security people and so on meaning they take care of everything while you're away and of you even more when you return.And all your properties are safe and well manned.

Bottom line, as the guy is basically saying, it takes a certain category of Kwiinyan-American to hack it back in the motherland. Bila plan na resources you are properly screwed and in serious trouble, buddy.

NI hayo tu.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2024, 09:34:11 AM »
Thank you for your detailed reply. I stayed for 90 days last year. I was busy paying kitu kidogo after kidogo. As I grow old and having raised to kids in becomes clear that I will have to love Kenya from a distance. I may just make it a place to come for prolonged respite and then come back here to take care of my grandkids and deal with Akina shanikwas and spanyos..Anyway I am glad you shifted and adopted even  changed your views on having kiddos. I may come there in 2032 and run for a political seat like Mad scientist. Mwaniki died while laying ground work for githunguri seat. My friend stocko didn't even get to see her son after 49 years in Canada as an illegal immigrant. Africans have been thru hell. Stocko exchange was a genius. She had skipped 3 grades in primary and graduated from Uon as one of the youngest graduates. She left my village to go study social science in Canada and she never left Canada. Anyway who knows what the future holds. I try my best to stay healthy and active hoping in can live to my 80s. So I have 35 years to figure out the remaining third of my life

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2024, 12:22:41 PM »
Beautiful and informative thread. Keep it going. Retiring in Kenya is a must.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2024, 01:26:06 PM »
My advice - have passive income hapa kwanza - build yourself an apartment(s)
or buy a few houses - until you can comfortably make say 3,000usd passively.
Dont hope to make money in kenya - it very tough to make money here.
So only come to kenya if you're coming to retire.

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2024, 05:41:56 PM »
invest squaaa

Invest a banana republic? Hapana.

Dont hope to make money in kenya - it very tough to make money here.

This is a good point made here.  I have a couple of friends that moved back and ended up doing very poorly financially. Have returned to the US to visit a few times and could have stayed and just re-started their lives again in America, but they kept going back to kenya and things never got better for them financially. Why are some kenyans so hopeful about their country yet they know the truth?

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2024, 05:43:56 PM »
This guy wuod odidi has a phd and said he still works virtually for some company in the US and supplements his income with agribusiness.  I also believe that he was able to secure his US passport so if things go wrong he can leave.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2024, 09:31:53 PM »
My advice - have passive income hapa kwanza - build yourself an apartment(s)
or buy a few houses - until you can comfortably make say 3,000usd passively.
Dont hope to make money in kenya - it very tough to make money here.
So only come to kenya if you're coming to retire.

I will be at $7k in 5 years but still that is not what I am looking for

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2024, 08:54:43 AM »
invest squaaa

Invest a banana republic? Hapana.

Dont hope to make money in kenya - it very tough to make money here.

This is a good point made here.  I have a couple of friends that moved back and ended up doing very poorly financially. Have returned to the US to visit a few times and could have stayed and just re-started their lives again in America, but they kept going back to kenya and things never got better for them financially. Why are some kenyans so hopeful about their country yet they know the truth?

Please remember that not everyone outside your social circle doesn't know how to invest not just in Kwiinya but worldwide  :D

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2024, 09:30:30 AM »
Thank you for your detailed reply. I stayed for 90 days last year. I was busy paying kitu kidogo after kidogo. As I grow old and having raised to kids in becomes clear that I will have to love Kenya from a distance. I may just make it a place to come for prolonged respite and then come back here to take care of my grandkids and deal with Akina shanikwas and spanyos..Anyway I am glad you shifted and adopted even  changed your views on having kiddos. I may come there in 2032 and run for a political seat like Mad scientist. Mwaniki died while laying ground work for githunguri seat. My friend stocko didn't even get to see her son after 49 years in Canada as an illegal immigrant. Africans have been thru hell. Stocko exchange was a genius. She had skipped 3 grades in primary and graduated from Uon as one of the youngest graduates. She left my village to go study social science in Canada and she never left Canada. Anyway who knows what the future holds. I try my best to stay healthy and active hoping in can live to my 80s. So I have 35 years to figure out the remaining third of my life
I hear you bro. I miss Stocko. Her sense of humor was unmatched. On the RCB submarine days didn't she start out as Nyumba? RIP to her, man.

Life is so short I don't think most understand how short.

If people were told they had 1 year to live would they spend it doing the things they may be doing now? Issabigquestion because kesho is never promised. I remember how I liked walking the always entertaining Venice Beach boardwalk walkuu with the wifey on Summer evenings, ocean smells, bustle of activities from buskers, skateboarders, rollerbladers and all. It amazes me now that all that was over 15 years ago!
Time is a beast, man. It goes like the wind.

This is one of the reasons I relocated. Some very close relas died and I regretted bitterly that I had spent so may years in the Yues doing and chasing things that ultimately do not matter.

Look at our friend Double O. Tichitals kali kali daily that must have taken hours to write, fighting for social justice, democrazy, human rights blah blah blah. Now has been six feet deep for many years and the world is even worse than he left it.  Was it worth it being finywad in Nyati in the 80s then turning into an atheist fuzzy-thinking leftist for the rest of his life. Meanwhile many of his classmates who were smart enough to know that discretion is the better part of valour enjoyed life nywee without al those msukosukos and are still standing doing the same. That's the true measure of intelligence - it's actionable and useful. Not long rambling sheaves of essays of zero consequence to the cosmos. He couldn't even win a ward-chairman seat after he returned to Kwiinya. Isapite. At least his comrade Migush loudly made a small impact.

Kwiinya has really helped me slow dow n and smell life's roses. It's helped me spend valuable time with close family  that I  never would have been able to back in Hamirikwa.

It has also calmed me down from the "hot blood" Lokichokioman who was ready to cyber-slap upside the head any opponent online, Njamlik especially (is he still alive? If yes, I wonder where he is), to a more calm.and reflective version of myself.

Kwiinya has also taught me that there's waaay more to life than money. Money helps but it never makes one happy. Once you move beyond money your sense of happiness, peace and joy in life comes easy. Or at least it did for me.

On another note Kwiinya indeed remains a strange place.

Harlotry is everywhere but hapa it's on a different scale. Prostitution is basically the norm especially now in the swipe left culture. Even in depraved Yues I never saw such blatant harlotry. Girls are cheap and in plenty. Beautiful girls that make the prettiest of the Bonqueshas and Lanquerias look like a bad dishrag. The girls everywhere, even on the streets of Nairobi in broad daylight are always in skin tight mtumba outfits that were discarded to Goodwill from all the stripclubs in the West. Me thinks a general societal decline in morals is the cause even more than poverty as the main cause. Money-worship too. You've seen those Airbnb killings. Wasichanas will do anything to have money. Isapite

 Bottom line, the beauty about life is that we are victims of our own tastes and choices. For some, Yues is paradiso, for others it is shallow and passe for them. Kila nyani na starehe zage. It's pointless to try to convince someone that where I am is better than where they are and vice versa.

As Mike Sonko once said while he was guv; someone.might be at JKIA with stars in their eyes heading abroad while at the exact same time, someone else has just landed after 30 years abroad and is the happiest person on earth to be home

Mimi I thank God for the experiences I've enjoyed in this short life. If I was to write the script of my life before I experienced it, I wouldn't change a single thing. I've enjoyed every single phase of my life beyond belief and pray iendelee until God calls me home.

Ni hayo tu.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2024, 12:50:33 PM »
Torture messed up Double OO mental health. He was trying so much to cope. Those digital essays were a piece of art. He would start with Lula DaSilva of Brazil and end up with Dead Kimathi wa Ciuri. Then there was Ngugi wa Thiongo poetry..dagitari Matemo. Then Kirgit mwenye the kikuyu guy from Boston area..My friend Late Wa Wambui..Njamlik was a serious troll.he tried to troll me but I harrased him till he left online community for good..there wad Dengu from Githunguri but grew up in Nairobi..then there was Mwari wa Mugo married to Lunje poet..Papaf the professor wa agriculture na hydrologist.hydrologic..

Like you said life in Hamelika is fast paced mpaka unasahau watu the last 2 years I had been kenya every year my dad was ailing and passed away last year. I was able to connect with cousins and other relatives I have not seen for over 3 decades. I go so emotional just being around my relatives. At the end of the day family is what matters.

About prostitution in a society with 70% youth unemployment young women will look for men with means to leeches off. I usually Block about 10 girls weekly in my Facebook page. All in my messenger half naked saying hi ..Ile gonorrhea iko kenya may kill a horse. I cannot trust a kenyan woman. I like dealing with African Americans at least the professional ones are just looking for good sex and company. They have their own everything

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2024, 01:41:52 PM »
Pole to learn of your dad death.
Torture messed up Double OO mental health. He was trying so much to cope. Those digital essays were a piece of art. He would start with Lula DaSilva of Brazil and end up with Dead Kimathi wa Ciuri. Then there was Ngugi wa Thiongo poetry..dagitari Matemo. Then Kirgit mwenye the kikuyu guy from Boston area..My friend Late Wa Wambui..Njamlik was a serious troll.he tried to troll me but I harrased him till he left online community for good..there wad Dengu from Githunguri but grew up in Nairobi..then there was Mwari wa Mugo married to Lunje poet..Papaf the professor wa agriculture na hydrologist.hydrologic..

Like you said life in Hamelika is fast paced mpaka unasahau watu the last 2 years I had been kenya every year my dad was ailing and passed away last year. I was able to connect with cousins and other relatives I have not seen for over 3 decades. I go so emotional just being around my relatives. At the end of the day family is what matters.

About prostitution in a society with 70% youth unemployment young women will look for men with means to leeches off. I usually Block about 10 girls weekly in my Facebook page. All in my messenger half naked saying hi ..Ile gonorrhea iko kenya may kill a horse. I cannot trust a kenyan woman. I like dealing with African Americans at least the professional ones are just looking for good sex and company. They have their own everything

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2024, 02:26:22 PM »
This boils down to the philosophical question of what is the purpose of life?  Aren't we all choosing what to finya us? You build the rentals, you have to be woken up by caretakers and tenants after fighting fundis.

Finding people you can spend quality time with, in distorted capitalistic societies who add value or you share a vision is nearly impossible. This is the greatest struggle especially once old age and disease vulnerability knocks, you have to have people who can put in some commitment selflessly ju hata ukiwa na pesa you will end like Kirima or Ritho. Heck Njiru claims even senile Jomo and Moi were neglected and misused.

So when you can effortlessly punch the essays, it could be equally fulfilling like chasing the dollar, women, alcohol, family slavery.

Issue is in all addictions, we never notice when it becomes outright self destruction.

Look at our friend Double O. Tichitals kali kali daily that must have taken hours to write, fighting for social justice, democrazy, human rights blah blah blah. Now has been six feet deep for many years and the world is even worse than he left it.  Was it worth it being finywad in Nyati in the 80s then turning into an atheist fuzzy-thinking leftist for the rest of his life. Meanwhile many of his classmates who were smart enough to know that discretion is the better part of valour enjoyed life nywee without al those msukosukos and are still standing doing the same. That's the true measure of intelligence - it's actionable and useful. Not long rambling sheaves of essays of zero consequence to the cosmos. He couldn't even win a ward-chairman seat after he returned to Kwiinya. Isapite. At least his comrade Migush loudly made a small impact.

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2024, 04:23:40 PM »
Pole to learn of your dad death.
Torture messed up Double OO mental health. He was trying so much to cope. Those digital essays were a piece of art. He would start with Lula DaSilva of Brazil and end up with Dead Kimathi wa Ciuri. Then there was Ngugi wa Thiongo poetry..dagitari Matemo. Then Kirgit mwenye the kikuyu guy from Boston area..My friend Late Wa Wambui..Njamlik was a serious troll.he tried to troll me but I harrased him till he left online community for good..there wad Dengu from Githunguri but grew up in Nairobi..then there was Mwari wa Mugo married to Lunje poet..Papaf the professor wa agriculture na hydrologist.hydrologic..

Like you said life in Hamelika is fast paced mpaka unasahau watu the last 2 years I had been kenya every year my dad was ailing and passed away last year. I was able to connect with cousins and other relatives I have not seen for over 3 decades. I go so emotional just being around my relatives. At the end of the day family is what matters.

About prostitution in a society with 70% youth unemployment young women will look for men with means to leeches off. I usually Block about 10 girls weekly in my Facebook page. All in my messenger half naked saying hi ..Ile gonorrhea iko kenya may kill a horse. I cannot trust a kenyan woman. I like dealing with African Americans at least the professional ones are just looking for good sex and company. They have their own everything

Thanks. He lived a full life. Died at 85 years. My dad was a great productive man. If we can clone him Kenya would be fully developed by 2030

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2024, 10:14:58 PM »
Excellent Kenya plato. You're fortunate to have such a great man in your life n I know you will cherish his memories

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2024, 01:03:45 AM »
Kenya ni moto unaotea mbali at least for now, nothing seem to be working and everyone is crying. It’s hard after living in the USA to be surrounded by such misery, corruption and chaos. I have always planned my retirement to be between Kenya and USA, three months in Kenya, which can get monotonous and rest of the time in USA and traveling. If you are young, do not complain about chasing money in the USA , that’s how the world works and the USA is the best and the easiest place for a black man to make some money.

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2024, 05:47:34 AM »
Torture messed up Double OO mental health. He was trying so much to cope. Those digital essays were a piece of art. He would start with Lula DaSilva of Brazil and end up with Dead Kimathi wa Ciuri. Then there was Ngugi wa Thiongo poetry..dagitari Matemo. Then Kirgit mwenye the kikuyu guy from Boston area..My friend Late Wa Wambui..Njamlik was a serious troll.he tried to troll me but I harrased him till he left online community for good..there wad Dengu from Githunguri but grew up in Nairobi..then there was Mwari wa Mugo married to Lunje poet..Papaf the professor wa agriculture na hydrologist.hydrologic..

Like you said life in Hamelika is fast paced mpaka unasahau watu the last 2 years I had been kenya every year my dad was ailing and passed away last year. I was able to connect with cousins and other relatives I have not seen for over 3 decades. I go so emotional just being around my relatives. At the end of the day family is what matters.

About prostitution in a society with 70% youth unemployment young women will look for men with means to leeches off. I usually Block about 10 girls weekly in my Facebook page. All in my messenger half naked saying hi ..Ile gonorrhea iko kenya may kill a horse. I cannot trust a kenyan woman. I like dealing with African Americans at least the professional ones are just looking for good sex and company. They have their own everything

Those long, winding Double O tichitals were epic :roll:

Don't forget how he would name drop the so-called liberation heros. The Kamoji Wachiras.. the Makhan Singhs.... the Micere Mugos..  the Edward Oyugis ... the Willy Mutungas...the...

That was years before Mutunga became CJ. After the gay Mutunga's ascension, he did absolutely zero for Kwiinya except tell us Kwiinya is a bandit economy - which it is.  That's how these Nyati house graduate activists roll. Big talk, near-zero impact. Perhaps you are right. They were so traumatized in those jails and torture chambers that they came out with a warped sense of reality that they could actually change a world in which there is nothing new under the sun - it never changes meaningfully for long.

Double O was very interesting when we "mealy-mouthed urchins" as he called us, clipped at his heels for the fun of it.
He had an elephantine temper too. Sasa sisi ni wazee wa kijiji soon to have grandkids, while dubula dubula is long gone.

Time is something else.

Pole on the loss of your dad. I have lost many very close relas too. I couldn't have put it better; at the end of the day family is what matters.

Speaking of strange Kwiinya, I was reading the hard copy of the Daily Nation jana. On the cover was a jamaa with a huge beaming smile. The chap in the payroll department of Equity bank is accused of squirreling 1.5 billion kshs squirreluuu in 47 transactions to different newly opened mysterious company accounts in different Kwiinyan banks.

The guy went on leave for a few days and his credentials were used to access the payroll accounts to do the transactions transuu. Hooded CID fellows arrested him and his dad. Strangely, there's no mention of who the people are that withdrew those huge sums from those various company accounts.

I bet you this was a brilliantly executed heist by all parties. The guy got his cut, the corresponding banks got their cut, the CID guys got their cut, and best of all, Ikwiti gets its money refunded via fraud insurance. The public watches sijui CID with AK-47s pretending to investigate, thinking something meaningful is happening to recover what's lost.

As soon as the focus moves on to the next big scandal, after a few weeks, the story is quickly forgotten and all the parties participant in the heist are busy buying tinted (always) 2024 Landcruisers while farting big in the beautiful huge bathrooms of their triple storey mega-mansions complete with sojas at the gate and electric wire fencing that could roast even an intruding leopard into dust in two seconds.

On the page right next to it, the paper reported that KSH 69 billion was lost to a palm oil import tax evasion scheme. That's Kwiinya for you.

It's a country full of brilliant people. At stealing. If they used all these smarts to actually make an honest living and build industries through sweat, imagine what a paradise we would be.

Fairandbalanced you're wrong. The easiest place for a black man to make money is Kwiinya. I was shocked the other day to see one of my high school comrades being vetted for a huge position in gava. Number one, he featured nowhere academically back then. Number two, his CV did not add up. No known currently running businesses, a long string of past failed tiny ventures, hata in employeeship - the easiest of all - he didn't hack it. His net-worth admitted during the vetting? Almost a B after working for a parastatal for a few months. That's Kwiinya for you.

Kwiinya is the only place where an illiterate like Livondo or one like Sonko can become a billionaire in a week, while heavily degreed, tichital-spewing academics die with zero. Isapite. By the way Livondo was also in that same paper over some multi-billion Zambian military scam.

Jipange folks. Make your money honestly while young, then come enjoy it with your family in Kwiinya if your dream is to retire here. As Moi used to say; "watu wanapiga kelele wakilalamiga oo oo lagini masiku zinagwenda!" He too is also six feet under. Life is very short, buddies.

Ni hayo tu.

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2024, 06:23:36 AM »
This boils down to the philosophical question of what is the purpose of life?  Aren't we all choosing what to finya us? You build the rentals, you have to be woken up by caretakers and tenants after fighting fundis.

Finding people you can spend quality time with, in distorted capitalistic societies who add value or you share a vision is nearly impossible. This is the greatest struggle especially once old age and disease vulnerability knocks, you have to have people who can put in some commitment selflessly ju hata ukiwa na pesa you will end like Kirima or Ritho. Heck Njiru claims even senile Jomo and Moi were neglected and misused.

So when you can effortlessly punch the essays, it could be equally fulfilling like chasing the dollar, women, alcohol, family slavery.

Issue is in all addictions, we never notice when it becomes outright self destruction.

Look at our friend Double O. Tichitals kali kali daily that must have taken hours to write, fighting for social justice, democrazy, human rights blah blah blah. Now has been six feet deep for many years and the world is even worse than he left it.  Was it worth it being finywad in Nyati in the 80s then turning into an atheist fuzzy-thinking leftist for the rest of his life. Meanwhile many of his classmates who were smart enough to know that discretion is the better part of valour enjoyed life nywee without al those msukosukos and are still standing doing the same. That's the true measure of intelligence - it's actionable and useful. Not long rambling sheaves of essays of zero consequence to the cosmos. He couldn't even win a ward-chairman seat after he returned to Kwiinya. Isapite. At least his comrade Migush loudly made a small impact.

I don't think dubula was fulfilled doing that. In fact he became even more frustrated when nothing was changing in Kwiinya despite the revolutionary essays to the tiny set of online comrades. Nobody outside the diaspora blogsphere even remembered who he was after decades in exile. But as I said; kila nyani na starehe zake, we all live with the life choices we make 

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2024, 01:31:54 AM »
How do landlords get fulfilled locking tenants' doors with women and kids wailing? Filling auction pages on gazeti? Ufool is frustrated breaks have been put on his stealing? Trump wailing? Are diathifola Kwinyans more fulfilled than Trump??

OO spirits must be beating drums with Gen Zii awakening. Issa process.

The eternal struggle is living with choices others make. I elect globalist wannabe, he fucks hasoras and goes for baba who wanted him hanged, I have to weka kwa roho and wait for him with my vote.

This boils down to the philosophical question of what is the purpose of life?  Aren't we all choosing what to finya us? You build the rentals, you have to be woken up by caretakers and tenants after fighting fundis.

Finding people you can spend quality time with, in distorted capitalistic societies who add value or you share a vision is nearly impossible. This is the greatest struggle especially once old age and disease vulnerability knocks, you have to have people who can put in some commitment selflessly ju hata ukiwa na pesa you will end like Kirima or Ritho. Heck Njiru claims even senile Jomo and Moi were neglected and misused.

So when you can effortlessly punch the essays, it could be equally fulfilling like chasing the dollar, women, alcohol, family slavery.

Issue is in all addictions, we never notice when it becomes outright self destruction.
OO spirit is proud of Gen Zii protests.

Look at our friend Double O. Tichitals kali kali daily that must have taken hours to write, fighting for social justice, democrazy, human rights blah blah blah. Now has been six feet deep for many years and the world is even worse than he left it.  Was it worth it being finywad in Nyati in the 80s then turning into an atheist fuzzy-thinking leftist for the rest of his life. Meanwhile many of his classmates who were smart enough to know that discretion is the better part of valour enjoyed life nywee without al those msukosukos and are still standing doing the same. That's the true measure of intelligence - it's actionable and useful. Not long rambling sheaves of essays of zero consequence to the cosmos. He couldn't even win a ward-chairman seat after he returned to Kwiinya. Isapite. At least his comrade Migush loudly made a small impact.

I don't think dubula was fulfilled doing that. In fact he became even more frustrated when nothing was changing in Kwiinya despite the revolutionary essays to the tiny set of online comrades. Nobody outside the diaspora blogsphere even remembered who he was after decades in exile. But as I said; kila nyani na starehe zake, we all live with the life choices we make 
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

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Re: Oldie and 5thgl are the only diathifora relocatees..still standing
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2024, 11:15:35 AM »
How do landlords get fulfilled locking tenants' doors with women and kids wailing? Filling auction pages on gazeti? Ufool is frustrated breaks have been put on his stealing? Trump wailing? Are diathifola Kwinyans more fulfilled than Trump??

OO spirits must be beating drums with Gen Zii awakening. Issa process.

The eternal struggle is living with choices others make. I elect globalist wannabe, he fucks hasoras and goes for baba who wanted him hanged, I have to weka kwa roho and wait for him with my vote.

Keep hope alive blathee :roll:
The more you keep hoping things will change the worse they will get.
The eternal struggle has been there since the apple in Eden. What has changed?


It never will. Focus on taking care of yourself and your family otherwise you will keep gnashing teeth over worthless siasa for another few decades then kick the bucket with regrets minki minki.

Which country on earth has ever changed fundamentally and SUSTAINABLY for the better since God created the earth?

Ni hayo tu