Author Topic: Question for net zero 2050 enthusiasts- pundit, audacityhope, soros, rvhh et als  (Read 17810 times)

Offline Fairandbalanced

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I looked at Ruto the other day, he looks bad. We are looking at his parents bad decisions. His mother could not shape his head. His head looks like the map of Africa. This is our curse, low expectations.

Offline RV Kirgit

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Would an occasional blackout help solve climate change?

What�s more important: Keeping the lights on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, or solving the climate crisis?

It�s a highly technical dispute. But it�s part of a larger conversation about how much blackout risk we consider acceptable in modern society � and whether our expectations should evolve in the name of preventing climate catastrophe.

It's finally happening in kenya.... Sacrificing the economy at the alter of climate change religion.

The only thing that can explain what happening is high probably we are living in clown Apocalypse times.

Offline RV Kirgit

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Now scientists say BREATHING is bad for the environment: Gases we exhale contribute to 0.1% of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions

The new study was led by Dr Nicholas Cowan, an atmospheric physicist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Edinburgh.

'Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming,' Dr Cowan and colleagues say.

'We would urge caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible.'

As most of us remember from science classes at school, humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

When we inhale, air enters the lungs, and oxygen from that air moves to the blood, while carbon dioxide (CO2), a waste gas, moves from the blood to the lungs and is breathed out.

With plants, it is the other way round; plants use CO2 to create oxygen as a by-product (the process known as photosynthesis).

Every person breathes out CO2 when they exhale, but in their new study, the researchers focused on methane and nitrous oxide.

These two are both powerful greenhouse gases, but because they're breathed out in much smaller quantities, their contribution to global warming may have been overlooked.

Offline RV Kirgit

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Offline RV Kirgit

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Offline RV Kirgit

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Offline RV Kirgit

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Invalid Tweet ID

Offline RV Kirgit

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Chinese have captured the ev market. The West literally score own goal by ev migration

Offline RV Kirgit

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Look like Bill vaccine does not support planting trees. Calls Ruto trees anti-science

Offline RV Kirgit

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Offline RV Kirgit

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Look like Darwinian politics has landed CBK Kenya

Offline RV Kirgit

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More Darwinian extinction politics. Are these part of Ruto recent USA deals?

Offline RV Kirgit

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Offline RV Kirgit

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Offline RV Kirgit

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Offline RV Kirgit

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Look like Trump will decisively deal with climate hoaxters, including Ruto.

I recall Ruto got climate change scam "scientist" at statehouse and he employed a Dutch climate doomster as Nairobi university Chancellor.

Offline RV Kirgit

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This must be the same Ruto concoction he want to vaccinate Kenya cows next year!

Offline RV Kirgit

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