
Forum => Kenya Discussion => Topic started by: kneegrow04 on January 10, 2024, 05:02:14 PM

Title: EACC Should Investigate ABILA SACCO in Kisumu, Arrest and Charge the Directors
Post by: kneegrow04 on January 10, 2024, 05:02:14 PM
The Sacco is dead yet the four directors are dead silent on the issue. They chewed millions of savings from hard working mama mbogas. The office used to be at Swan Centre. It is closed. Zero communication from the four female directors. Eacc and DCI should move in fast and help those who have lost money in this Abila pyramid scheme.
Title: Re: EACC Should Investigate ABILA SACCO in Kisumu, Arrest and Charge the Directors
Post by: RV Heavy Hitter! on January 10, 2024, 11:53:43 PM
The Sacco is dead yet the four directors are dead silent on the issue. They chewed millions of savings from hard working mama mbogas. The office used to be at Swan Centre. It is closed. Zero communication from the four female directors. Eacc and DCI should move in fast and help those who have lost money in this Abila pyramid scheme.
That is the main problem in Kenya. Leaders have serious integrity issues, but regular citizens are much worse. They start scheming and stealing everything if you give them any positions, whether to run a Sacco, school, or anything. Economic transformation in Kenya is challenging, I think until most things are digitized with trackable digital trails, so it can be easier to nail these bastards.
Title: Re: EACC Should Investigate ABILA SACCO in Kisumu, Arrest and Charge the Directors
Post by: kneegrow04 on January 13, 2024, 08:02:05 PM
seems like Eacc is only interested in cases political. hustlers have lost big to the four con_women who founded Abila