Author Topic: Nudged his ab-rock solid-hmoly  (Read 1013 times)

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Nudged his ab-rock solid-hmoly
« on: March 17, 2015, 09:14:25 AM »
On the plane. I was seated next to a military guy, front and back on the plane, 4 in total.. I think. They were big burly guys ! The military guy next to me sat down and slept the whole time in a sitting position. I swear he had one eye on me even though his eyes were closed. Actually I didn't know he and his buddies were in the military until a passenger close by remarked about his tattoos and enquired where he was stationed. The guy first denied but the passenger insisted so he admitted he was retired or something. During the flight I needed to pee so I nudged his ab and thought holy moly ! His abs were like rocks. He didn't budge like a statue so I jumped over him.  :D his buddy in front had one open eye on me while I flipped over his head. On the way back I accidentally hit his head with my foot while jumping but my goly he still didn't budge !  :D