Author Topic: Has anyone competed in dog agility comps?  (Read 1307 times)

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Has anyone competed in dog agility comps?
« on: October 11, 2020, 04:48:13 PM »
My little one whom was supposed to live in my handbag as a source of companion is extremely active and prefers to stay outside in the yard all day. The puppy school trainer noted his talent and has encouraged him to compete in shows. So I bought him an agility kit and fck he was born to run with the wind. I kid you not he's like this:

Every morning jumps onto my shoulder like a monkey, runs around me, wines about me sitting too much, runs like a rabbit whenever we go out. Given I'm becoming a fattish lawyer in the making, imagine a piece of ugali flying in the wind attached to a sumo wrestler huffing and puffing practing out loud the elements of murder for upcoming crim exam.

I want the best for my little one so am willing to go to the ends of the earth to make his dreams come true.

I'm obviously new to the agility circuit, his trainer has introduced me to basics like clickers, Pavlov theories etc.

Has anyone competed in agility comps?