Forum > Controversial

Uchumi na Uchawi

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These car thiefs were 'caught' using witchcraft and severely punished. They not only returned the ride, but they did so naked 'wearing' a live snake. They was made to wash the ride using muddy water and as they did so they drank the muddy water plus detergent...all this while smiling.

Apologies for baring their genitalia, trust me this is no pornfest, nor am I Porn-again.

If witchcraft can be such a deterrence to vice, I'd expect high witchcraft activity regions to really thrive economically seems witchcraft thrives in the poorer regions. Sielewi

Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants:
The African mind continues to fascinate.  It provides our best opportunity for peeking straight into the ancient human mind.  Not many places left on earth where people freely engage and revere witchcraft.

Huku ni wapi? And were they caught stealing through witchcraft and then punished through witchcraft or were they caught using witchcraft? Your post is confusing. Who's making them lift their legs like that to expose themselves? The crowd or witchcraft?


--- Quote from: Kadame7 on September 06, 2017, 01:25:15 PM ---Huku ni wapi? And were they caught stealing through witchcraft and then punished through witchcraft or were they caught using witchcraft? Your post is confusing. Who's making them lift their legs like that to expose themselves? The crowd or witchcraft?

--- End quote ---

Bamburi if I'm not mistaken.

Witchcraft made them return the ride but the owner wanted more; he made them wash the ride with muddy water and detergent,and also made them drink the water....all this while purely naked.

The snake was sent to catch them,it did its job and they came back with it.

Lol! If only we could send those snakes to fetch electoral criminals, no one would deliberately mess with elections again. The idea you would be in pics like these shared widely would be the best deterent, wacha jail terms. :D

I am inclined to disbelieve this but those 'poses' by those boys without any sign of guns or machetes or rungus or stones/rocks around give me pause.  :o But they could also be insane.


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