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Bonny will never represent peace loving majority kenyans.

He can represent slum thugs.
Kenya Discussion / Re: Ruto loses Kilifi Votes like that …..
« Last post by RV Pundit on Today at 09:43:45 AM »
ODM and Raila took MOi's KANU
RVs and coast were in original KADU alliance.
They had similar issues - Land theft by bigger tribes.
Major issues - Majimbo - smaller tribes fearing domination from bigger tribes - Kikuyu/Luos mainly.
Ngala was to President - Moi the VP.

Jomo buys off KADU - makes Moi VP and ngala minister - Ngala dies in 1970s.

Ngala dies - Moi takes the son.
Moi lied to coast that Ngala was going to become president.
Ngala was one four KANU vice chairmen.
He betrayed them in 2002 - in most callous way - by going to Kikuyu in 360 - and Coast went with Narc.
Karisa Maitha became powerful and inherited Ngala - but shortly died.

Then ODM/Raila - entered coast - by making it manifesto MAJIMBO.
Coast love Majimbo - or kenya sio Pwani.

Obviously Ruto has tried to fight tooth and nail for COAST - but as long as he is BED WITH KIKUYUS
He struggle in the coast.
At one point - he even told coast people to let go of fighting Kikuyus kwanza - until we get leadership

Now he is making huge progress.
Amos Kingi, Joho, Mvurya and current governor of Kwale, Aisha - are all with Ruto.
MaDVD has Lamu governor.
Taita taveta is Ruto home - but he needs to do something there -

So Ruto is wrapping coast - while still with Mt kenya - he he falls out with Kikuyus like its looking - he will be popular in Coast.

Do you know Ruto was really disappointed by his 2022 performance in Kilifi and Kwale ? Why do you rever KANU times . Ruto is not Moi . You cant imagine how much he is disliked . Come 2027 thats when you will realize.
Do you have Rutos 2022 perfomance in Coast ?
These young people should start holding huge rallies in counties to show their power, spread their message and build networks. They should of course expect corrupt county governors and governments to deny them licenses and send goons. Corruption is vicious and will fight back but do not be deterred. The campaign should be nonstop and relentless.
Kenya Discussion / Orengo-->Raila
« Last post by Githunguri on Today at 08:03:37 AM »

Dr. Miguna Miguna
Did Senior Counsel,
, say conman
 is a castrated bull (Owili Gom) who turns when asked? I laughed until my tummy hurts. We have cornered conmen, looters, murderers and incompetent cabals.

Focus should be from president to MCA.I hope international organizations start funding County based organizations to devolve the fight against impunity.We need to enable civil activists in the grassroots.
Kenya Discussion / Re: Demented Trump shitting bricks
« Last post by Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on Today at 06:00:55 AM »
To win PA, a Dem needs high turnouts in the Philly metro, and  Allegheny County.  Hillary failed to drive turnout, especially in Philly.
Kenya Discussion / Ruto and Rachel are thugs. Carbon credits heist
« Last post by KenyanPlato on Today at 05:48:05 AM »
Kenya Discussion / Re: Demented Trump shitting bricks
« Last post by RV Heavy Hitter! on Today at 04:49:56 AM »
I live in Pa n believe trumps was not winning it with Biden n will lose it further with Harris
Yes, I see PA is almost turning to NY,MD, DC, DE, NJ,CT and the entire North East. In California, as long as you secure a Democrat nomination on statewide election, you are automatically the winner. On Presidential votes, Kamala will likely get 14 million and Trump will be lucky to get 5 million!
Kenya Discussion / Re: Demented Trump shitting bricks
« Last post by Georgesoros on Today at 04:12:06 AM »
I live in Pa n believe trumps was not winning it with Biden n will lose it further with Harris
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