Author Topic: What a beautiful day this monday - Kenyatta trees being chopped down  (Read 744 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What a beautiful day this monday - Kenyatta trees being chopped down
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2023, 01:13:10 PM »
Now all over Kenya - people should similarly do this

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What a beautiful day this monday - Kenyatta trees being chopped down
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2023, 01:14:24 PM »
Rigathi GACHAUA you're the GUY.  Let this be start of what Angola did to their corrupt dictator family until they run abroad and in exile never to show up


Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What a beautiful day this monday - Kenyatta trees being chopped down
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2023, 01:19:22 PM »
The rubbicon river has been crossed.
From now there is no turning back.

Kenyattas should have reduced alcohol after losing power and gone silent like Mois.

They are now going to become bankrupt - because no way gov can stop here.

They have to go full scale.

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Re: What a beautiful day this monday - Kenyatta trees being chopped down
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2023, 01:44:50 PM »
Wow!!  Kaende Kaende!!
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What a beautiful day this monday - Kenyatta trees being chopped down
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2023, 06:34:36 PM »
It indeed a great day - the start of taking war directly to dynasties

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: What a beautiful day this monday - Kenyatta trees being chopped down
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2023, 05:46:20 AM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What a beautiful day this monday - Kenyatta trees being chopped down
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2023, 05:55:13 AM »
spectre was touched.tell us more properties he own.nobody is afraid of stones. Guns and swords maybe. You think people are afraid of stupid goons throwing stones.Thursday I hope this continues. We need to go for more kenyattas n mois stolen loot nationally. They one to seek peace

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Re: What a beautiful day this monday - Kenyatta trees being chopped down
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2023, 10:08:07 AM »
As I said hii ghitu ni better than Netflix and Afrosinema combined. In a strange way Laira's mahandamanos are actually helping. Uhunye and Mama Ngina CANNOT account for even a single inch of their hundreds of thousands of acres of land acquired before 1978, starting with Gicheha farm in Sobea, Naks. Pandora's papers manenos hajanjibu bado kapsaaaaaaaa to date. The Moi's are even worse!  In Kwiinya almost all billionares looted from gava at one point or another and cannot explain their wealth convincingly. As long as peace prevails long term Kwiinya might never be the same again  :D. More popcorn and kahawa please :roll:!