Author Topic: Standards of Conduct - subject to the council's approval  (Read 3999 times)

Offline veritas

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Standards of Conduct - subject to the council's approval
« on: January 04, 2015, 12:52:44 AM »
I came up with a few rules, now we can debate what to add, amend or delete.

Policy on use:
All members should adhere to a common code of conduct while using this social media: Members would refrain from:

Posting offensive avatars that is aimed at provoking or hurting a group, or a member of any group, whether participating on this forum or not;
Defamatory, malicious, obscene, intimidating, discriminatory, harassing or threatening comments or hate propaganda;

Obscenities at a group of people.

Calls to violence of any kind;
Activity that violates any law or regulation;

Attempts to target Followers to offer goods or services, of either a commercial or private nature;

Spam directed at Nipate or any of Nipate Followers, including any form of automatically generated content or repeatedly posting the same content;

Any potential infringement upon any intellectual property rights, including but not limited to, brand names, trade names, logos, copyrights or trade secrets of any person, business or place;

Other content deemed to be off-topic or to disrupt the purposes of the channel, its Followers, and its sense of community and acceptance; and

Content posted by fake or anonymous users.

Any posting of child-pornography, whether intentionally or unintentional.

Any posting of revenge pornography, whether intentional or unintentional.